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Eyes k8

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Everything posted by Eyes k8

  1. I went out with a finnish girl called Marja, she looked very much like the girl in the picture. She couldn't speak any English and I couldn't speak any finnish but it was ok. I had already read kalevala which drives you mad Da de da de dah de dah dah dah de dah de dah de dah dah It's the metre used by Longfellow in Hiawatha, which in turn is because Longfellow wasn't an indian at all but had borrowed it from Kalevala.
  2. You sound really rather depressed are you sure you are really up to living in Hayling surrounded by the Blue Few? Would a holiday in Millbrook with relatives cheer you up. You do rather over egg the omelet. Saints are not insolvent, neither are you in your worst post war state. You are nowhere near the depths we sank to. Each year I used to discover that I had a bit more soul than I thought I had. We finished in the bottom half of the table ten years running. Each year it was soul destroying. Each year just when you thought there was no bit of soul left to be destroyed you found a tiny bit more soul to be pummeled into nothingness as the last residue of hope died. Get it into perspective, you've only had a couple of years devoid of hope. Don't bother going on a Pompey site, it's all isn't Redknapp great, yes I agree, zzzzzzzzzz. Much more interesting here with a range from wish he was still here to I wish he was dead and i blame him for my wife leaving me. It's probably just an early thirties crisis you're going through, don't eat too much sugar, insist on coriander at restuarants rather than flat parsley and remember with eight billion people in the world someone must love you, it's just a matter of meeting that one special person.
  3. Well thank you for that unsolicited testimonial. That's very kind of you. When people show kindness and appreciation it provokes others to similar sentiments. All the saints supporters i've ever met have been intelligent, employed and friendly persons not a bit like the stereotype of the turnip crunching jaw and long vowels, the saint I took to Fratton was very pleasant and she even wanted to pay. So the stereotypes of each other may not be entirely true as my Dad's cousin/brother used to say. I wish you a speedy return to the top flight where unfortunately we will beat you once more. But hey we miss you come back.
  4. You are in danger of creating a myth yourself, had we beaten West Brom you wouldn't have had to beat Man U you would only have needed to draw with them, in which case you would have achieved the same number of points as Palace but had a better goal difference by a single goal. The West Brom Pompey result therefore determined what you had to do. You might only have had to draw but the Hawthorns result meant you had to win. So at the end of the day it's a matter of interpretation, either our defeat relegated you by setting you an impossible task, or you relegated yourselves without any help from us. Both cases are arguable. Let's just skate over our differences and agree that the simple truth is that your boss is right.
  5. They only overtook you because we pushed them over the line. They were awful and there was a real risk of us winning by an o.g. or some other fluke. In the second half our defence stopped tackling them and they still couldn't score. Matt Taylor threw himself on the ball rolling it around between his arms whilst looking at the ref but he just wouldn't blow. In the end Linvoy had to turn his back on Horsfield so he could score. You may be right about Redknapp but crediting Robson with overtaking you is...well...I'm speachless
  6. Do you think? a) The Mods are allowing us onto Pompey related topics but would batter us fish if we stray. A policy which gives the Mods daily power over us rather than simply excludingan additional perspective from the board. b) The Mods are closet skates who have already got their Milan tickets. c) The Mods are enabling some of the more limited posters on here to wina few arguments as we can only post 3 times and this can be trumped by a memberes fourth post. d) The Mods by a pragmatic policy are heading off an expensive legal challenge to the European Court of Fish Rights for equal access to the best board on the south coast. The correct answers are of course a b c and d.
  7. Sometimes I feel as if I have to explain everything to you lot. The biggest danger is relegation because it produces a massive loss of income. (30-60m say over 2-3 years). To protect yourself from relegation you need to create at least mid table safety to secure your future income of say 120m over 3-4 years. In creating such a squad to ensure continuing premier league status you will almost certainly go into debt. However you are not buying nothing you are buying players that have a sell on value. So if you have a 60m debt whereas before you had nothing, the real difference is 60-40 =20m. Long term this may not be sustainable but it's not the crisis your trying to paint. Your fears for us are largely unfounded Pompey Resident
  8. Have you ever considered that loans might be secured against projected future income. Unless you are going to argue that we will be relegated, (do you think that's going to happen?), how much do you think our TV income will be worth next season? Your financial thinking seems to be a bit short sighted.
  9. The average over the past 5 seasons counting this season so far is 15.03%. You are not bottom either. A bigger than average fall may show that things are not well with such clubs and certainly those with the biggest falls have tended not to do well. Birmingham were relegated twice. Norwich increased their crowd probably due to massive price cuts. Norwich 2% increase Decreases Sunderland 5.9 Wolves 7.8 Derby 9.8 Watford 10.7 Charlton 11.6 Sheff u 16.5 Reading 18.0 Birmingham 18.7 Palace 19.3 WBA 19.5 Leeds 20.3 Leicester 22.1 Saints 22.9 Birmingham 24.3
  10. So if saints with their 48.4% of capacity doubled their crowd to 96.8% would you be posting on here, we can't fill our ground? By a happy coincidence 96.8% is our average gate this season.
