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Sir Ralph

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Everything posted by Sir Ralph

  1. Personally I like him because he is happy to raise issues which others maybe afraid to confront.
  2. I dont understand why we are putting up with this rubbish - boycott games. I havent been since Xmas
  3. I dont think its his fault really. The club is rotten throughout - like a crap version of Man Utd
  4. Whats the point? Losing is now the characteristic of the team. It will need a new manager and significant clear out to change the squad mentality for next year.
  5. 10% discount, blindfold and ear mufflers for each game 😄. Seriously though - for anyone who paid £500-£750 for this season it would be embarrassing if the Club doesnt recognise what we have had to watch this year.
  6. Good poll - whose had a better start to their tenure - Starmer or Juric?
  7. Hoping the club do the right thing and give a substantial discount to any of us sad lot who decide to renew next season. Shambles.
  8. Is there a reason we aren’t saying to the club that we should have season ticket renewal discounts for next season because of the disgrace we have had to watch this year? Genuine question
  9. Thanks I'll watch the video and for the points you make. The only thing I would say I think some of the woke issues are actually important to address (and this is feeding into the current polls) but that's a whole other discussion!
  10. And therefore, if that is a large proportion of the population, they must all be wrong?
  11. I'm a business owner so have some understanding of economics and the impact of the decisions this current Labour Government has made on business. They have had a detrimental impact on the economy. I'm not narrow minded enough to just consider that one party has the answer and when Labour came in I liked a lot of what they said about growth. I thought the country needed a fresh start. That thought will never cross my mind again. Their liberal approach means that they actively belittle those parts of the population with alternative views (as do other european governments) and this will feed into their downfall, as Vance said. Labour doesnt have a likely chance of keeping its majority -we will probably end up with some form of Conservative / Reform coalition. I'm not on X but the polls point whether what I am saying is accurate in terms of the likely impact in the next election https://www.politico.eu/europe-poll-of-polls/united-kingdom/
  12. His key point (which should not be lost) is that european governments are increasingly ignoring (and in some cases imposing rules preventing) views that were up until a few years ago considered to be conservative but are now designated as 'extreme' because it doesnt fit their liberal narrative. This is happening alongside the degradation of traditional british culture in an increasing push for wokeness and diversity without facilitating discussion about the harm caused by this. That was his point and it is an absolutely fair one which shouldn't be ignored. I'm glad his speech is just another way that people now feel more liberated to speak about this and be vocal about these issues. Its starting to snowball and will thankfully have political ramification in 4 years time.
  13. In respect of Vance, I'm looking at more the points he made and the relevance to us in European countries. Some people could dismiss the points that he has made because they see him as 'hypocritical'. If we put that debate to one side (and it is a debate), listen to the words he says which I believe are absolutely true. He has, on an international platform, well articulated many points that a significant portion of society consider to be true.
  14. But the issue in applying this thought process if you have open borders and associated porblems. How would you control illegal immigrants who aren’t actually at risk?
  15. I dont agree but lets take your argument that they are still refugees. Even if they are at the point of crossing to the UK, why are they making that trip from a safe country already - what is the purpose of that specific trip? If that trip is not to escape persecution (which it cant be), then why should they be accepted if they do so by illegal means? Why are there so many young males up to the age of 30 fleeing persecution? Are some of these countries run by authoritarian feminist dictatorships? I'm in agreement with taking true refugees but when making these comments do you understand the financial impact on local communities here? Some local authorities are and will be going bust because they cant afford the costs on local infrastructure and are having to pull money from other budgets (eg social care, etc), which means that those most in need in this country dont have the relevant services. The problem with this stance of open borders and no questions is that we dont have a magic money tree - there are real implications to housing a lot of people that arent real refugees. Maybe when commenting on these points think about the implication on the other side. It isnt people being xenophobic or racist always - there are real and proper reasons to address this matter,
  16. So far, he has said that Europe needs to spend more on defence. He threatens to reduce US involvement in European defence......European leaders now saying they will invest more in defence. Trump isnt stupid, he's much smarter than our 'Leader'. The speech from JD Vance is Friday was epic and absolutely what was called for.
  17. We can defend a 2-0 defeat. Thats success these days. People should be boycotting
  18. Yep I’ve stopped using my season ticket after spurs game. Been a couple of times this year - better things to do than watch a badly run club with players that don’t care. The club is a joke at the moment and they don’t deserve my support. I’ve been there in league one also when we were really poor but at least it seemed that players cared. If we lose by a couple of goals nowadays it feels like success. This attitude should not be supported by bums on seats
  19. Why are we not boycotting? I can’t understand why people would still watch this trash
  20. Good championship player, poor PL player. Doctor should prescribe him a dose of reality
  21. I feel the same. Been through bad times before but I certainly feel a big disconnect from the club. Run by owners with no club connection, players who have no club connection and some with poor attitudes who will leave at the end of the season despite embarrassing performances for a whole season - rewarded for incompetence. To me this is the all time low and worse than league one relegation in 00s. I can recall a season where I’ve felt happy with defeats by one or two goals, rather than 5. Apathy is rife
  22. Just get him on a dinghy across the channel....no probs then
  23. We may have had a terrible season but….my son got chosen to take a pen at half time against Eddie the Eagle at Palace. The enthusiasm of the Saints away end when he scored will live with him for the rest of his life. It will get better! Thanks guys
  24. Fair play to Juric for getting by far best out of sulemana and it was because of his tactics
  25. Much better performance - tactically good. The last 10 just fell apart - Smallbone lost the press and KWP didn’t press Diallo - just dropped off him. KWP head isn’t in it
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