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Eyes k8

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Everything posted by Eyes k8

  1. No one could fail to be impressed by your liberalism and commitment to freedom of speach. Banning faith schools and forbidding children to express their views will clearly show who is in the right. Have you ever considered where your freedom of speach comes from and which people achieved this for you?
  2. Like most things in football I imagine we achieved this before you jimmy dickinson 1950 and 1954 just for starters
  3. Good idea to drop Pompey players Johnson and Defoe but why not James as well. We have already lost Kranjcar to injury on international duty we don't want to lose any more. I'm sure you'd hate it if we were weakend because of our players turning out for England. At least Crouch, Campbell and Nugent were safely at home. Robinson and Carson are the way forward.
  4. To us half price January and not being paid £80,000 a week
  5. Vodka and rum best before..................sex. HTH
  6. The government levies tax on fuel bills at about 8%. therefore the rise in domestic fuel bills has brought millions extra into the treasury. So whilst people have to make do with less, the government gets more. In effect a further stealth tax and a further increase in the percentage of wealth the government takes. What is needed is a restoration % wise to the tax levels of eight years ago. The alternative of not restoring our money will be a sharp drop in spending, followed by firms failing, followed by increased unemployment. I suspect apart from cosmetic gestures the government will seek to maintain its own spending power and essentially do nothing.
  7. The government levies tax on fuel bills at about 8%. therefore the rise in domestic fuel bills has brought millions extra into the treasury. So whilst people have to make do with less, the government gets more. In effect a further stealth tax and a further increase in the percentage of wealth the government takes. What is needed is a restoration % wise to the tax levels of eight years ago. The alternative of not restoring our money will be a sharp drop in spending, followed by firms failing, followed by increased unemployment. I suspect apart from cosmetic gestures the government will seek to maintain its own spending power and essentially do nothing.
  8. Are the Man City Abu Dhabi people the same ones who were linked with you or different?
  9. Interesting post. I'm not sure most experts would think it is a mental health issue. It's certainly not a diagnosable category. In the past homosexuality and nymphomania were>
  10. NIDH. That was OJ who was excellent and we signed him after Harry found him a wife from the EEC. There were other treialists that night one of whom was morrocan and looked rubbish.
  11. I laughed at your jest until I suddenly thought blimey you're right. I'm sure we played a morrocan trialist first friendly of the season at Exeter
  12. I can only think you are on drugs. This is the same Perrin who preferred to play Vignal rather than Taylor at left back and Andy O'Brian in central defence rather than Linvoy Primus. If the team was playing such great football how come we couldn't win a home game against the weaker sides before harry came back and how come Perrin's captain went to Milan and asked for Perrin to be sacked? At Lyon the players nick name for perrin was 'gone before Christmas.' At the end of our first home game of the season the person next to me said, there was no hope while Perrin was manager, we would be relegated and our football was so bad we'd have difficulty in staying in the championship. Whilst you can argue about who did the signings what is true is that not a single one of them was any good, whilst the players that left were class e.g. Berger, Stone, Yak
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