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Everything posted by .comsaint

  1. I see Nicolas Jackson has been ruled out of tonight's Copa Del Rey game against Real Madrid and Sunday's league game against Girona with a 'muscle injury' Hmmmm. Incoming then! ☺️
  2. Valery's wonder strike... https://streamable.com/0o2sn
  3. lol. Totally agree. COD lost it completely for me when they went too "modern" and forgot their roots. COD was - and always should have been - WWII-based. They could concentrate on certain WWII campaigns - i.e. COD Arnhem, COD Stalingrad/Eastern Front, COD North Africa, COD Italy, etc etc. Still playing (and loving) the latest installment though :-)
  4. well worth the wait. I didn't think the maker's could ever surpass FC3... but they have - and some! It's my Game of the Year already! Cheerio to the next few months of my life. Sorry love. Painting & decorating the lounge is going to have to wait a while....
  5. Enjoy... https://goalsplanet.com/west-brom-vs-southampton-2-3-highlights-premier-league/
  6. Filthy perverts...
  7. Who really knows the truth? Those Russians do have a record of paying top wages in order to lure very good players to Ро**и́я... https://www.footballfancast.com/premier-league/southampton/in-focus-southampton-need-quincy-promes-to-take-a-pay-cut-to-secure-30m-deal
  8. I've read he is on £135,000 per week before tax.
  9. They obviously have something we don't... ... a ruthless Chairman.
  10. We've swapped a dull French tinkerman for an equally dull Argentine tinkerman.
  11. Thoughts? As someone who loves WWII FPS's - is it worth me shelling out £45 to buy it?
  12. Roberts only wanted to go to Celtic. City apparently wanted him to come here to gain Premier League experience rather than the Scottish Mickey Mouse league.
  13. Patrick Roberts will sign for Celtic today - before tonight's 11.00 pm Champions League deadline. Talks are at an advanced state this morning and the deal will be announced this afternoon.
  14. How come Virgil has omitted from his statement the fact that he sneaked off to Blackpool some time ago to meet personally with Mr Klopp and discussed wages, tactics and what his role will be at Anfield? All of this, of course, was without Southampton FC's knowledge. Hardly the actions of an "honest professional with integrity" is it?
  15. Frank de Boer to Palace... http://readcrystalpalace.com/2017/06/09/frank-de-boer-in-talks-to-become-crystal-palace-manager/
  16. Introduce a points deduction for tapping up. Liverpool to start on minus -10 next season. Never gonna happen of course - not with our inept Premier League officials.
  17. Indeed. Sounds to me that Virgil took it as automatic that Saints would be absolutely over the moon with the £50m/£60m transfer fee received for him and the rest would be a simple, smooth transition to Merseyside. Obviously it didn't play out that way - hence the sulky, attention-seeking Twitter photo (with 'thought bubble' emoji ffs) this afternoon.
  18. To be fair - Virgil has only got himself to blame. As much as I like the fella and think he's the dogs' danglies on a football pitch, he wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed when it came to actually meeting Klopp in Blackpool and then regularly texting each other ever since! How did he think the club he plays for and is contracted to was going to take that news? Very naive on Virgil's part.
  19. Question is... who took that 'Virgil looking grumpy on a plane' photo? My money's on Klopp. Give it up Jurgen. Enough is enough.
  20. Says Red_No_7 from Southend... or is it Bristol? Walsall perhaps?
  21. Dear oh dear. Have a word with yourself fella.
  22. I would imagine taking a whack on his foot like he did would have been very painful and would take a few days to settle down ; swelling, bruising, etc. I fully expect him to miss both the semi-final and the Arsenal game. Anything other and I will be very chuffed and surprised in equal measure!
  23. http://www.gettyimages.co.uk/event/west-ham-united-unveil-new-signing-694192953?et=2KGe8MQ3SZBRW0jw3QJBhQ&referrer=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.kumb.com%2Fstory.php%3Fid%3D130698#west-ham-united-unveil-new-signing-jose-fonte-at-the-london-stadium-picture-id632221416
  24. Boufal arrived in the UAE yesterday and was assessed by the Moroccan physio. It appears that Boufal isn't fit and it's a recurrence of an injury he picked up playing for us recently. He's already back in England. https://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=nl&u=http://nieuws.marokko.nl/sofiane%2Bboufal/s/113662f951a98a8810604f7af25aa383/&prev=search
  25. I don't think there are any streams out there for the game today. Looks like it's going to have to be good old days of commentary from Dave Merrington and Radio Solent.
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