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Everything posted by oxfordshire_saint

  1. Just spent the morning pottering around the house with the Mike Snow album on. It pains me to think the guys behind Mike Snow produced "Toxic" for Britney Spears, amongst other things! Apart from the well known Black and Blue, this is my fave song from the album: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqVEVH4Q3sQ&feature=PlayList&p=A48AAE5E979EC3AA&index=4
  2. Great signing, we don't need anymore now otherwise it'll just upset the balance, we've got a huge squad as it is. To be honest I think the playoffs are beyond us and this is more building towards decimating this league next season. I can see a mass clearout of deadwood in the summer.
  3. Woop! Happy with that!
  4. It'll be that we've signed Niemi and Ashdown, so that O'Hara ends up in goal for the cup game (after James joins Stoke too)
  5. http://www.saintsweb.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=19789
  6. The full JT rap sheet http://www.mirrorfootball.co.uk/opinion/blogs/mirror-football-blog/Drug-dealing-dads-shoplifting-mums-sex-cheating-and-public-urination-the-Top-10-scandals-that-have-dogged-Chelsea-star-and-England-captain-John-Terry-article304737.html Although they missed out the one where he was ****ed up and started lobbing bottles at people out of a car, I think he hit a cyclist if memory serves. Amazing what you can get away with if you're a decent player.
  7. His Dad's a coke dealer, his Mum's a shoplifter and he sleeps with a teammates' missus (not to mention the various other indiscretions during his career) A great centre-back but perhaps not exactly suitable for captaincy any more due to his off-field problems.
  8. If he plays and we boo him, he'll probably have a blinder. We should show some class and applaud him for what he did here, save the bile for whatever 10 assorted half-hearted loanees and African mercenaries line up infront of him. As it happens, it'll most likely be Ashdown and he strikes me as the sort of lad who'll crumble if we get at him and crank up the abuse.
  9. There's an ad on there for a P*mpey credit card, are they in a position to offer finance to others?
  10. What an 'orrible git, maybe he could make P*mpey his next stop after Cardiff, it'd be a match made in heaven http://www.givemefootball.com/championship/ridsdale-on-the-rack-at-cardiff
  11. It's a joke, how were they able to sign Quincy Owusu-Abeyie on loan yesterday if they're not going to pay any of their staff tomorrow? I know the embargo was down to them having not paid transfer installments due to other clubs, but surely if you can't pay your current players (or even the web administators!) then you shouldn't be allowed to add to that squad? On a lighter note, what do you think they should build on the Fratton land when the inevitible happens? Flats? Tesco? STD Clinic? Family Planning Centre?
  12. Add Charlton to the list of leads we've thrown away, will be interesting to see how we fare against them at home.
  13. Weren't there massive queues for the Utd game? I managed to avoid it that time as a friend who is a season ticket holder sorted me out. Tickets will be in high demand and I don't want to miss out.
  14. Can't argue with how they've done it. My brother and I will be down there on the 4th at a stupid hour, wrapped up warm and with a stash of junkfood and lads mags to while away the hours until they open the ticket office. As long as we don't play like we did last night it'll be worth it.
  15. Fair play! I hate the **** with a passion, but he's bigger than me (or it might just be the stupid ****ing tophat)
  16. How about going down to his shop and telling him what you think of him face to face?
  17. Cleared up quite well at times, very agricultural though.
  18. Just got back from that dross, we were outplayed for most of the game by a team with more energy and desire to win every ball. The ref being Brentford's 12th man didn't help our cause. If only Barnard hadn't missed a sitter at 1-0. Kelvin MOTM
  19. They should go around the Swiss/Italian border and play sides like Bellinzona, Lugano and Como, lovely part of the world.
  20. If you don't follow the ball then you're either not human or possibly a scout. That said, I've always got one eye on the shape of the back four (I'm a goalkeeper, so used to criticising defender's positioning!), through all the changes of managers we've always seemed to have fullbacks who stay compact and allow the opposition wingers to wander into space when the play is building up with the opposition. They only seem to want to go to the man once they've had time to control the ball, turn and run at them. Can't help thinking it'd cut out a lot more danger if they were up their backside and ready to pounce on their first touch.
  21. Paraguayan striker who plays for Club America in Mexico shot in the head in the toilets of a bar in Mexico City. He's a good player, Sunderland were having a look recently, would've been a cert for their world cup squad. http://www.football365.com/story/0,17033,8652_5884678,00.html http://www.goal.com/en/news/1700/paraguay/2010/01/25/1761242/breaking-news-salvador-cabanas-undergoes-surgery Will be familiar to those who play FM, hope he recovers.
  22. I'd be surprised if the club are allowing any new registrations, if they have any sense they'd have refused from as soon as the draw was made.
  23. Lederhosen in honour of Markus would be better, sod it, bring a cuckoo clock too, maybe a Toblerone and a jar of Sauerkraut, let's do a combined nod to his mixture of German/Swiss origin/current homeland.
  24. Pardew is a football man, he knows all too well what this means, no matter what he says in the media. Same with the players, they don't live under a rock, even Papa Waigo isn't likely to walk on the field and think "what's all the fuss about?". If you know anything about football then you know what a derby is and what it means to those in the stands. Whether it means anything to the players personally is irrelevant, they will all know what it means to us and therefore (I hope) will be busting a gut to get the win.
  25. You make some valid points, but whilst going to the away games adds nothing to the clubs coffers, it shows that you are willing to go that extra mile and spend a fair amount of money in some cases to support the team in places where they need it. Our away support this season has been fantastic and it'd be nice if they recognised the non ST holders who have contributed. I've been to most of our home games, pretty much all were bought on the door and I've been to 5 away games (6 after tomorrow). Whatever the club decide to do for non-ST holders I will accept, but I will do my best to get a ticket, if I don't, I'll sit and scream at my TV.
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