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Everything posted by SOTONS EAST SIDE

  1. This reply made me cry,with absolute hilarity: pompeystu74: alfonso...... you do make me chuckle?????? i do run a business!!!! one that takes over £1million pound a week.... so don't quote me on how to run a business!!!! so one thing am not is stupid!!!!! far from it with a degree!!!! WHAT A TOOL,AND A FOOL!
  2. Looks like either Yeovil or Brenford will escape having to ,lower themselves to playing that s-hit.
  3. Crap effort, but recent matches have shown. A decline in my eyes anyway. Fox not playing again, can only be a good thing. don't let the door hit your a-rse on the way out Danny!! Ramirez looks like he wants away. Maybe he'll get his wish!!
  4. And so the Gravy train begins!!!
  5. Ferk me Meridian are so anal. Not even a mention of poopeys relegation. Lol
  7. I can see the open top bus tour now!! TIME TO CELEBRATE!!! We have made it to league 2... PMSL
  8. Guly is Brazillian A Saints player would never leave in the middle of a game. To have a sh-it.
  9. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1604912-southampton-the-rising-stars-of-european-football
  10. Anything PC Polish moaning about being here! Well Ferk off then. Management speak (bu-ll****) Diesel costing more than Petrol. BFS Smartphone batteries People indicating left when going straight on in Bullar road. Just ****es me off!!! Apple fanboys!! The Peoples Republic of Poortsea lol
  11. Same here Clarkie. I use the superdud in router mode only and run everything through my Netgear Dual Band wifi gigabit setup. I'm on 60mb, but got a just over a 1000kbs on a download the other day, compared to 68kbs i got with Talksh=ittalk.
  12. the video news item headline: PORTSMOUTH BEGGARS told they face arrest !! LOL
  13. Ferk me those Poopey boys idea of transparency , is as clear as a bog divers vision. I'd rather waste £1k on a bet for their next admin. lol
  14. Your correct Swanny. It's just the insulation rubbing on the supercharger, were the under bonnet sound deadening, is hanging down. Ok
  15. Are you sure this is position 54 in the Karma sutra!!
  16. I saw blue, and thought it was Poopey.F-UCK EM i thought, so sorry Mr relegated Reading player!!
  17. Get in!!! Sorry Nig. But a win over a 2nd rate team and fans,with a 1st rate manager.
  18. http://www.debretts.com/people/biographies/browse/s/6325/Anthony+Michael.aspx
  19. I think Arry's 14 points to stay up from the last 23. Is some what optimistic!!!!!
  20. I don't think MP will buy at home, he will forage in Spain or Italy mainly.
  21. RAFA! The doors that way!!!
  22. Get innnnnnnnnnnnnn lambo!!!!
  23. Arsenal 1-0 up.!!
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