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Everything posted by bug187

  1. Anyone know?
  2. Shocked at the verdict. Joke.
  3. Also this, with soda and squeezed limes
  4. Laphroaig with a dash of water. In terms of shots..tequila, sambuca, jager etc
  5. Web design etc... http://www.dynamic-marketing.co.uk Shameless plug lol.
  6. Le Tiss at The Dell. One of the most amazing moments ever.
  7. eep..bmi24.. need to shed a few pounds I think
  8. Brilliant! The stains on number one do it for me.
  9. Good old #pompeygers haha.
  10. 'Shahin Samiy ‏@DjSamiy I know I will be punished but I never meant any harm. To all parties involved I'm truly sorry. I'm just a kid. I'm so sorry' :/
  11. 'Southampton'trending on Twitter..how exciting!
  12. Bad English is bad. lol...doh
  13. People seem to think we're nuts for spending 7mil on Twitter.... We shall see. I have a good feeling though.
  14. bug187


    Troll Hunter.
  15. Where was the weakness in the site then lol... Plum..never heard of..
  16. My friend will be in the semi-finals next week
  17. Water, codeine and valium. I didn't drink though so it's all good :]
  18. LMFAO...Attracting a helicopter? Comedy gold. That would've added to the celebrations no end. Maybe if he'd brought a flare gun too. This fred is full of win.
  19. A couple more would've been good
  20. Worst couple of days of results really. Shocker.
  21. Annoys me. The veggie range is ****.
  22. Meathead central? Anything but. It in no way compares to the bigger conevntions but it's worth checking out. I'll be going.
  23. I mean, really???? I was almost offended!! Ok it's a bit further South right down the Coast but bloody hell! Definitely a different experience hanging out with the locals whent here aren'y any tourists about. Some right old nutters down there lol
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