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Everything posted by surrey1saint

  1. Thanks Tony it must have taken some balls,as someone has said before. See you at St Marys. COYR!
  2. Yeah Ajax 1st then Millwall..........bring it on,hope we get a good crown for Ajax.
  3. I agree he would be great
  4. Ticket office told me ticket details will be out soon
  5. Its a no brainer...of course always was.
  6. I voted for short term,but lets see how he does,then decide about longer term.
  7. Many thanks Markus...you are a top man.
  8. I was quite emotional yesterday after the South today report....will be even worse later no doubt. Its a very happy day for us Saints fans..COYR!! Le tiss will always be a Saints hero in my eyes!
  9. Agree he should be given a chance.
  10. When are the season ticket on sale....COYR!!
  11. As I said earlier,anyone in Farnham area fancy a beer tonight?
  12. We love you Markus
  13. Right,when can we buy tickets for the Ajax game!
  14. Just hung my Saints scarf out of the window....just to wind up the skate over the road!!
  15. F**k me what a day for Saints fans!! Anyone in the Farnham area fancy a pint tonight??
  16. Deal is done...on Sky now!!! You beat me to it but who cares yahoooo!!!!
  17. I find it very hard to believe that the BBC would have made the statements that they have if this wasn't a 99.9% done deal....just the transfer of funds needed from the Swiss. It is to late for a rival bidder IMO.
  18. Already been said that this is to late....
  19. IMO this is the Echo making headlines to sell more papers....the Swiss deal is as good as done..
  20. He looks like a dream come true for Saints......roll on 8th August.
  21. BBC South,have just said it will be completed today...
  22. Nothing has been posted on the OS as yet,but I feel we still can feel very confident as it should be signed off tomorrow
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