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  1. i like the letter N
  2. i'm not saying it's a surprising decision, i said in the op i think he'll do well, and i'm not even talking specifically about koeman when i say that barca seems to hire unproven managers. ever since rijkaard was in charge barcelona hasnt signed a single manager that has achieved anything in europe. a club like barcelona has the pick of the draw when it comes to managers, yet they hire people like setien who has no previous ties to barca and whose greatest achievement is finishing 6th at real betis. allegri is currently unemployed, i can't see pep staying at city for much longer, and wenger is looking for work (he just approached the dutch national team), so i don't think saying koeman is "relatively unproven" is as ridiculous as you make out to be. i'm not going to argue this anymore because i feel like it's getting more disrespectful to koeman when i don't want to be. (if they hired wenger then they'd be continuing their tradition of hiring managers that havent achieved in europe 🤣)
  3. yeah he did really well for us and i have a lot of time for him, but with all due respect he didn't exactly set the world alight at everton. not sure what people think of his work at the netherlands, havent really paid attention to them. i suppose "relatively unproven" wouldve been a better choice of words, though i did manage to completely forget about his barca connection till you mentioned it, lol.
  4. not sure if this is the right place, apologies if not! https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-8635429/Ronald-Koeman-chosen-Barcelonas-new-manager-quit-Holland-week.html don't understand why barcalona keeps hiring unproven managers, think he'll do better than the last bunch of mongs though
  5. the discerning man's choice. extremely underrated player but sadly doesn't get a look in because he plays for sheffield united
  6. 90+6 equalizer against man u... you love to see it
  7. lmao!!!!!!!!!! what a first goal and what a game to get it in
  8. adams can do everything but score, obafemi doesnt really excite me like adams does when he's on the ball (though that could just be because im desperate for his first goal)
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