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  1. A friend fund raises for a very worthwhile cause as detailed below and the club have been kind enough to donate a pennant signed by the full current squad. She is looking to use this to raise money towards medals for the tournament so if anyone would like to make a financial offer for the pennant, please message me..............bear in mind this is the Championship winning side (minus a couple of upcoming signings perhaps)! Alternatively, if anyone would like to offer and other help or donations, send me a message and I can put you in touch with organisers. "Comanesti is an economically deprived region of Romania with over 80% unemployment and funds that are available are urgently needed in other areas, so there is very little in the way of organised social/sporting activities. We offer children & young adults from deprived and marginalised groups the chance to play football in a supportive environment. This had been the first time such an event had taken place in this area. We are all involved with Dexter Sports YFC, I am President and Paul & Roy are both FA qualified football coaches, the three of us are travelling to Comanesti in September. We have raised money this year for our trip by holding a Father's Day 6 aside tournament, two Garden Party's with cream teas and a quiz night to be held on the 4th Sept at our local pub. Throughout the year we also collect and send out football equipment, kit, boots, shin pads etc and last year we were able to supply everyone that took part with kit and footwear. For the past two years we have been going to Comanesti, Romania to organise football coaching sessions in local schools and state run orphanage/children’s home. Some of the participants are from the gypsy community, other youngsters with special needs and disabilities and orphans in the care of the charity. The week ends with a tournament in the town’s football stadium, with over approx 150 participants of which the Mayor attends. We do this under the umbrella of the Biggin Hill Romania Group, a UK registered charity, and they arrange the visits to the schools and our accommodation in Romania. We now need to raise enough to pay for 150 medals on ribbons to be presented to all that take part at the tournament .......................so therefore I need to raise as much as possible by selling the Saints Pennant to fund this purchase, please dig deep and help to put a smile on a childs face, thank you." http://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?fbid=1845449549122&set=a.1246378972732.34317.1627159303&type=1&theater
  2. Richard Hall MOD's EDIT: Are you trying to say Dean Richard and Fitz Hall, by any chance..?
  3. It was Saga according to a friend at St Marys. I'm pretty confident he would get it right. Have no idea why he is still here though unless the deal is off.
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