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Everything posted by bluejob

  1. Truly disgusting. Mortified by that more than anything.
  2. It is indeed...
  3. I hope all your mums die of testicular cancer. So there....
  4. It looks awful. Proper shiite in fact. Then again until tonight, sundays team was possibly on paper the weakest fielded all season so who knows...
  5. Wot boards are you on PIR? Just curious cos I is banned from most of them....
  6. Owners yes, managers? Manager maybe. No. Yes I do admit it. What of it? I'm a victim too you know. You lot are a using this like a stick to beat your rivals with. It's endemic and you boys are hardly whiter than white on this score. ps. I only have 3 posts a day so please excuse my tardy response.
  7. Circumstances beyond my control old chap. Besides when it comes to cheating there are other teams in the top flight who wrote the book. In fact there aren't really any who don't. I just support my team. What choice do I have?
  8. I'm not sure I understand the difference. ps. I hope you make the play offs......and get stuffed by Leeds at Wembley. Am I getting warmer?
  9. I'm hoping that the latest ravings on this thread are tongue in cheek. Could you really be that bitter?
  10. How to lie to gullible people and get away with it.
  11. That is awesome...
  12. We beat them comfortably at FP this season. Last night they were beaten by the worst team we have faced this season (worst by some distance). A team is not simply a sum of it's component parts which is why I say again we are both s***. Who is currently the s***est we can revisit after the game can't we?
  13. Too close to call right now....
  14. Liverpool are s***.
  15. I think the fact there is 400 pages is more than mildly amusing myself. ps. I know, I know so why I am on a Saints message board? Sorry but I can't tell you until 24 hours from now....
  16. Curious comment. Without us all three of them would be going down.
  17. Indeed we do. When looking for an informed, yet biased, opinion on our current situation this site is my first port of call.
  18. I was thinking the very same thing.
  19. Kill all the fans of the other 90 clubs.
  20. I don't. I sound like Prince Charles but just a little more pompous.
  21. Quite a good post.....for a junior mullet.
  22. What will you do without us?
  23. You have starred in a few...
  24. Still bitter, twisted and obssesed then people?
  25. 1. Bitter 2. Obsessed 3. Short memories Reading threads like these make me wonder whether the Pompey fans who would have seen you liqudated last year were the tossers I thought they were at the time.
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