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Eyes k8

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Everything posted by Eyes k8

  1. I think the echo is misinterpreting the FL statement. If you just look at what is in actual quotes the FL are saying the issue was the waiver in regard to sporting sactions. This would cover both the 10 points, the CVA and some other issues like showing the auditor the door. Pinnacle are saying other issues by which they probably mean further penalties on top of the 10. Other issues to The FL might mean not paying the players on time, transfers etc. I think the FL post is somewhat disengenuous.
  2. Phew, that's a relief it's not me. Actually GM I have to admit you are one of the most interesting posters on here. Cheers. Hope it works out.
  3. Probably like me you're all thinking this is a re-run of the russians inviting Ivan the Terrible to return. I don't know if any of you have got a view as to how sucessful Ivan's restoration was and if there are any lessons to be drawn from this as to the advisability of inviting Prince Rupert back?
  4. Many people are thinking negatively about this. Sell a couple of assets, more money for the creditors. Value of club and purchase price go down. Pinacle now have to find less money making deal more likely. -Simples!
  5. It's time for Fry to take a reality cheque(sic). Fry's strategy of encouraging bidders to negotiate with or challenge the football league has landed you in a real mess. He should have said at the beginning that the club too was in administration and invited bids on the basis of a reality that everyone knew that you'd start the season on -25 or so unless you could get a CVA (and I think you did have some chance). On the basis of being in a relegation scrap from the beginning you might have got bids in the region of 3-4 million. Instead of which you've had the way blocked by fantasy bidders, proposing higher sums but conditional on the football league doing somersaults. Money wasted on futile legal advice and now the possibility of losing players for nothing by breaching contracts. This strategy has also left the club with another problem. Whilst the fixtures have been published for League 1, the rules say League 2 unless exceptional circumstances which in effect means the new owner accepting stringent conditions. No new owner, no agreement and it's League 2. Don't know when the League will hit you with that one. It might be irrelevant by then. So come on Mr fry, SMS is pretty worthless without a football team. Name your price and make it low for a real takeover not the fantasy junk that you've foisted on the club.
  6. Jonah, Throw him in the Solent and the club survives. He'll come willingly. It's the least he can do.
  7. Rather than Mr Fry's approach of let's challenge the FL auditor and the rules which will have the predictable outcome of FL wins, they always do; it may have been a wiser course to accept the rules and work towards gaining a CVA. The one advantage Southampton had over other teams in similar straits was that little was owed to HMRC who have been the main stumbling block to gaining a CVA. Some creditors are presumably saints fans and might well have voted for the CVA. Of course if you run up a legal bill for the administrators and put bidders in a similar position, there will be less money for creditors and less liklihood of gaining a CVA. Fighting talk from Mr Fry is all very well and gains applause but where does it leave you at the end of the day. A more pragmatic approach may have led you to completion by now.
  8. It's in the FL's interest to let matters drift a few days. If SFC can't pay the wages it shows that the club is insolvent. Pinacle are stuck on this one. If they put up £500,000 at a small risk the FL will say there you are proof that the club itself is insolvent. If they don't the FL will say there you are proof that the club itself is insolvent. The FL will be in no hurry and Lineham recognises this talking about they may not get back to him today. The stupidity of the pretence is now actually delaying the takeover. You will still get the same points deductions but you face a delayed takeover because the delay strengthens the leagues case.
  9. I.ve been thinking about No6 and how you've ended up with this set of events: a) RL and co realise admin is a poss and hope under those circumstances to buy cheap. They realise there is a poss of using the clubs structure to try and avoid points penalties. b) The administrator when appointed naturally buys into this idea because the club is worth more without penalty points. c) But Fry can scarcely appeal within the 7 day limit. Dear FL we appeal on the grounds we are not in administration signed M Fry Joint administrator. So he puts it in the new owner pending box d) New potential owner inheriting this doubt has to be seen to be earnestly appealing this lost cause. e) Having appealed to be allowed to appeal and now knowing that having tried really hard there will still be 10 points and maybe more. The club is worth less, so how about taking a lesser offer Mr Fry f) Mr Fry: I'm talking to middle east representatives g) Meanwhile back at the ranch payday tomorrow h)FL watch developments with interest
  10. Ours will be completed by July 11th according to Arabian business. Everything sorted but huge amount of paperwork for processing. The good doctor to speak to Pompey supporters at the Union Jack Club in london that night. Two weeks-Can you beat that?
  11. That's more like it, i'm glad you're feeling better. You've been so eyes down contemplating your own navel for so long at last you've decided to lift your eyes upwards to us. Tell us that one again about how you don't need a CVA.
  12. Anyone know the answer to this. If the FL spin this out to your next payday on Thursday will the football club go bust? Or, have the club got enough money for next Thursday. There was something on here about Rasiak? Poland? and you getting £200k, and maybe other bits I've missed?
  13. Good grief Mr Beer Engine somebody with balls and a brain. Expect to be ignored. Of course you should have put everything into administration and then behaved like Athenians, 'we'd be honoured if Lord Mawinny and his FL colleagues would be our guests and enter into dialogue with us now we have suceeded in getting rid of that litigous and uncooperative RL. We are determined to return to the family club once more and we would like your help and guidance. Of course we understand we must have penalties for the previous regime leading us into administration and penalties because of the creditors but could our friends the FL look favourably on us and suggest possible ways we might minimise the penalties. Instead most seem to want to be spartans, let's fight them, lets take them to Court we've got a case we can win. Well no you can't, you may unlikely as it is win the battle but you've already lost the war. Surrender and smile and negotiate as model members of the league. It seems you can take the club away from Rupert but it's not so easy to take rupert behaviour away from the club.
