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Everything posted by Jeremy
No more Mr Nice Guy in the dressing room. Time for some good old-fashioned Teutonic rage with boots being kicked around in all directions. Anything to wake them up and get them all off their arses.
Thought I would drag this one back up. Any thoughts about the best-of-three (from memory) Test Final due in a few months. NZ is one of the finalists when most cricket supporters over here know Australia is a far better test team than us. Not sure we should be there. NZ v England (as the historic home of cricket) final would be fitting if England can win that fourth test. Last week's two day test should e wiped from the records because of the disgraceful pitch.
Hell, I agree with Attaturk. If that young guy's got any ambition to get anywhere, here's his chance to redeem his f***-up and show everybody he deserves another chance. Up to him to chase everything, be in the right position and listen to the senior guys directing traffic on the pitch. Playing a miracle ball to release Ings on halfway, who then ghosts past three defenders and belts it into the top left corner of the net in the 92nd minute for a Saints win would be a small bonus. Smiling emoji would now be here if I was into banality.
This thread reminds me of those reality tv programmes called something like "wives of new york" (or wherever). I've never watched them but they look really hideous and pathetic. No class, plenty of brass (to roughly coin a British saying). I imagine they are the sort of people who like places like Las Vegas and Dubai. Lately I've been watching University Challenge on YT. Those are the sort of people who appear interesting.
You're very argumentative (about trivia). I agree with some of your posts but there is also too much sour bulllshit where you metaphorically play the man or woman (personal attacks) and not the ball ie say something constructive. The technical term is ad hominem argumentation. The common term is ignorance. Can I suggest we now close this short discussion?
Totally agtee with this. Spirited debate is fine, and strong disagreements, but smart arse trollers are a waste of everybody's time. The OP took the time and effort to register and post. Give her or him a break.
Surely a decent scout or manager would know that before signing-up the player? Also, isn't that a bit worse for a striker needing a quick reaction if a half-chance to score happens? Needing to move the ball to the favoured right foot must be a big disadvantage. I've seen Messi score some crackers with his right boot on YT.
Cometh the hour, cometh the man. From what I've seen, and given how little i know, I'd give RH an A plus for effort and passion. It's not his fault that people are playing badly. The boys generally seem to have lost the will to win (or even compete). That's the problem.
What if first half form also falls away? I, like all of you, can't believe this. Car wreck.
Last time I watched live was the Leicester game when there was some suprerb passages of play in the first half. Time for some more,
Love all music. At one time i wanted to be violinist (which was a bit odd for a young guy into his sport). I really love jazz though and have been playing this a bit lately
Last three are Shuggy Bain, A Clockwork Orange and now reading Anne Frank's Diary.
Agreed, Drawing with the 4th-placed team was a good result.
This. Put in a shift that doesn't resuit in a post mortem on here about how bad they were. I'd take decided improvement for a start at the moment.
Jeremy - this is a troll that I fell for. Never again.
Way to go! I wouldn't do that though because I want to remain anonymous.
A natural leader doesn't necessarily have to be the best player in the side but he probably needs one of the highest work rates. Not sure that yelling and abusing other players are leadership qualities. Kane Williamson, the NZ cricket captain, is very low key and self-deprecating. He's also possibly one of our greatest batsmen. Richie McCaw was a very successful All Blacks captain. He was usually into everthing. I know football is different to cricket and rugby but a captain inspires other people in the team try harder. What about Ings as captain?
I'm down to $5 the Saints win at the moment to reflect reality. As usual, I Iive in hope. A loss (not a hiding) with some of the key guys having a good game (Ings for example) would at least be something positive for the future. If they lose, make sure it's after a decent fight. Come on you buggars.
I'm not homophobic but this is unnecessary. Cultural marxism out of control. There's nothing special about sexuality or gender - it just is.
In this particular context it is the legal equivalent of "wilful blindness" where somebody professes to innocently not knowing about something when if they had truly considered it properly he or she would or even should have known better. Once youi get into the grey area, and surely the climate change debate has reached this point, reasonable people acting reasoanbly must at least consider an alternative narrative to the status quo. James Lovelock, for example, described earth as a metaphor (Gaia) that deserved to be respected in contrast to the trashing that has been relentlessly pursued since the Industrial Revolution. I'm not a tree hugger into tantric yoga but I get frustrated when people aren't at least prepared to consider that climate change could be a real and present danger to our future. That does not mean reverting back to the stone age. We need to be realistic but surely public funds spent on researching and developing sustainable sources of energy or improving the efficiency of current essential technology for example is justified and urgent.
If you cut down a lot of rain forest (in particular) and remove a signicant way of removing atmospheric CO2 through photosynthesis (the ocean is the other way) and you increase the volume of non-naturally occurring CO2 being pumped into the atmosphere then there must be consequences to the natural world. Humanity is unquestionably doing both. There could be debate about the exact size and rate of change of the effect but there is no question we (humans) are playing dice with the climate. Unusual weather patterns are a symptom of that. Antartica isn't nearly the size it was 30 or so years ago. Coral bleaching is a fact. Recently recorded mean and average temperatures are a fact. With respect, increased volcanic activity can't explain this. We must halt climate change. Say, for argument, the evidence for climate change is equivocal. Blaise Pascal, a famous French philosopher and mathematician, posited what is known as "Pascal's wager" for helping decide if God (heaven or whatever else you want to call an accouintable afterlife) either exists or is relevant to the way we should live our lives. Do you want to risk going to euphemistically "hell" after you die by living a selfish, greedy, morally reprehensible life or do you want to play it safe and try and live a half decent life just in case we are judged at the pearly gates? By analogy, do we want to tempt fate and possibly leave behind a fucked planet for future generations by continuing to live the way we do and not at least considering the possibility that we could be irreparably harming the planet? I would guess that people with kids or grandkids may often, but not necessarily, see this issue differently to people who don't.
Please just at least get a draw first to get out of this hole.
A near-full strength team playing somewehre near it's best can beat anybody on the day. We know that's true because they have. I'm back betting $10 on a win after the last performance.
Great thread with great memories.
Palmerston North. Not a tourist hotspot but it does me/us. I always think and say that if you're content with your lot then it doesn't matter where you live (plenty of unhappy peopole living in New York, Paris and London for example). If any of you are ever over here let me know (even Turkish and Hypo). Joking. As you were.