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Stanley Saint

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Everything posted by Stanley Saint

  1. The other way is to highlight all your songs in itunes and bump up the volume slider (it's on one of the tabs in the 'getinfo' menu). I've done this and it works fine, but you have to remember to do it with each new cd you import etc.
  2. and hugging merrington, apparently.
  3. I like the Kermode five live film review one, the collings and herrin one, the psm3 mag one and the radio 4 comedy ones. I'm starting to worry that I'm using my ipod more for these than for music. I need someone to recommend a good new music podcast for me (I'm an aging indie kid who would like to hear some new stuff)..any ideas?
  4. Happy birthday to you!
  5. Stanley Saint


    I thought the books were good fun, but then I am very in touch with my feminine side...
  6. Thanks Baj. I was trying to watch it upstairs whilst cooking my tea downstairs. Luckily, the time-delay meant I could hear the goals on solent, run upstairs and see them 'live' just after. Burned my pork chop to buggery, though.
  7. Totally agree with this. Many of the players singled out for the most abuse seem to get it in the neck after a couple of under-par moments, then never win back fans' affections no matter how well they play. I know Ricardo Fuller didn't exactly endear himself to fans here, but he's proved himself time and again at Stoke. Ally Dia apart, these players are all there to bring something to the team. By all means criticise if they mess up, but then move on and give them a chance to put it right. Blaming them for the rest of the season is only going to have one result: loss of confidence, team plays worse.
  8. He looked very sharp in his running but his touch let him down a couple of times. He's going to be fantastic though - you could see him and Lambert start to find each other and run off each other. They could be a great partnership.
  9. Thought he was excellent. Did all the things that I'd been hoping to see from Papa. Definitely turned the game around.
  10. Johnny Marr for me. Why can't he dig out his melodic jangle again, when the world needs him most?
  11. Tried it when it came on FX, but I couldn't get into it. Seemed really badly acted to me. Was I too hasty?
  12. Valley studios is great, Ben's a legend. Factory Road is a studio but Rob lets out the room if he's got no-one in recording, and he's a legend as well.
  13. Never, ever, ever knock the mighty George Lawrence.
  14. The whole album's genius, pure genius.
  15. Bugger! I saw them at Brixton Academy for their 'last ever gig'. Was hoping that ticket stub was going to be worth something someday....
  16. That's them crocked for the rest of the season, then.
  17. 'Em Are I' - Jeffrey Lewis. Saw him at Hamptons last week and am now getting dangerously obsessed with his slightly deranged syle.
  18. Agree, Lallana was fantastic tonight. Seems to have added strength to his skill - wasn't knocked off the ball nearly so easily as last season. Much more optimistic after tonight.
  19. What are you guys basin your info on?
  20. I was in Kephalonia in August about 12 years ago and it was a) fantastic but b) brutally hot. The local shops were renting out fans so that over-heated tourists without aircon could sleep at night. There weren't enough to go round, so if you saw someone walking down the main street of scala with a fan to return to the shop you had to run after them and try to rent it straight out before someone else got it. Oh happy days. Don't know what it's like in October mind; probably just peachy.
  21. I thought 'Raging Bull' and 'Taxi Driver' were both excellent films, so I'm glad he's come on board.
  22. Boggle Championship?
  23. Bloody hell, Sydenham was useful too!
  24. It feels like a massive weight has been lifted. For a few weeks there the chance of not actually having a team to support suddenly seemed horribly possible. Good work Mr Leibherr!
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