  14. My last post of the day. The golden share is basically your membership card to the club. If you go into administration you will lose your membership card. When SLH went into administration the FL announced two measures, the first being which got a lot of publicity was the points penalty, the second which was almost completely ignored was that the administration rules became operative- nobody even started a thread on here about what that meant. Almost certainly it meant your membership was revoked (no golden share). You can only go back into their league and the division you want if you accept their additional stipulations. There are likely to be a number of them. One will be giving up your right of appeal. I suspect that this is illegal as it is unreasonable, but the only way to prove that is to go to law and you might well win. But in the meantime you won't have your golden share or a league to play in. I think there is also an FA golden share that is still witheld from Leeds. Perhaps someone could post the administration rules that the FL made operative some while ago.
  15. Yes you have in theory but not in practice. In Bournemouth's case they accepted a 17 point penalty and fifteen other conditions including giving up their right to appeal in order to get their golden share back. Leeds went further, having originally agreed to accept the FL edicts they then reneged on that and threatened to go to law. A panel of the clubs was set up as an alternative and Leeds agreed to abide by the decision. The panel found in favour of the FL. As a result a new rule about clubs giving access to an independent auditor was passed. SFL withdrew co-operation from the auditor. You are in a lose lose situation. You got his name wrong it is Lord "we'vemadeitupalreadybeforeyoucamealong" mwhiny. Of course you've got a right of appeal from League2. Feeling lucky?
  16. The FL rules have grown out of their previous skirmishes with other clubs. So the rules as they stand at the moment say you come back in at league 2 level. They will let you back at league 1 but only if you accept appropriate points penalties, give up your right to appeal, accept other conditions and promise to play nicely with the other clubs in the league in the future. You can of course go to law but then you won't have a league to play in come August. This is what made Ken Bates at Leeds voluntarily give up his idea of going to law. They've got you stiched up like a kipper. (fish expertise)
  17. Saw exeter play us in a pre season friendly last Summer. They were very good. Not at all surprised they got promoted. You will find they are no pushover.
  18. Last night I looked out the window, nobody was there. This morning I looked out the window, again nobody was there. He must have been there all night.
  19. At least someone is taking this seriously, some of you others really make me wonder. His name was indeed Bumble, the year was 1998 in the south of England. He was a short haired bumble bee. The tribe not being happy is an understatement as Bumble was the last short haired bee left. All his widows were faced with the invidious choice of celebacy or lesbianism. With regard to the rotation of the earth as i have already said he was heading northwards that hardly comes into it. besides which anyone who introduces the rotation of the earth into a topic ought to at least empty water down the plug hole 10 times and report if clockwise or counter clockwise together with their location. Both the train and the bee were real, after that day the bee was imaginery. Who do I blame? Rupert Lowe. Lowe league position, Lowe gates, Lowe number of bees, in fact nothing. Now if you could find (I haven't googled) an oriental businessman called Mr Hi it could usher in a new era for you.
  20. I'm afraid you're going to have to read the thread a second time Mike. You are not on track and are missing the points. Consider now the question that has occupied forward thinking people since neolithic times. No not why has Portsmouth applied to be soth coast host city for the 2018 world cup but rather: Why are speed cameras not content to flash once but do it a second time? The first flash produces a photo in which nothing is moving, everything is stationary. Useless. The second photo again shows no motion. But with those little white lines you can work out the theoretical construct called speed. Speed of course as Aristotle pointed out does not actually exist. So too in that instant when train and bee met a photo would show them to be stationary, just like everything else. HTH
  21. So on the basis of all the above and in recognition that both clubs are undertaking due diligence do we all agree that at this point in time we can be certain that nothing is in motion and that nothing can possibly be happening, although something might just have happened or be about to happen?
  22. I always thought you were a bright fellow Landford. At any given moment in time velocity is indeed nil. We make use of this in things called photographs. So whilst it is truethat in an instant of time both bee and train were stationary that is true of everything in an instant of time. Movement can only take place between moments of time. The bee would of course have slowed the train but only by a miniscule amount. The train had a rather more comprehensive affect on the bee. A special mention to for bobbyboy who was on the right track in one of his rare posts. The optional prize has to go to Landford.
  23. But at that instant it was stuck to the front of the train. At that instant it was stationary having as you put it "zero velocity". But if it had zero velocity so did the train because the bee was stuck to it. You'll have to do better than that! The bee stopped the train. Well this is my last post of the day unless the mods lift the limit on a temporary basis for the edification and education of board members.
  24. Two bees or not two bees that is the question. No No no not 2 bees just a single bee flying along happily in the sunshine in a northerly direction humming Play Up Pompey when smack a great big southern bound train carrying stripey people hits him head on. What remains of him is stuck to the train and heads back the way he came i.e. South. Now as he was heading north but is now heading south there must have been a moment when he stopped and changed direction. At that moment he must have been stationary. But as he was stuck to the train, the train must also have been stationary. Yes? True? Simples! So the bee stopped the train. Think about it. should keep you going till dd is completed.
  25. You've raised an important issue. A bee was flying northwards when it was struck by a train coming southwards. Half the bee was thrown away from the train and need not concern us. The other half of the bee stuck to the front of the train and proceded with the train in a southernly direction. clearly there was a moment at impact when the bee travelling north changed to a southerly direction and was stationary. But that half of the stationary bee was stuck to the front of the train. So if the half bee was stationary the train too must have been stationary. The bee stopped the train. Discuss.
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