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Everything posted by Lowestoft-Saint

  1. I must admit that walk down the seven sisters road was always a long boring walk but that day it was rather eventful to say the least, and those bloody horses seemed to be everywhere.
  2. I remember a few times that Clives coaches stopped in the car park by the river in Newbury, A lot of the younger lads would venture into town and come back with their hoard of Pringle jumpers etc, obviously free ones.
  3. a different era i know but we had a good few **** up in the head of the river in oxford.....
  4. As long as whoever turns up for a game pays for a ticket they should be made welcome.... What I dont want to see is any of the freeloaders from our past trying to worm thier way back into the club on a freebie.... and im sorry if this offends some people but that include Lawrie Mac.... If you want to watch Saints pay your way and stop living off what you did for us over 30 years ago. We are a NEW CLUB NOW with a bright future to look forward to.... Bring on the new season
  5. If WGS was to come back to us I think every saints fan would welcome him with open arm and show patience rather than expect a quick rapid return to the top flight.... WGS we want you to come home.... you know you belong here and have an unfinshed job to do here....
  6. The thing that really annoys me is this blinkered vision from so many fans that everything is Lowe's fault. So many of you try and find a way of pointing the finger at Lowe for things that have happened to the club. IMO, I hate where we find ourselves and the near certain division 3 status we are about to have. However This club is where it is and deserves to be because of a lot of people, I blame all of these All the Major Share holders Directors Players Past and present That have been involved in this club over the last 6 years at least. Stop all the mud slinging and finger pointing, Its time to move on.... Hope we get New Owners soon.. With no involvement from anyone thats been involved over the last 6 years. Maybe then we can move forward and the unity of the club & fans will return.
  7. If they hit us with similar pentalties as luton have been hit with......... Will YOU still feel PROUD of YOURSELF for calling FOR ADMINISTRATION for so long.....? Or are you now going to say you did not keep saying bring on administration .....
  8. Lol..... Ive already got my tickets to see Kevin 'Bloody' Wilson in concert..... and it aint until Nov 17th lol....
  9. As much as Id like anyone to help save this club, I cant help feeling a bit p*ssed off that it is only now that these rich supporters of ours are saying they may help... If they are supporters where the hell have they been over the last couple of years whilst all this mess with the club has been going on... Believe me Im not having a dig at anyone personally, Im just hoping that these guys have not left it to late to make a difference....
  10. So now I ask the question again !!!!! Who is up for this game NOW !!!! ? Baring in mind with the events of this week, this game could turn out to be the very last game by SFC as we know it.... WILL SAINTS FANS TAKE OVER THE STREETS OF NOTTINGHAM ON THE LAST DAY OF THE SEASON....? WILL MORE OF YOU NOW BE COMING WITH OR WITHOUT TICKETS ? THE CAMERA'S ARE SURE TO BE OUT & ABOUT LETS GET THE PUBLICITY OF THE CLUB OUT TO POTENTIAL INVESTORS.....
  11. Oh ffs you are joking..... Now that he has gone from Newcastle at least the Manager's (Shearer & Dowie) will be able to get on with the job without be undermined by a jumped up little Pr*ck..... Keep him well clear of SMS ..... PLEASE
  12. There is feck all hallowed about the turf at St Mary or any other football ground.... Its grass ffs..... we let the ****e from down the road play there when we have a game against them..... So if Sfc can make money from ordinary people in this way, and these people are willing to cough up the fee then I dont see a problem with it.... Have you never been on the Pitch of at any ground ? Last game of the season and all that....
  13. Forest away should be a great game then if we follow the pattern........
  14. I will blame.... F'sure Arry, Man D*ck Lowe Wilde Lowe & Wilde combined and in amongst it all a lot of so called Pro footballers who have at some stage been paid a bloody fortune to play football for SFC, but have let Us the fans down...... Football contracts should be changed.... in most jobs if you underperform you get warnings, if it still does not improve you get the boot.... time to look for another job.... Footballers should be the same.... Play crap or not put in enough effort = get warning... Continue to be as above = Get the bloody sack not a transfer and a bonus signing on fee with another club..... No i know this wont work but hey ho.... rant over lol
  15. Its strange because over the years we have had some good encounters with Forest, and even though we have not always come out on top I have had a bit of a soft spot for Forest but I guess thats because I liked Cloughie. I thought his achievements with Forest gave clubs like ours hope and a belief that the smaller & not so fashionable clubs could make a mark on the game... He may well of been outspoken and controversial but Im glad I can say I was around during his time, he was a legend. However he has gone now so come May 3rd I hope we are already safe but if not I hope we can get the points to make us safe, whatever way Im sure the day will be very interesting for teams at the bottom of the CCC.
  16. Im glad I started this thread as it already shows a few people are up for this game... Because of the kick off time and being a sunday Im now considering making it a weekend in Nottingham....
  17. Are you serious ? The rivalry has always been there....Always will.... long before Lowe and long after Lowe has gone..... and probably long long after the likes of us have gone to another world..... As for giving a toss... Most Saints fans give a toss about them because they want to see them in a worse position than us,financially and in league status.
  18. I know it always used to be a good away day, and if we get 4000 tickets... they will deff sell out.... and I really do think a lot will go without tickets if the points are really needed.
  19. I was just wondering what sort of turn out we will get for this trip.....If..... We need either a point or three to stay up. Im not sure what our allocation for the game is, but wondered if this game could see masses of Saints fans travel up just at the spur of the moment... I know the turn out we had at Dellhurst park can never be repeated but I think this game could possibly see a few of the Old boys out on the lash.... Has anyone any thoughts on its potential to be a sort of Great Escape day out
  20. 1-0 get in there
  21. Does anyone have a link to live streaming if its on anywhere ?
  22. We should take each game as it comes but, we should always go into any game with the attitude of we want to win it, we can win it.... There is no time or place for playing for draws..... It should be We Can Win We Will Win 3points all the way !!!!!
  23. I do not really care that Arsenal lost the right to host semi finals, as I do not really care as to what you think of my mention the scenes on the pitch..... I was giving you my take on potential reasons and my own reason why Heath has remained a despised man by myself & possibly other saints fans for 25 years, as you had said you could not understand it.... If you feel that hatred or despising players shouldnt occur or should dwindle over a course of time thats your choice. Why join in a thread that is basically about past demenours from players against SFC or our players...
  24. If you can remember back to the cup semi final at Higbury in 84, it was not just the fact that Heath scored the late winner that has made him a figure generally despised by saints fans. It has a lot to do with the manner of his celebrations in front of us and the following scenes on the pitch. The way in which the scousers thinking their pitch invasion was intimidating, but they soon went scurrying back to the Norh Bank when masses of Saints fans took to the pitch and totally outnumbered them. As a result of this game Highbury lost the chance to host semi-final because of their refusal to erect fencing. No I am not condoning the violence and the scenes from 84 but yes I was there and yes I was part of it and yes i was on the pitch.... Do i hate Adrian Heath ? hate is a strong word but i despise him for shattering a dream....
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