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Everything posted by Supersubpuckett

  1. some great clubs in there - hopefully an entertaining season with a bit more focus than the championship normally gets
  2. Calm down - I don't struggle at all thanks. I merely said some sort of stake..... seems I was right with my prediction
  3. he had a better than 1 in 3 scoring rate at Blackburn and is therefore proven and effective at championship level. if you base any players ability on our last couple of seasons then barely anyone would make the cut. i think he will be a real asset next season.
  4. it's going to be at least one of semmens, ankersen or kraft - as the latter two have some sort of stake in the club it'll be semmens as a well deserved fall guy
  5. I've been to five games this season and sit in the same block (34) - at every game I have sat next to away fans with the same seats being sold to them. It's clear there are loads of other away fans in that section too. Last week I had a group of 4 city fans bowing, laughing and taking pictures when haaland scored. Also a group of really p1ssd city fans clambering around the seating looking for space to sit together. Stewards nowhere to be seen. Players demotivated None of the academy coming through Numerous behind the scenes departures The loss of our dedicated scouting network Terrible manager and player recruitment Toe curling oompah band (stick to pantomimes) The half time 'entertainment' yesterday pretty much summed this club up right now.
  6. in 2005 we were financially ruined, in 2023 it's our culture - the arrogance of SR has been ruinous
  7. Agree - we've been missing this since the days of Tadic supplying Pelle. Redmond's final ball is often shocking and djneppo is just dreadful.
  8. i think we're nailed on for relegation - we clearly lack the squad quality to compete 'man for man' and won't have the momentum of just being promoted to carry us for a while. Aside from the post-lockdown section of the previous season and the start of last, we have pretty consistently shown relegation form... and now we've lost 20 goals a season through Ings with the club doing it's usual job of making signing a player look like the most painfully difficult task in the world! I would love to proved wrong but I think our time has come and the bvllsh1t 'strategy' of being self-sustaining just doesn't work in the premier league.
  9. we're attempting to play a system that our players aren't good enough to execute in this league. it's clear all opposition teams know how to handle us and we just look like a lower league team going banzai in a cup game, only to get picked off when we tire or make a mistake. I think the players are starting to show their views as they don't seem to be playing for ralph the same way they did a few months ago, body language between the players is terrible and the overall energy of the team has dipped markedly. we've got some decent defenders and are reasonable up front but our midfield is shocking and has been for long time the combination of a manager doggedly sticking to his preferred style and a board without the funds to invest means we will get dragged well and truly in to the relegation fight and will ultimately end up being relegated, either this season or next the highs of 2003 followed by the lows of 2005 the highs of 2020 followed by......
  10. Gao doesn't have any money and Kat took what the club had as takeover payment
  11. we were VERY lucky, I was waiting for City to score but it just wasn't going for them. For us it was a battling and committed performance from a real team the likes of which we haven't seen in years, however we need to seriously upgrade in certain positions as they were tearing us to pieces at times.
  12. really like that - the stripes nazi's will hate it 'cos it's just not saints' but the stuff we've had in recent years has been dreadful. I think the last decent stripes kit was our promotion season from championship. This would also be a nod to our past.
  13. Finishing School in Switzerland - source is someone very closely connected to a former board member. The club is properly up the creek. I guess we choose to believe whatever fits our own thinking but I'm inclined to take this over all the other stuff out there given where it's come from.
  14. a reliable source
  15. she sent to school with nelly so probably knew exactly what sort of character gao was and took her payment straight out the club finances....which is why we have ZERO cash to invest other than what we generate from sales on that basis i'd say she's full square to blame for where we are
  16. I've heard the club are setting themselves up for the Championship which could explain why we are either not replacing key roles or are finding it hard to attract people....and why there's a complete absence of ambition or communication. Prob part of Gao's plan to turn SMS into a wharf or a leisure/retail zone. We'll be ground sharing with Eastleigh before you know it.
  17. Agree with this. Same as in cricket when the decision stays with the umpire on 50/50 lbw's. the VAR tech is fine, it's the application of it that needs reviewing.
  18. on the one hand the uber fans want a protest then they don't want anyone to leave early and sing their heart out i think getting up and walking out was a protest and the empty stadium will have had an impact on the club, the sort people are looking for from a protest this is the fourth season of dreadful, passionless football and so it's no wonder that over the same period the atmosphere has got worse
  19. didn't charlie nicholas hint at problems and 'internal goings on' recently? the extent to which the players switched off suggests something is very wrong
  20. rohl was clearly the brains behind ralphs success - without him he's just a lot of hot air and platitudes
  21. there is something very wrong with the club right now. the change from the upbeat optimism from the end of last season couldn't be more stark
  22. i was at that game, brilliant atmosphere - there was something special about The Dell that gave the players magical qualities.....sometimes!
  23. i'd forgotten about adams...
  24. we love a bit of VAR
  25. I think we'll get a right spanking this afternoon - 4 or 5-0 Even that shlt-house club down the road exposed our clueless defence - kane, son and lamela will tear us apart and we have nothing the protect them in midfield and toothless up front
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