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69 saint

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About 69 saint

  • Birthday 28/08/1958

69 saint's Achievements

  1. Saints' penultimate game of the season will be screened live on Sky Sports Saturday 21st April with a 5.20pm kick-off.
  2. 69 saint


    25.01.86 Southampton 3 - 0 Wigan Athletic +
  3. 69 saint


    yeah i have tried chrome and firefox still no luck
  4. 69 saint


    Can anyone help me? i done a fresh install on my pc and when i put all the web pages back i just cant get sky sports score centre to work i have done all the windows updates and the upto date flash player and jarvar,when i get the home page with 6 choices ie football,cricket,rugby union,rugby league,formula1,golf,but when i click on all i get is a blank white page.I am running windows vista premium,IE9(service pack2 build6002). thank-you http://www.skysports.com/score_centre
  5. Cant make the game today GUTTED
  6. Matt was in the kingsland stand for the birmingham game...the very back row
  7. Lives in windermere avenue millbrook
  8. http://news.uk.msn.com/science/articles.aspx?cp-documentid=156782428
  9. Yeah same here i updated to fire fox 4 and the google search drop down bar dont work well peed off
  10. Carlisle lost 6-0 their next game is bournmouth at home
  11. Anyone know why the final is at Old Trafford and not wembley?
  12. 69 saint

    Gary Moore

  13. I think utd will put out a week team with the big guns on the bench, i think we go 2 up then the big guns will come on and end up 2-2
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