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Everything posted by InvictaSaint

  1. Kaiser Soze from The Usual Suspects A demonic hate-filled figure collects together a rag-tag bunch of no-goods and sends them on a mission that he knows will see them meet their end. Sound familiar?
  2. "I freely admit I was verrrry, verrrry drunk"
  3. 5 inches and counting here in north Kent. All the local schools are closed and the minor roads unpassable. It is more a question of what is lurking off the east coast at the moment - the whole of Kent is expected to be under a blanket of snow this afternoon and that will spread northwestwards this evening. The Hampshire basin might be able to protect Southampton but as UP says, it may be more a question of public safety (paths, footways, stairs at SMS). Would be surprised if it's on at this rate.
  4. Whilst coming back from 2-1 at home to an in-form, confident Swansea side is no mean achievement, and whilst Saga's goalscoring prowess seems to be returning at just the right time, we CANNOT ignore the bottom line which is one home win all season. That is what will ultimately get us relegated. Two points this week is passable, but we need to be winning home games not drawing them or losing them. Still exceptionally worried, as Lowe should be. He is very much up to his neck in the brown stuff, whatever his olfactory senses may be telling him.
  5. Monday 8pm: Partisan Belgrade
  6. InvictaSaint

    what score?

    After seeing the crock of sh*t team that Wotte has put out, 4-1 sounds about right to me.
  7. Did you not receive an invitation?
  8. If we don't... "Wotte silly billy" (For all you Dennis Healey fans out there)
  9. Wotte mistake-a to make-a (For all you Allo, Allo fans out there)
  10. I thought he was being quite sympathetic to be honest. His lad often comes to Saints games.
  11. And Raziak has scored for Watford...
  12. Note the use of the phrase towards the end: "for the time being"
  13. Am I the only one seeing this? Look at what the OS statement says: "Mark Wotte has been asked by the Board to take over as Head Coach" (The OS) Where is the ambiguity (or the hope!)? He is a permanent successor. The moving of the deckchairs on the White Star Lines ocean vessel has begun...
  14. "Mark Wotte has been asked by the Board to take over as Head Coach" (The OS) Sounds permanent to me. Yippee.
  15. After guiding a strong reserve side to a 2-1 defeat against mighty Millwall, Wotte certainly seems the ideal man for the job.... :-(
  16. But it says that Wotte has taken over as Head Coach, and nothing about it being temporary. So one joker for another.
  17. Thanks Lordswoodsaints - do you know anymore? If true, then surely significant - perhaps yesterday was the result rather than the catalyst?
  18. Just a thought, but much has been written about the reaction of the players to the substitutions during yesterday's game; Perry's utter confusion and dismay at being taken off, Saints players whistling to the bench for instructions and just shrugging their shoulders when nothing was forthcoming. Despite what has been written by many, Paul Wotton is still here. If he is as cheesed off as reports have suggested, surely he, Perry, Kelvin and others must be looking at what is going on and thinking "we can't go on like this"? If nothing else, these more experienced pros must be concerned about how this madness is affecting the kids in the squad - how their morale and self-belief must be in tatters. Only a few short years ago, we had stories of Dodd, Beattie and others allegedly going to Lowe and complaining about Sturrock - and that was when things were comparatively good! What price a player revolt now, when our need is that much greater?
  19. Thus spake Rupert Lowe at the AGM, in direct reference to the manager's / team's performance. Perhaps, in light of having won only once at home all season, with only 10 goals scored, and having now lost at home to 2 of our relegation rivals, Mr. Lowe would like to tell us how his review of the current situation could lead to anything other than the conclusion that his grandiose experiment has failed and that JP needs to go?
  20. Micky, I wasn't ranting at you so apologies if it appeared that way; it was more a general rant at those who feel the situation can be salvaged or that there are positives to be taken. There simply aren't. I am just so angry at what has happened to our club.
  21. How in the name of all that is holy did they "do what they had to do"???????!!!! Were they told to go out, go 2-0 down at home to a prime relegation rival, and only find the net in the last throes of the game? What a pathetic excuse for a manager - sorry, head coach - we have. A JOKE. GO NOW JAN WHILE YOUR DIGNITY IS JUST ABOUT INTACT
  22. I'm sorry but that is apologist nonsense. We went into this game on the back of a (lucky) away win at Barnsley, and we knew EXACTLY what was needed - a win. Did we achieve that? No. What does that say about the mindset of the club? 2-0 down at home to yet another of our relegation rivals, until we finally pull a goal back in injury time, which is all too little too late. We have won ONE home game all seson - ONE!! It's beyond pathetic and if you think being two points off safety makes any ****ing difference at all with the clueless numpties in charge of football at SMS you are being seriously naive; what is going to turn our home form around after more than half the season? Nothing except a change of leadership. Otherwise, prepare for League 1; that's not hysteria, that's REALITY.
  23. I sincerely hope that is intended to be ironic! ONE WIN at home ALL SEASON. Presumably all the other defeats were all unlucky too? JP OUT - LOWE OUT
  24. Don't get me wrong - I agree with a lot of what you say. Philosophically, however, and perhaps even morally, is it 'right' for one person - irrespective of their job - to be earning more money than they can physically spend? This is what capitalism allows, of course and as you say there have always been the 'haves' and the 'have nots'. Marx would have a lot to say on this I would imagine! Perhaps if one moves away from the moral argument, the question of regulation is a more practicable one; our increasingly spineless European and national FAs are fiddling whilst Rome burns in that respect. This continuing lack of concern for what is happening to our national game is what will ultimately lead to its decline.
  25. I bought a house I have decorated it and furnished it I tend to clean it myself I bought a car I have it maintained I eat out sometimes I but clothes I spend money (though not in Manchester) Why is nobody giving me a fanfare for being good for the economy? And why, despite a perfect credit score and regular monthly salary, will my bank of 26 years (LloydsTSB) not give me a £100 overdraft for one week? As you say, that is life. But I am sure Kaka's £200K a week or whatever it is makes his life a lot easier for him. Kicking a ball around for 90 minutes a week is, after all, hard work compared to the rest of us.
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