296 -
Everything posted by bug187
...how idiotic some people are on this board. It's hilarious. Humanity, evolution, it knows no bounds. Maybe football attracts those of a lesser IQ. Or am I being too stereotypical?? Presumably. In a way my love for Saints has made me lose hope in life even further. GO GRAB THE MEDS EMO.
HANGOVER CURE = H20 + DIAZEPAM + HEALTHY FOOD + A GOOD SLEEP. End of discussion. Alcohol is a poison worse than most illegal drugs out there. The NHS struggles to cope. You're more likely to die choking on your own vomit than by doing a pill or snorting cocaine. Media hype. Love it. Keep reading the Daily Fail. Live by media sensationalism. That'll help society no bounds.
Africa. Where humanity started. The corruption, greed, immorality. It's saddening beyond all comprehension. God... HA? bless humanity. Vile. Despite our supposed intelligence, humanity is but a mere plague in the history of the universe. Our demise is long overdue.
I don't feel stupid about any of my comments. But I certainly am having some second thoughts about posting in this part of the forum now. Anyway, back to watching the game - not a good start either
Thats freedom of speach. My true colours are every colour not just black and white like yours..oh hang on..no just white. Imagine if I had said that under the BNP. I'd probably be sent to some military camp, deported or executed. Fool.
ahah. But I would also call you a c*nt.
Can't believe there are people who actually support the BNP on here. Shameful.
Also the fact of the matter is the BNP are a racist party, there is just no way around that. I'm so fed up of hearing the crap excuses people make for them. Our country this, our country that. We're all ****ing humans, it's not just whats good for you and good for the country you are born in. Ragggeee. lol
Liberal Democrats: 55% Green Party: 50% Labour Party: 35% Conservative Party: 33%
Damn it ended haha, silly me. 33 quid n all. Bargain.
I had one hanging on the wall of my bedroom, managed to knock it off and smash it when I was a kid. Might throw a bid in.
Rules 1 and 2 only apply in a raid? lulz
Suprislingly not. But you live and you learn. (To avoid speed cameras)
God no. Who'd want kids? Well, Gary Glitter perhaps.
Yeaaa stone him to death, bring back the gallows, cut off his ******** etc. *yawn*
I got caught doing 67 in a 30 just over 5 years ago, up by Bitterne where they have the mobile unit just before the camera. There are few people who don't speed but I suppose that was excessive. Haven't had any since. But I drive a sensible car now. Do miss hitting the 180mph mark though. (On a race track of course)
Valium, codeine, fruit and water. Simples.
Saints 4-1 Carlisle - 2010 JPT Champions - Reaction
bug187 replied to Block 5's topic in Golden Posts
I went mental when carlisle scored. Netted me 750 quid lol -
3 hours sleep...ughhhh
It could well be for many I suppose. I started doing my ears back in 2000 though. I don't think its something I'd ever want to change. I'm 28 now and if my career suffers as a result then so be it. Anyway, roll on Sunday. Personally I'd love to see a sea of red and white
We shall all have dangly ears when older anyway. I just got a job with Lockheed Martin. Go figure. I just wear smaller pink retainers and I dont have visible tattoos. Hopefully given another decade or so it'll come more accepted anyway.
I just bought some red flesh plugs. So if you see a guy with huge red bits of plastic in his ears feel free to shout emo c**t.
Well well well. Thats that then.
Not gonna happen. Another two points dropped. A real shame. I think we'll give Leeds a tumping though. Come on Saints a goal in extra time would make my day.
I have shirts worn by alan ball and terry paine.. wonder how much theyd go for on there lol