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steve green

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Everything posted by steve green

  1. Head - Poch Heart - Adkins Near miss on both - Koeman I think if Ralph gets the backing he needs (so ? a new owner) he will be in the top 3 eventually.
  2. Pace. Career depends if his paper mache calf and thigh muscles can be fixed/trained/toughened up.
  3. I thought so, but his attitude does seem odd at times. Suffice to say my Cherries chums here in Dorset can't believe they've paid him so much money for so little. He's apparently said he doesn't much enjoy playing, and mostly dislikes football fans. Maybe not the most positive guy to have in the dressing room.
  4. Re increase of subscription to £10, ok by me but a maybe those with several years subs behind them could have a loyalty bonus and stay at £5? Or, if attacting newbies is the priority ,make the first year £5 then when the buggers are hooked double it ;-)
  5. We don't NEED Hojberg, we need a decent RB. So it goes.
  6. How very dare you. As the proud winner of The Chichester Hospital Buffalos "most improved player" award in 1986 after coming bottom of The Bognor Promotional League (Div4) I would suggest everything should be taken in context. I had to be stopped from doing a lap of honour.
  7. It must've been around 1980 I was given free match tickets for most of the season in return for working in the players bar after the game. My sister's boyfriend's dad (keep up) was the head steward or something so we ended up running to and fro supplying the players with a steady supply of free liquid refreshment. I met most of the 1st team at that time, all were polite and modest on the whole. Dave Watson's wife was a snob though, even the sight of me seemed to cause her pain. I do remember Rossi and Parfitt from Status Quo were their guests on one occasion. My most vivid memory was Ivan Golac, incredibly nice chap. He would sit with his silent spouse (built like a tank) drink his half a lager then quietly leave, always politely thanking me as he did so. Players Bar eh? Different times indeed.
  8. We don't have to give any money. Just lovely claps.
  9. Being relegated in the year parachute payments are being reduced due to the Covid malarky could push some to the limit if they've not been careful with contracts.
  10. Makes my day at work a lot nicer today. After the St Marys game the idiots were in full gloat mode. While all fans are guilty in various degrees of such behaviours, or indeed enjoy a proper old meltdown, the Cherries fans (or more accurately the ones who've come onboard since their promotion to the PL) show a certain naivety if not stupidity.. I look forward to carefully explaining the offside rule and the implementation of VAR to them in detail, then cheering them up by saying its not likely to be used in the Champ next year.
  11. Evening all. Just 3 yrs ago I wouldn't be too fussed about this game but living in Dorset and putting up with constant childish taunts from their overexcited 'fans', well just smash 'em please.
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