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Everything posted by kevdoh

  1. Romeu has to be the most underrated player in the league. He's immense. If he had a shot on him he would literally be the full package. So good on the ball in tight spaces I think he's probably in my top 5 favourite players of all time. I think he should be able to walk into any team I'm glad he doesn't get the recognition he should gwt
  2. Stephens is decent 95% of the time it's the odd brain fart that lets him down. Love how he takes no bs off the so called bigger players. It's what you need sometimes. Think it was Fernandes last season he ripped into and made him look like a naughty school boy getting told off
  3. I think small was unfortunate he was chucked in with that side around him. I mean you can sometimes carry one of Walcott or long to a certain extent, but both of them starting is never going to go well. Walcott in particular is a complete fraud of a player nowadays. Should be nowhere near a prem squad
  4. kevdoh


    Works in the way that whatever is spread on the mainstream news is what they've been told to spread. What the agenda is who knows but there is clearly one
  5. kevdoh


    All the statistics are pointless. Numbers can be manipulated however they want and whenever they want to suit
  6. kevdoh


    The worst is that Hilary Jones on ITV i think. What a scaremongering little weasel he is. A puppet controlled by the government strings
  7. kevdoh


    Vaccines that have had years and years of testing by companies that have paid out millions in compensation when it goes wrong despite the years of testing and research. This vaccine has been knocked out in months with no chance of compensation. Why would anybody do that in a normal world. So much brain washing going on that common sense has long gone. But Boris and his goons say jump and most of you gobble up his shite. And anyone that has a different opinion is an anti vaxxer conspiracy loon 🤣
  8. kevdoh


    You can't randomly cough nowadays without people looking at you like you have the plague
  9. kevdoh


    Has there ever been an illness that you have to keep testing yourself to check you're ill even though you're not ill? But people do. It's bizarre
  10. kevdoh


    Your argument is one big gaping hole that I'm getting tired of hearing. Bore off. Don't want to be missing that all important news bulletin that could save your life
  11. kevdoh


    Are you familiar with the term "basic human rights" ? And "you can't educate pork" ?
  12. kevdoh


    What's so hard to understand? Every death no matter the cause before vaccines was put down as covid even though the average death rates were in the range they should be but all the cancer, heart attack etc were at an all time low. Now death rates are higher despite the vaccines because the vaccines are causing illness and death. As I say if you actually believe the people feeding you this shite give a toss about your health and well being then carry on. Because they don't. They're not locking down the country because they're worried about people catching a cold. It's a corrupt world and it's scary how many people trust these people even more so now
  13. kevdoh


    The death rate is a hell of a lot higher since all the 'vaccines'. But those deaths are reported as covid deaths not vaccine deaths as opposed to when every death no matter if it was cancer or heart attack or hit by a bus was a covid death. It's all manipulation of numbers to suit the narrative
  14. kevdoh


    Are you trying to make a case for pharmaceutical companies being good guys and not rinsing every penny they can get? If you are then there's no helping you I'm afraid
  15. kevdoh


    Could be a martian variant. Someone breaks into area 51 without a mask and all hell breaks loose
  16. kevdoh


    What about all the scientists that are are not allowed their view in the mainstream because it doesn't fit in with the agenda? What about all the protests around the world that aren't shown because it doesn't fit in with the government controlled media agenda?
  17. kevdoh


    When will the jabs end? Anyone would think the pharmaceutical companies are making billions but that's ridiculous they're obviously just in it for the people
  18. kevdoh


    Oh God, another one that thinks a piece of material on their face is saving lives
  19. kevdoh


    Sweepstakes on when the next 'variant' appears and it's nationality? Fucking hell until people start standing up for their rights and not believing the shite they are fed we have no hope. Boris and his garden full of cheese and wine drinkers while the country's locked down still won't make some people think twice. They are taking the piss out of everybody. I wouldn't let that poison jab near any of my kids and I bet Boris and his cronies haven't let it anywhere near them either
  20. kevdoh


    No not the only one. But the only hope is the other people that can other than cunts like you lapping up the BBC news . The same BBC that covered up peados for decades . Bet you still pay you're TV licence you wet cunt
  21. kevdoh


    The pricks are the people who still hang on every word they're told by the government who were doing what the fuck they wanted the whole time through the lockdowns while the majority cancelled plans and didn't see friends and family. And they still trust the gash they come out with. It's the same people that rushed out buying every last drip of fuel because the media fooled them into thinking there were shortages when it was all lies. Not enough people in this world with any critical thinking skills. Do what you want but I'm not going to live my life scared of my own shadow
  22. kevdoh


    Doing what they want to do? Or doing as they're told by some of the most bent people on the planet?
  23. kevdoh


    I'm sure I'll be fine. I'd be more concerned about getting cancer and not getting the appropriate treatment because the hospitals are too busy saving the world from a virus that has less chance of killing me than crossing a road. And I'm the prick 🤣
  24. kevdoh


    🤣 Maybe just the fact that there's too many people happy to surrender basic human rights and do as they're told when they're told because a bunch of proven corrupt liars tells them so. Jesus I'm sick to death of it. Get on with your lives and grow a pair. All these governments and world leaders don't give a fuck about people when they're starting wars over oil money and innocent people getting killed left right and centre but they are suddenly looking out for everyone by controlling them because of something that has a ridiculously small death rate
  25. kevdoh


    Hilarious. Should you be posting in here? Think the latest is the virus can spread through internet connections so I'd wrap yourself up in cotton wool and hide for cover if I were you. It's coming to get you and nobody's safe. Except for 99.9% that is
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