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Everything posted by surrey1saint

  1. Yes, September 5th
  2. It is almost certainly not.They only had 6K at last home game incuding away fans !
  3. Just heard it on SSN
  4. I have a feeling we will win 3-1 as well COYR!
  5. Thanks SN5....what time do I need to get to town then,do you recon?
  6. I think he may start Mellis.
  7. Any one any idea what time the Cricket club CP will fill up by?
  8. lol
  9. I think it means that tickets will be on sale in the home stands on the night.
  10. Good for you NG : COYR:D
  11. I printed out the words....I'd never remember them otherwise!
  12. I think he may start with Melis and Saga.
  13. Great stuff,heard it being sung but couldn't hear the words....I've printed them out now so should know them for Tuesday!
  14. I have a feeling he might start tomorrow.
  15. TTFN
  16. Will we start with Melis?
  17. Chelsea reject, LOL...
  18. He seems to know where the goal is.Looks like a good signing COYR!
  19. Anyone know if its pay and display,or pay inside the lodge and display please?
  20. Saint George: How would you answer this then...found on another forum?? So much for your fantastic health system ! "As A martial artist who also frequents martial arts forums, all I can say is that I'm amazed by how many Americans put up posts saying I have hurt, broken, damaged, torn, been poked in the, sprained my arm, leg, wrist, eye, tactical what should I do, oh and I'm not insured and can't afford a doctor right now!"
  21. Quite,and it won't be denied if you haven't got insurance either!
  22. I think he would be a good signing for L1.
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