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Everything posted by MongoNeil

  1. Me too. Grew up in Sussex in a non footballing family but then moved oop north when I was 10. At my new primary school, everyone was footy mad and supported either Liverpool or Man U. After a brief spell supporting Man U (I didn't know any better) I decided to (kind of) go back to my roots and support a southern team. At the time MLT was my idol so started supporting saints. Never went to many games (lonely being a saints fan up in Cheshire) but moved into a new flat and one of my new neighbours is a Saints fan. We now try and do as many games as we can up this neck of the woods, even made it down to St Mary's for the last game of the season.
  2. I'm guessing from your post that if your employer was facing financial difficulty you'd be happy to take a pay cut then? Besides, does anyone actually know the individual salaries of the directors, I don't think so.
  3. Shearer was taking the picture Can't believe I just wasted my last post for this comment.
  4. He definitely did, not sure if he was taking the **** or not...
  5. Sky just showed the line-up as Wotton in the hole behind McGoldrick.
  6. Huh?
  7. I don't understand the question
  8. I'm absolutely gutted by this news, if it's not tied down it's gonna be sold by the looks of it. On the plus side though, at least we didn't get Pulis jnr. My boss is a Stoke season ticket holder and from what he was saying, he sounds like a poor man's Jermaine Wright, who of course is a poor man's Rory Delap who was just, well, poor.
  9. 100% Agree
  10. Cheers, I knew it was someone.
  11. Getting back on topic, in the latest DM article on the OS, it states that he could one day play for England. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought DM was Irish and has already played for the Irish kids? Or am I thinking of someone else?
  12. African or European?
  13. I didn't think BWP and Dyer were playing?
  14. Weren't Stoke & Hull favourites for relegation last season? Shows what a noddy topsy-turvy league this is
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