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  • Birthday 05/09/1984

SAFE_SAINT's Achievements

  1. Ruined my weekend- so sad! We all love you Nige
  2. http://www.saintsweb.co.uk/showthread.php?36241-Morgan-very-important
  3. 27 Blandford Forum First game: (was 8 years old) Sat 28 Aug 1993, Premiership, Southampton 1 - 3 Man Utd Lee sharp was amazing that day Solicitor
  4. Thanks for that! Thats the 1- Saints fans knowledge and memory is impressive! Thanks for that link!
  5. SKD was amazing tonight as we all know. But I think a special mention need to go to MS- his break up play and work rate very impressive. Bit of an unsign hero!
  6. Best save Ive ever seen made by SKD was at Hillsborough- league 1, when Lee Barnard scored the winner 0-1. The last kick from I think Clnton Morrison- couldn't believe he tipped it around the post! But what a performance tonight!
  7. Wouldn't mid watching this one live. Streaming experts, any hints for this one?
  8. As above any ideas?
  9. Good point. Tought Morgan was excellent!
  10. ''whats saints really do not want to do now is to conceed''
  11. I thought he might of had a stright red for the first 1- he surely can't complain about those 2 yellows!
  12. HAving trouble online tonight- when attempting to confirm order comes up with error message ''unable to connect to payment processer'' tried with different cards and nothing- never had this problem before- any ideas?
  13. Very sad news. Condolences to his family.
  14. Is this a joke? Its was a cracking game
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