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Everything posted by bug187

  1. Nice to see the Japanese fans with their Tadanari Lee shirts and banners. God knows how many photos they took lol.
  2. Champions. All or nothing.
  3. http://youtu.be/GFDcGluOgxI is the link, I think I totally messed up the rest. The shame. Sorry
  4. there
  5. I just clipped it from the football league show... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFDcGluOgxI&feature=youtu.be
  6. bug187

    FL show

  7. I was totally hanging..and also trapped in the family centre with my nephew who decided to throw up the turkey sandwich he'd eaten for lunch at various intervals as well as frequently requiring the toilet.
  8. Didn't want to give away the fact I'd put it on jobsite but think I just failed bugger.
  9. Just wanted to say thanks for the tips. Created a new CV and after posting it on Monster and a few other jobsites have actually had agencies and companies contacting me. Shows what a spending a bit of time on a CV can do!!
  10. Well I have done a few depending on the role I apply for. I have experience in web design, administration, piercing/tattoos and car valeting. It's all about tailoring to the job. At the moment I'm by no means being fussy in the roles I'm applying for. I'd much rather be working than not. All the tips are much appreciated too guys. Thanks.
  11. I'm told two to three pages max. Should I include an introduction or only use the cover letter for that purpose? Ideas appreciated. Tough times out there!
  12. Waste of moneh
  13. Amazing hahaha
  14. Some Limitless pills!
  15. Steeeve
  16. What about the best ever chants?
  17. It wasn't just the messageboard, I think it was my friends boyfriend being a **** about it lol. In all fairness I'd probably be annoyed too. I don't go off on one when we don't win too much though. I do get annoyed by the whole southern softy/boring fans thing though and the way every team says that have an awful game against us.
  18. CStephenson01 Offline Senior Member **** Posts: 516 Joined: Dec 2009 Reputation: 3 RE: Boro V Southampton (A) of course you didn't see a foul, you see red and white. either way 3-0, your 3 points. But i must admit in my opinion over this season, only de ridder has been particularly interetsing, Lambert is just a slightly more technical version of heskey REALLY?? Their fans are horrible and bitter. No suprise really.
  19. amazing build up
  20. Fail
  21. Will have to watch that now Would give me less than a year to live, though.
  22. 'When you were born, you were the:4,609,567,563rd person alive on Earth 79,293,299,058th person to have lived since history began' Maybe everyone that lives past 65 should be terminated lol.
  23. The traffic was mental normally takes about 10 minutes to get home..Just got in..thought I was gonna have a heart attack in the second half. 5 points ahead though. Amazing.
  24. Allergic to peanuts :[
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