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brianoneils slidingtackle

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Everything posted by brianoneils slidingtackle

  1. Congratulations to the new parents, what an understanding wife :-). Well done the Saints.
  2. Why are clubs jealous of Saints, we are starting to get the animosity that Leeds, Man U et etc get, just because we are well supported for this division and spent a bit of dosh.. "No one likes us, we dont care"
  3. http://www.moocamp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=35715 I hope the linky interwebby thingy works. Cmon MK dons, you can do better than 300 fans, pathetic
  4. I will now sellotape them to my buttocks for theft prevention, no-one dare go near there... watch out for the sailors in P*mpey though :-)
  5. I cant see it being anything else than a sell out, where are the 30,000 that turned up to see Exeter
  6. As i understand it, if your not on the database you cant buy a ticket, at Farton park they give the tickets away...
  7. Which is strange when the OS reported that they expected to go through 20,000 in the first hour.
  8. I agree with Whiistling every time they start to sing or chant, works very well as whistling is a lot louder than trying to out sing them..and its a bit demoralising for the P*mpey fans
  9. Youre not missing anything by going to the MK dons game instead of P*mpey....do you feel better now. :-)
  10. Ive got every sympathy for the guys that cant afford season tickets, in fact next season its going to get harder to afford it :-(
  11. This is why Im glad Im a season ticket holder, especially as Ive been told over the last couple of seasons "why bother, Its not worth it" Its always been my first expenditure every season and now its paid off.
  12. Feel very sorry for the Saints fans who wont be able to get tickets for this, sounds like we could of sold about 40K
  13. Life if good, I love P*mpey, hours of fun for all the family
  14. what are you on about ???? whats a persona ? can I catch it from a toilet seat ?
  15. It doesnt matter where you sit in SMS, you will still be able to smell the Pompey fans, so bring a mask at least..even in the Chapel.
  16. I want a private box with the League top brass :-) gotta get there first I suppose. MK Dons might turn on a dazzling display for their massive support :-)
  17. My ticket has arrived, now I can relax. Just thought I would share that with you !!
  18. I expect that MK dons away section of 3,000 seats will have about 150 fans occupying it :-(
  19. still waiting for mine to arrive :-( let hope tomorrow brings good news
  20. how long is this going to go on for, why dont they just admit defeat and close the poxy club down.. never liked the b*stards anyway...
  21. Shows what a clever team we have in charge of this football club, very good news..
  22. Get a good crowd in, get to wembley, and practise for the Pompey match... where we can taunt them with our "we're all going to wembley" songs
  23. I cant see there being any problems with getting a ticket for Wembley if we get there, we should have a big enough allocation for everyone to attend who wants too. :-) ( I say that in the comfort of being a season ticket holder)
  24. we bought an Exeter player, that money is now being used for Exeters incoming, i presume
  25. Its not something that anyone would admit to :-)
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