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Atlanta Saint

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Everything posted by Atlanta Saint

  1. Not up to our speed. They come to us with speed, we just have to slow them down to the pace we play at! LOL
  2. I'm forever saying Jesus Christ and Oh My God when something goes tits up while at work !
  3. From what I saw last week Tall Paul needs to have some jumping training, as one of the tallest players in the league he was constantly out jumped by defenders for headers.
  4. There is only one stat that counts and the fanbase is remotely interested in!
  5. 3 points out of 21 on the weakest run of league fixtures we will have this season
  6. The guys a joke, 3 points out of a possible 21 on the weakest set of league fixtures we had this season. And the ridiculous rants that come out of him on top of that. We are welcome to the hysteria we have. It's like we are all standing on the deck of the Titanic, I'm sure that was similar.
  7. Well one of NJ's teams will win.
  8. I was under the same illusion after we beat Palace, Citeh and Everton...........but normal service has resumed!
  9. Aren't we getting close to that many players now? I haven't seen many leave recently, mind you nobody would want some of them.
  10. Ooh, he already wears a Hummel kit!
  11. we didn't that was a hollywood basement according the the red hot chili peppers
  12. WOW! so that's Jackson and Ings we've narrowly escaped..... who's next for the hat trick.
  13. Phew, lucky escape there!
  14. I'd take Sargent before i took him!
  15. Nope! he scores when he takes the Pens.
  16. To get a reaction!
  17. Too cheesy!
  18. I agree, but we were still shite and were gifted that win by Guita. Can't hide that.
  19. We were still shite! 2 howlers from the Palace keeper
  20. Are Lincoln still in it?
  21. Is it weird that we seem to play better on the road than at home?
  22. I'd say every game we've played with Jones in charge have been dreadful, I thought we couldn't get any worse than the displays v Lincoln and Brighton but we've sunk to a new low today. Jones makes Ralph look like Sir Alex Ferguson!
  23. Never heard of Orsic? I guess you didn't watch the World Cup!
  24. That was either our highlights today or Jones's tactic sheet
  25. There weren't any to show!
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