  11. OK Gary O'Neil over 100 games under Harry in two spells up to the season he was 24 in Rowan Vine unfortunately sold in 2005 when Harry was somewhere down the road. Similarly Lewis Buxton again I believe sold in Harry absence And before you start when was the last player to come through your youth system and play 100 games under one manager?
  12. Well balanced post with unrefutable arguments and all without even the slightest trace of being bitter or twisted.
  13. Never mind the squad how about actually playing: Matthew Taylor played regularly from the age of 21 Glen johnson played regularly from the age of 22 Armand Traore played regularly from the age of 18 HTH
  14. Platini is right the Qataris should be the only beneficiaries of Qatari money and the French should be the only beneficiaries of Platini's French Wisdom. Now let me see Mandaric and Gaydamak or.... Gregory and Venables,,,,that's a tough one.
  15. Glad you don't let your passionate hatred get in the way of the facts. Defoe wasn't gifted, Redknapp signed him from Charlton for money. I'm only guessing but I think Redknapp and his assistant Frank Lampard sen. might have had a hand in signing Frank Jun. As for the toon job do you not think not having control over signings and having a DOF might be a small issue?
  16. You haven't got two grounds. Where are you hiding the superior one?
  17. It's at Fratton Nov27. you lot stay away
  18. One of the few ways you are still ahead of us apart from the catering is that you.ve been involved in European competition more. So how many years have you participated? How many European games have you played? Have you ever got beyond the first match?
  19. Yes poor old Crouchie a shadow of his former self in the glory days at Saints. In which of his four goals in the last eight days did you think he looked the most lost? 1) Heading in the rebound against Spurs 2) The trademark Crouch header against the Portuguese 3) The marvellous control and shot against the Portuguese 4) The bicycle kick volley yesterday which he described as his best
  20. Disrupting the Ted Bates minute silence was completely unacceptable and shameful. I hope they have given up coming to our games.
  21. Naaah, that was all put on. We all knew he was our agent on a manage and destroy mission, we had to do that to maintain his cover, otherwise you would start saying, he doesn't care about us. It was THE big secret. Harry was so excited at the end of that match that you don't talk about that he almost blew his cover by giving the thumbs up to Milan. He almost blew it again by wearing a blue top on the day you were relegated. With hindsight the truth of this must be pretty obvious to you. We were just releived you fell for it at the time. Even more releived when we got our man back to his spiritual home. I'm sure that now you can see the unbounded love we have for the man, not least when the 200,000 turned out on Southsea Common to applaud him. The Spuds on the other hand was just hatred.
  22. Ah I see what you mean. By the same token mcmenemy getting relegated can't be offset by the football League championship because he didn't win it but it could be offset by the FA cup win. So Mcmenemy is a zero, worse than the wally with the brolly. It is hilarious isn't it.
  23. i was talking about success i.e. winning trophies not the ability to finish mid table. redknapp Football League Champions and FA Cup winners, maclaren Micky mouse Cup. Were you on the FA Committee that chose Maclaren? Incidently if you take complete seasons in charge of a team rather than the manager coming in halfway through, Redknapp has an average finish of 10th, Maclaren 11th. You may also have noticed yesterday that whereas Redknapp's team progressed in the Eufa, maclaren having got knocked out at the first stage in the Champs League also got knocked out at the first stage in the Eufa. in Holland they are beginning to realise he's a bit of a twente.
  24. The main thing they chanted was Campbell, Campbell you're a c unt. If we repeated this in the forms Le tiss your a c unt or Crouch your a c unt, then perhaps many both red and blue might consider it time to stop going. It's rather different from calling Le Tiss a w anker or sc ummer because what those things actually mean is hate to admit it but what a fantastic player you are, wish you played for us. The Campbell thing was just hatred. Far worse than anything I've ever experienced. You guys have been gentlemen.
  25. Well pessimistic of Putney, we haven't even put in a detailed planning application yet and then the jolly thing has to be built. A bit more optomism from you is called for. we went from being rubbish one season to being the best team in the league the next. At the end of the first home game of the season under Redknapp there was almost silence as people looked at each other in stunned disbelief at the wonderful football we had just seen. the crowd knew then that we'd be there or there abouts. Now accepting you can't have Harry back what about his mate Cotterill who lives in the area and i understand has been seen at SMS. Appoint him, a bit of advice from Harry and you could be back before you could say, 'Redknapp's the most successful english manager this decade.'
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