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Everything posted by PhilB

  1. Nick Holmes
  2. After reading that SFC could be extinct by the end of the season that sickened me. I was born a Saints fan, I grew up a Saints fan and I'll be a Saints fan until I die. And even then I'll come back and haunt SMS (but only on match days). I'll renew my ST ASAP and when the matchday crowd attendance is announced as "six" I'll be proud to be one of those six. Come On You Saints
  3. Even with a designated area the smoke drifts into clean areas, polluting it, forcing all us goody goodies to take up your filthy disgusting self centred habit. Best thing that ever happened was to ban smoking in public places...I love it.
  4. What about this bloke http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/stalin_joseph.shtml
  5. Believe what you read in that comic and you'll believe anything.
  6. I'll go along with that. Saga & Surman sounds about right.
  7. I'll go along with that. Saga & Surman sounds about right.
  8. The Saganowski penalty shout was as debateable as the Perry handball. Some refs give it some don't, IMHO the Saga incident was NOT a penalty (Yes I was at the match).
  9. The Saganowski penalty shout was as debateable as the Perry handball. Some refs give it some don't, IMHO the Saga incident was NOT a penalty (Yes I was at the match).
  10. Very sad indeed but how do you "mistakenly" take a form of heroin.
  11. I'll still go no matter who's on the board. I just won't look in Mr Lowes direction. I expect the players are p1ssed off at Lowe and his running of the club but are hardly in a position to comment. I love my club no matter how bad they might be playing and I won't let any regime stand in the way of it.
  12. Should've kept hold of NP, simple as that.
  13. Somewhere out there other life forms must exist. After all we're here, you don't have to be a scientist to figure that out.
  14. Accrington Stanley disappeared and now they're back, same for Aldershot, Wimbledon went but now they're back on the verge of going up into the Conference as AFC Wimbledon. Leeds Utd, Bournemouth & Luton have all gone into administration but they're still supported by their faithfuls, although it looks like Bournemouth & Luton will drop. If we drop into League 1 and/or go into administration and lose points it will be very painful but as long as SFC is still there I'll still be there. To me it matters more that there's an SFC, preferrably in the higher leagues but if not then so be it. If SFC disappeared altogether I'd just be another football fan as supporting another "side" would be unthinkable.
  15. The thread title states F1 tracks :-)
  16. No circuit comes even close to Spa by a long shot
  17. dk06 gly
  18. I'm sure you did your best under difficult circumstances Jan. Good Luck for the future mate.
  19. Maybe all that energy could have been used to support the team there and then. All the protesting should've been done away from the pitch side. That's what he probably expected.
  20. Wotte ever the political situation is at SFC it's great to see Svensson involved now that his playing days are over. At least his heart will be in the job and its a tiny little link back to the days when things were looking a bit rosier at SFC. After all "Southampton FC" IS my club and I'll follow them no matter who is at the helm as I'm sure the players want to do well for all those that spectate week in, week out and for those that support from afar. COME ON YOU SAINTS
  21. Why was David Armstrong ejected from one of the suites? What a bloody disgrace.
  22. Its easier to pee up against a lamp post than it is a chicken
  23. We WILL win...believe me :-)
  24. That goes with age...the p-i-s-s that is, not the meteor :-)
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