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  1. Monk just resigned job at Leeds.
  2. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-11-02/premier-league-s-southampton-said-to-be-new-china-soccer-target The Chinese are coming!
  3. All linked to his Mirror column so likely to be his PR team and not him. How he has gone up in the world!
  4. No, the Anchor, Rufus being updated so they say. With regards timing they must have flown back as they were in by 8:30 and gone by 9.30
  5. Not sure what to make of this. Having a quiet pint in Eling and in walked Fonte, Bertarm , Steve Davis & Kelvin Davies. No they did not buy loads of drinks and get ****ed but sat in a quiet part of the pub for an hour with a pint each and talked. Is this the senior players sorting out what needs to be done or just. A post match drink? No great shakes but would like to think they are getting their heads together to see a way forward together. Who knows!
  6. Anyone fancy a game Saturday? Portsmouth FC (@officialpompey) 13/02/2015 11:11 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED a head of tomorrows game against Exeter
  7. Whilst they argue over the stae of the allotment they play and train on a very timely reminder of how far removed we are from them. http://bit.ly/1GuEkUw
  8. Should be knighted. Many others who have done far less have been.. Top class footballer and top class horse trainer. Love the bloke.
  9. MLG you really do live up to your reputation! The title was a question, hence the ? mark and using the terms in the Sun item. Which I hasten to add was subsequently copied into one of your later posts! You have moved smoothly from total refutal (edited out of your original post) to using lee's medal haul justify whatever role he finally takes.
  10. http://www.theargus.co.uk/sport/11307866.Lee_snubs_Albion_and_joins_Southampton/?ref=var_0
  11. See you made a hasty edit of your original post. I am beginning to get a feel for the politics of appearing right all the time!
  12. That's makes much more sense.
  13. A report in the Sun says he is joining the management team as assistant manager. Previously seems to have agreed a deal with Brighton but has pulled out of the deal at the last moment. If he does join seems a strange one?
  14. The Guide Dog has the best beer in Southampton. The crowds take up much of Earls Rd at busy times. Great beer and cheap, what more could anyone want? At 10.60 for a 4 pint jug. Why are there so few home games now we are Premier league? Don't get to visit as much now!
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