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Everything posted by MongoNeil

  1. The guy on the left in the middle row looks like Luke Shaw. Maybe that's why he's been training on his own?
  2. You're absolutely right, that is very sad ;-)
  3. I'm gutted as it's coming right by my house but I've got to be in work all day. Still it's fun riding round the route as snakes through Cheshire, a lot of my usual routes are being used and cool to think of all the riders who'll be doing them. I'm expecting my Strava segment placings to get a beating. Anyone else going to see it anywhere?
  4. Cheers buddy, managed to convince a bar in Clarke quay to put it on in place of the Chelsea game. Wish I hadn't bothered in the end, terrible game.
  5. Cheers buddy. I'm not on Facebook but the missus is, I'll get her to take a look.
  6. I'm in Singapore for the weekend, any Singapore locals know of any bars that might be showing the game?
  7. Who's Lallana?
  8. Has he actually signed yet? When I saw the thread was made sticky I thought there must have been an announcement.
  9. Just trying to access the OS and it seems to be down. A big announcement imminent or just my wishful thinking?
  10. Not this one then sorry.
  11. Have you been drinking?
  12. It passed its MOT today so now has until June 2015.
  13. Good point, I can't edit my post either. I should have thought this through more. If you're interested, you can email me at nbalcombe (at) hotmail dot com I'm getting the MOT done today too, so (not counting chickens) will hopefully have a long MOT to go with the long tax too.
  14. Model: Scirocco GT 1.6 Auto Year: 1986 Mileage: Unknown - clock has been stuck on 77K since I've had it Tax: January 2015 MOT: July 2104 but will be getting it done soon, may take lower offer if sold before then Current owner: Yes V5 present: Yes Location: Chester Price: £1,000 (ono) Contact Details: PM me for contact details please Additional Information: I've used this car everyday for the last two years and this is a very reluctant sale as I now need something more practical. It starts every time and has only ever let me down a couple of times due to a flat battery. It has had a new battery last year and been fine since. The car is mechanically sound with no rust. It's had a new exhaust recently and I have all receipts and MOT certs going back to when the car was new. I also have the original handbook complete with all service stamps. There are also 2 sets of keys. For its age it is in great condition with only a few things wrong. The clock shows 77k but it has been stuck with that since I've had it, records show it was working shortly before I bought it and I have put maybe 15-20K on it (used everyday for short journey to work). The dashboard has a crack in it where it has heated at some-point and cracked. the wheels are not original but are the ones I bought it with, they could do with a clean up or if I had the inclination, I would have put some original steel wheels on it. I even have a Haynes manual which I will throw in. Test drives welcome. Pictures:
  15. This did make me laugh, does sound as if he's trying to get a move away. I love the quote in the article that says Roberto Carlos got bought a Bugatti for his birthday. When I think of the things my boss has bought me for my birthday, oh...
  16. I wish people would learn to turn their phones sideways when taking videos...
  17. Aside from the fact that Portuguese is their native tongue, it is also the 6th most widely used language.
  18. What an incredibly bigoted post. Trolling at its finest. If you are for real, you need to seriously get over yourself and appreciate that it's a big wide world out there where not everyone shares your view on sport.
  19. Just for the record, I would also jump at the chance to manage PSG. Doesn't mean it's going to happen though.
  20. Two people in difference of opinion shocker! I agree about figure skating being dull but then the summer games has many more that are just as dull, I give you dressage, archery, the long-jump for example but then I find any kind of athletics quite dull. Much rather watch the snowboard slope-style than the 100m, something going on and takes more than just pure athletic ability. Winter sports to me are just that bit more interesting (with the exception of figure skating).
  21. This is what makes life interesting, we all have different opinions. I'd much rather watch the winter Olympics over the summer games, just seems more of a spectacle to me. Each to their own I guess.
  22. Just re-read my above post and realise how gay that sounds. To counter that, another plus point for me is there are no unattractive female winter athletes...
  23. Agreed. Winter sports just have that edge that you don't get in the summer events, no chance of serious injury in the summer. For the Winter games it's not just about sheer athleticism, you need balls of steel for most of the events too, that for me is a big attraction.
  24. I've been waiting for Lighthouse to post pictures and comment on the remaining cars. I thought the Ferrari was fugly, until I saw the Caterham...
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