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Everything posted by sydneysaint

  1. Sorry intened for "Dangermouth" Peter
  2. Terrific post for my money as an ex-pat living in a former penal colony. please continue the good work. I can only watch the B.B.C. teletext on my laptop. I believe Saints Player will be available for free for overseas supporters. I am ITK on this as I have a reply to an email I sent to H.Q. re the vast market to be tapped into by such a move to embrace the unseen and silent fans such as me. I will still be looking for your future posts, they provide an insight that is completely different to what can be observed by watching a webcast. Thanks again Peter. P.S. Don't bother with the doomsday soothsayers.
  3. Only watched text on BBC but I think we will do very well.
  4. Pleased that Crab Lungs and others who are Really in the Know and one or two others make their posts Correct in more than 50% of ITK posts.
  5. Shoot me if I am wrong, but wer'nt the "back headers of Big Ron pretty lethal. I did'nt see Cliff Huxford get a metionn either; maybe my age is starting to show.
  6. Lucky or Not Find Out Soon!
  7. Fraser
  8. Thread still open
  9. How long Will it last?
  10. Since I have started posting Won 3 drawn 1 no goals against. Agree with RK Austin scores on Average 1 goal every second game - so play him every second game?
  11. Sorry my eyes going bad " young and jerky?"
  12. There used to be a sticky posted I am not sure who looked after it. People were able to post rumour ITK's and if they became fact the lower half of the screen would announce the signing/loan etc and give acknowledgment to the first person who predicted it. Maybe I am getting old but I found it much easier to follow than he could do a job for us ( which meanders all over the place ). It was a lot easier for us ex-pats to follow. Maybe it could be resurrected in the summer?
  13. For the record Fosters is owned by an Anglo South African company and brewed in the U.K.................. I wouldn't touch myself For the edification of Batman
  14. Well I am a full member again Paypal took money when my guard was down. but hey we haven't done too bad since I started posting again see earlier post if you need confirmation Peter
  15. Fosters is brewed in Britain
  16. Too tautological to testify to token truths. It has been stated on earlier thread that since posting we have won two and signed Charlie. Thanks to those who have tried to assist me. Anyway enough bull I still have Paypal on my tail trying to take me to task and I still need some help to get them off my back and request that a senior person to contact them on my behalf. Yours sydneysaint.
  17. bump
  18. The comments made explain why I unsubscribed, Sydeysaint
  19. Comments show why I cancelled.
  20. Bump
  21. Not Me. I have to floss too much.
  22. Good Laugh? Check my profile I now have Atypical Parkinsn's as well. Paypal keep hounding me foe subscription to this site. I cancelled long ago But I can't contact Paypal; maybe BAJ or somebody ( Moderator ) could do it on my behalfplease let me know on this thread please. Regards Peter
  23. sydneysaint


  24. All along down along lee and uncle Ron Koeman and all and uncle Ron Koeman and all Just a thought. Can be improved upon
  25. Bet they are they always hold their cards close to the chest.
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