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  1. Tellah is fast, the young lad Wilson was at Liverpool, James now at Leeds is fast. Not really a key criteria unless they have the goalscoring knack. Of the 3 named, only James comes anywhere near, but they mostly comes across as willing runners. We've got plenty of those.
  2. I agree, his performances this season fall into the "shows lots of promise" category. He hasn't done anything daft, and is working for the team, so hopefully he can make a step up.
  3. So, 6 postal days before one of the most popular fixtures, and the first one at home after lockdown, they eventually take action with a notice after the fans have been complaining (quite legitimately) for several days prior to that. The statement is mealy mouthed, and as far as I am concerned, insincere, they have virtually been forced to tell us what is going on. Whoever is making these decisions clearly is not earning their wages in a professional manner. They managed to request both parts of the season ticket renewals by email and website before the ticketing system was able to carry out the functions (I know, I tried), and this was to collect the cash weeks in advance of the delivery of services. Amateurish Shambles hardly begins to describe it. I wouldn't ever buy the overpriced merchandise that is routinely touted, but I bet that process works just ticketyboo (couldn't resist the rubbish pun).
  4. Based on recent performance from the marketing and PR guys, (eg hacking off a few thousand loyal season ticket holders in favour of high rollers) do you think they know what PR chaos was if they were stood in the middle of it?
  5. The problem is, the club keep pretending to be family and fans oriented, but actually, they are treating them more and more like 3rd party customers. They may get a shock over season card renewals (I hope not) - not from me, but there will be plenty who will have concluded there are better things to do with their time over the past year.
  6. If you like chewing on recycled shite.
  7. Whew, I was wondering who the one person was.
  8. 12th not likely, Newcastle have Fulham and Sheffield Utd to play, and whilst Wilson is injured, St Maximin and Willock should see them off. Frankly, I'll be gobsmacked if we get 6 more points, I'll be very pleased if we got 2.
  9. I agree, unbelievable that two "expert" referees have found a way to make that acceptable.
  10. He just wants to get a goal, no harm in that.
  11. What are the economic variables that affect how older players at the end of their contract may consider? Anyone on here know for sure, rather than guessing like me? Obviously there are wider issues to consider, players may be settled, like the club, even plan to be involved in a non playing role. Or maybe, a couple of years in sunnier climes and the excitement of living and playing overseas may be a big attraction. But economically, whilst they may have a fair bit of wealth stashed away, they know that their income stream is going to change radically in a year or two. So getting a three year deal over a one or two year deal is worth a lot of cash for security at say £70k pw. It is hardly a surprise that they all seem keen on longer term deals. A buying club may be quite prepared to pay up an extra year for a decent player coming in on a free. Say Arsenal were to get Bertrand on a three year deal, the 3rd year is a risky one, but for £3.6m, it is the same as a cheap transfer buy. Obviously the same applies for a two year deal over a one year deal. Alternatively, the “saved” transfer fee could be used as an up front signing on fee. Who wouldn’t be happy to get a £1m or £2m pre tax bonus, guaranteed whether you break down next week or not? The buying club may even up the salary, an extra £10k per week is half a million per year and not to be sniffed at when you know in a year or two, your income is likely to be peanuts in comparison. Anyhow, does anyone have inside knowledge on this?
  12. 😯 Mick is the non-flamboyant version of Big Sam. Has an initial positive impact then the swoop to hell.
  13. The other side of the coin is that we can pick up players like Tella.
  14. Ings is usually a slow starter coming back from injury, so I don't expect any fireworks, but would be very happy if he gets a brace.
  15. With another 28 games, he could add a FA Cup trophy as well.
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