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Everything posted by aintforever
I think you would expect opinions to have changed somewhat since then.
They don't need to do that, they can just turns whole neighbourhoods into rubble with their bombs.
I expect there's plenty in Israel who feel the same way about the Palestinians.
Except killing thousands of innocent people and flattening a whole city is just going to create more future jihadis, and more support for the jihadis cause from surrounding countries. Making a future attack much more likely.
Israel claiming it was a miss-fired rocket from Islamic Jihad. Hmmm I'm not sure. Do Islamic Jihad even have rockets with that sort of capability? The rockets they shoot off look like the ones that can be launched from the back of a 4x4, I've seen videos of them landing and they don't look like the type that could do that sort of damage. When was the last time one landed in Israel and killed anywhere near 500?
It's not justification, it's just a fact. You can't just ignore the fact that the Palestinians have been living under a blockade by people who stole their land, for over 15 years.
The difference is our government doesn’t openly support Assad or Putin. If we align ourselves with Israel’s war crimes it makes events like 7/7 way more likely to happen in the future.
Write a letter to the FA if you have issues with it then
Maybe they have. Not sure they had when Wembley was lit up at the start of the invasion. Anyway it's a call the FA has to make and it's obvious (well for some of us anyway) why they have chosen to be neutral in this case. Lighting up No10 just after the massacre was fair enough, lighting up Wembley whilst Israel are murdering innocent kids in their hundreds would not be a great idea IMO.
The sad thing is that if they were not they probably will be now.
Who are committing war crimes?
Why the FA are choosing not to light Wembley up in the colours of a country currently committing war crimes. Do keep up.
Nope, that's all obvious as well. It's poor old Turkish who's having problems understanding.
It's not obvious that Palestine/Arabs with friends or relatives in Gaza might not like Wembley lit up in the colours of the country killing Palestinians? Is that not obvious?
So your genius contribution was that Jews would be more sad about the deaths of Jews than Palestinians. Well done, great point as always.
Brilliant. From someone who thinks criticising the way Israel was created is anti-semitic.
That's not anti-semitic you thick fuck.
As Israel have already killed more than Hamas in the last few days it's obvious why lighting it up in their colours wouldn't be appropriate. The deaths of innocent Palestinians is just as sad as Israelis.
Bombing whole neighbourhoods killing innocent women and children is also subhuman.
I don't get what you are wetting your pants about, the BBC could easily describe Israel's actions as terrorism/genocide but they don't. I Listen to Radio 5 a lot and they have constantly described Hamas as a designated terrorist group and had people call them terrorists all the time in their interviews. It's obvious why they try to avoid using the word themselves in broadcasting news.
Unfortunately that's a bit hard for some on here to understand.
Or you can be gay, not support their laws but still not like the way Israel has treated Palestine.