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About BodminSaint

  • Birthday 11/04/1962

BodminSaint's Achievements

  1. Leyton Orient v Saints many years ago i think we won promotion that night with a draw and the wall collapsed, also a bit of a run around with some spud fans on the pitch after
  2. This my friends is almost FACT!!......a great post
  3. This, as i said to some plastics last night, if thats your 2nd team then you`ve had it. the glory days are numbered...
  4. I agree with this.....
  5. Agree with this....
  6. RIP Mary God Bless
  7. this could be fun http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28GaKoCuobU
  8. may i just say i like the thinking here......
  9. Nail on head, best post on here for a very long time..
  10. i have always thought the whole of the itchen stand would look good with the singers in, man citys old ground had this and it looked and sounded great..... would look good on the box also
  11. i dont give a "ducks ass" which 1 goes but its got to be done swiftly and then maybe the team will work in harmony
  12. RIP sir Bobby you will be missed....
  13. Great, Great news now its time for the people of Southampton to get behind the team and push it back to where we all feel it belongs..... COYR
  14. i for one agree with what has been said here, this club went tits up because people wanted lowe out, they got what they wanted and bugga all changed, infact things got worse.... and where are these people now? oh yes i know blaming lowe for the way this club has run out of money etc: get real, you people who ran lowe out have alot to answer for, but then again your not going to admit you got it wrong are you!!!
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