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Everything posted by Gru

  1. Yeah, I saw somewhere that preferred arrival times will be confirmed with tickets. This is from FAQs re designated gates: Which Entrance should I use to get to my seat? For this match, our usual turnstiles are not in use. This is to ensure you are not entering/pushing through turnstiles used by other supporters and to extend our concourses to help with ventilation. There will be four entrances that are set up around the stadium where hand scanners will be used. (see map). The relevant entrance for your block will be printed on your tickets. You must then enter via this gate. Blocks 14-26 - Blue Blocks 27-39 - Purple Blocks 10-13 - Yellow Blocks 1-4 & 40-48 - Pink
  2. Most of the information is here:https://www.southamptonfc.com/visitor-info/return-to-stadium/rts-leeds
  3. Gru

    Danny Ings

    They'll probably be looking for a replacement for Lingard.
  4. Gru

    European League

    Sadly, I think you're right. My hope was that UEFA/PL could delay the inevitable.
  5. Gru

    European League

    I don't expect UEFA/PL to suddenly grow a pair and mete out any meaningful punishment, but maybe they could come up with some sort of 'suspended sentence' to prevent this happening every season.
  6. Gru

    European League

    Real Madrid President Florentino Perez said the decision to create the new league, which his club would be a part of, was in part taken because "young people are no longer interested" in the game. He told a Spanish TV show: "Audiences are decreasing and rights are decreasing and something had to be done. We are all ruined. Television has to change so we can adapt." This shows how just how out of touch they are. Perhaps the greedy buggers should have foreseen this, when at the same time as negotiating record tv deals, ground admission prices which could have been reduced, or at least frozen, were being hiked to price out their future core audience.
  7. I was at primary school with Wayne and Bob, and remember playing against Brian. In those less PC times Wayne was nicknamed 'Tinhead' by one of the teachers, a name which stuck throughout his school time and beyond. He was a cultured footballer and a lovely bloke. Like many of his generation a top-level professional career was cut short by injury. RIP Wayne.
  8. Before I'm MLG'd it was Edwin Jones. We were from the sticks and that store was pretty impressive. We also visited Toomer's and paid homage to replica kit we could never afford or expect to own.
  9. With a school mate in the chocolate box, '63-'64 season. Don't recall opposition or score. Abiding memory is brunch in Owen Owen - those were the days!
  10. Yeah, hadn't thought that through.
  11. Sutton is a professional contrarian who courts controversy - probably Dean's mate.🙂
  12. It's on Sky Main Event along with Wolves. Arsenal is PPV. This link may be handy https://liveonsat.com/quickindex.html
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