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Everything posted by Jeremy

  1. I, like you, would love a win to book-end this very frustrating season. Who knows where the team will be last game next season.
  2. Probably time to close this brief digression down and concentrate on the game but I confused everybody with NZ slang (hardcase): (New Zealand, slang) An amusing, funny, witty, or possibly strange person. May be used as a term of endearment. Sorry about that.
  3. So, if I may ask before this thread heats up before kick-off, who's your all-time favourite character who has pulled on the shirt or managed? From distance over here, I thought Harry Redknapp was hardcase but I understand many of you dislike him.
  4. Doesn't this result just reflect the sides' relative positions in the League? 35-odd games (whatever it is) tends to spread teams based on collective ability. However, the same bunch of guys played so well at the start. Sorry, still don't get it.
  5. I thought it was the same guy who shot the sheriff, but not the deputy.
  6. You think you got it bad? Try this BS: https://www.tvnz.co.nz/one-news/new-zealand/new-school-programme-for-gay-transgender-understanding-avid-060a2b340101010501010f1013-000000-8fec114bc5df0094-02e90060dd44-a8b1 TV One is state funded - I have to pay for this crap being shoved down kids' throats in the schools and also being advertised as national "news". I don't usually openly swear but fucking hell.
  7. Noticed this yesterday but my daily quota was up when I did. I know SFA about football but "Drivel's" harsh. He or she is just expressing an opinion.
  8. The trademark of all very good sportspeople is composure. Maybe Redmond's lost that.
  9. Just watched the 90 second highlights on Saints website. Get that young goal-scorer from Fulham.
  10. Finally get something back from my $10 bet for the win. I assume this run will be really important for deciding who stays or goes for next year.
  11. How about trying to get Chris Woods during the off-season? He seems to give 100%e every game despite his apparent technical limitations that I've read about.
  12. After the huge hopes earlier in the season followed by the anti-climax for far too long you/we poor suffering supporters deserve to see some absolute magic from Saints. DI getting a hat-trick would possibly assuage some disappointment.
  13. Good tidy win. I was reading live posts for the first 20-odd minutes at home this morning and it wasn't looking good. Sounds like they pulled themselves together after that.
  14. I don't know as I've never played football seriously and know nothing about tactics etc. But, I assume he's sufficiently motivated. I'd sack him immediately if he wasn't. I just saw him making mistakes that, to be fair, looked worse in about 12 minutes of highlights compared to what he did the whole game. But also, judging by some of the very critical posts on here about him, he appears to be fairly divisive. He's had a good career and perhaps he should finish it in a lower league.
  15. I watched the YT highlights. In about 12 minutes Redmond featured a number of times making technical mistakes - poor shooting, poor passing or losing the ball or whatever. I think it was his 400th professional game or something? It's all very well if a forward shows a few moves or something during a game but I assume a striker gets paid largely for either scoring or assisting somebody to score? I remember Ruud (sp) van Nistle Roy (sp?) very successful career getting plenty of easy goals that were often made for him by the other players. If Redmond isn't scoring or creating scoring chances then maybe it's time to give somebody else an opportunity. I played rugby and come from a rugby-playing country. I would appreciate not being slammed if this is nonsense.
  16. "Bro"? That's a New Zild (Zealand) term if ever I heard one.
  17. You could be right egg but it probably needs somebody to do some research on the numbers to know either way eg how many players booked or red-carded in these games (top 6 versis rest), frees, penalties, goals disallowed etc. For example, until neutral umpires came in very few LBWs were given against Pakistanis playing home test matches. I read aomewhere that Javed Miandad led a very charmed life. It could happen. Also, they are unquestionably the better side.
  18. This and Turkish's post are very true. Judging by what I've read on here over the months there really does appear to be systemic and institutional bias favouring the so-called "glamour clubs". LIke Skint says, 94 minutes of guts required from Saints for one of the upsets of the season.
  19. ok fair enough I suppose, I didn't see how much time it took. If it's brief then I guess it's ok. Not sure its about my "lived reality" however, whatever that means.
  20. Absolutely agree with this. We want to watch sport and people playing sport. Not guys observing religious rituals on the field. Next thing it'll be somebody saying the rosary on the anniversary of the death of his pet dog or something. Keep obvious religion out of sport.
  21. Don't know where that performance came from but very well done by all of them. About bloody time also.🙂
  22. I've scrolled through the post-mortem posts on this game and the usual comments about who should have done better and what could be changed now and in the future. It's the same thing after every game now. Unfortunately, despite the fantastic early season form, this team is just plain poor and it's hard to see things changing. We should probably be fearing the worst that's coming soon.
  23. Been listening to BBC2 online while doing administration at home. The news said Boris will try and stop this. Hope he does. They've done something like this with rugby in NZ when they created what's now called "Super 15" that now consists of professional franchise rugby teams from NZ, Australia, South Africa and Argentina. It's killing the sport. When it started in the early 2000s it was very exciting and popular becuase it was new but the novelty's well worn off with the same teams playing each other year-in and year-out. Crowds have dwindled and I also think TV viewing is far less than it was. I played rugby and can't be bothered with it. The only games I watch is a national compdtition called the ITM Cup which is a traditional provincial competition and has far more meaning for me. The problem for the administrators is that there's so much rugby these days that they now get really small crowds here also. Personally, I think this Super League could go the same way. Apologies - I wrote this while Disco Stu was posting so didn't see his post first.
  24. Agree with these sentiments. Think I'll pack it in and look forward to the NZ-England cricket series coming up. This post will probably be deleted by the mods for being in the wrong place but what the hell.
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