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  1. Selles took training and prepared team for the Sheff Wed cup tie. A dreadful match. Don’t think he’s the answer, but little did we know what was about to happen.
  2. I wonder what we don’t know…there must be a story here other than protecting egos. Can’t even begin to think what it is.. Even if we win Saturday. So what? So sad. Thoroughly pissed off.
  3. Whatever happens and I hope something does, I do wonder how Jones was able to mess things up so well, and so quickly. No PR support for his pressers. No-one advising him what happened before his arrival, or else he has chosen not to accept it. He has exposed himself and the club to ridicule with what he has said. He forgets we were here before he arrived. We experimented with a back 5 under RH, we knew the limitations of Ely and Diallo, we knew the youngsters needed time before being thrown in, we knew the toxicity of Bednerak. The way he carries on, the world started when he arrived. We have lived with this day in day out for months and months. Actually I think Saints fans have been very patient, but vitriol is borne out of months and months of disappointment followed by Jones comical 15 minutes of fame. Not unreasonable for us to feel let down. Position obviously untenable.
  4. No! He’s not as good as that !
  5. Reminds me of the rubbish they wrote about them being ‘ a bigger team’ when they too Ronald K from us. Delusional then…
  6. Not a stupid question at all. They’re maybe a better way, but this what I did: 1. VPN established through Mexico 2. Google search Paramount + Premier league 3. Top result Mexican Paramount+ then click ( it recognised my login already, but I had logged into Paramount before changing VPN) and scroll to match. Good picture on iPad with, as egg said, Spanish commentary - but very enthusiastic they were!
  7. Thanks egg, that’s a great tip - have paramount+ through sky and worked great
  8. Atkinson referee. Lee Porter VAR. Oh, marvellous.
  9. I agree. On principal I won’t go and queue for a day ticket. I don’t want to go that badly I’m afraid. It’s the lack of any apology that gets me, just assuming I will trot along in my own time probably in the rain tomorrow and queue up to get what’s already mine that they failed to deliver. No thanks. This idea that if you apologise it’s a weakness is wrong and a dangerous mentality to get into. A very corporate thing.
  10. Post arrived unusually early this morning - No season ticket ( Hedge End) Don't normally get a post on a Saturday. Double whammy of a struggling PO and for whatever reason posting late from goodness knows where - assume not Southampton. Was always risky leaving it so late.
  11. Liv looks a great addition. Quick feet.
  12. Sent email to box office last night (12th) and received this today (13th) - not much use and factually incorrect standard email quoting still 2 weeks before Man U….! Good morning, Thank you for your email. Fulfilment for our season tickets is being made by a third party supplier and cards will be sent over the next week. With 2 weeks before the match against Manchester United, you should have this in plenty of time ahead of the match. We shall update supporters once we have confirmation of the dispatch We look forward to seeing you at St Marys soon. Kind regards,
  13. My memories of Boyer are linked to McDougall. The pre match warm up was always down the family enclosure at the Dell. Dad and I ( and everyone) had to have their Witts about them because to practice shooting and miss and get some poor Herbert in the face with a practice shot was pretty regular. If they got them in they would have even been better than they were. Never hit us so I guess I remember them well and fondly, but if I was on the receiving end might have knocked me out the ground. I remember the thuds so clearly! Happy days and not thought of them for years, so the OP point is well made, but in their case it goes back a bit too far?
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