Barney Trubble
624 -
Everything posted by Barney Trubble
Just to add, I had a thing for Kurlie, she was a little petite thing and she gave me a bit of a semi from time to time. She's got a kid now I understand.
I agree, but lot's of people keep bringing it up, or making veiled references to it. Maybe VFTT would like to give his account but I guess he'd only get abused from those that like to judge to easily. I think the sentence is classed as 'spent' now anyway so he's free to move on with his life, along with the others, except one [RIP] and should be left to do that. We all know justice is sometimes not fair and that showcase trial just proved that.
Sue, if you get time could you email me about something, it's nothing dodgy but I can't PM you on here. My emails dellboy07@yahoo.co.uk - thanks
I tend to agree but maybe it's about time the African countries attempted to do something for themselves about their problems? I'm sure you're aware as well as anyone on here of the symbolic nature of occupying an African country for even a short time. I personally would take Mugabe out but political history will be used as a stick to beat us with if we do that without the permission of other African countries. In this particular situation we would be damned if we did and damned if we let it continue. I don't think it's anything to do with oil to be honest , but to sit back and watch what's going on there, is nothing short of disgraceful. However, the international moral/ethical community is large and it shouldn't always be left to the UK to do the decent thing, other countries need to get a bit of backbone for a change.
Dune, he sounds like a Pikey so you may have problems getting any money out of him, at best he may offer to pay you £2 a week over 25 weeks. However, I would deem this unlikely as he is now in possession of the item and will therefore apply diversion/time distracting tactics such as going to his mums less and changing the time schedule so that you won't be looking out for him. He will work on the logic that the longer he avoids you then the less likely you are to want to chase the issue an hope apathy will rule in your mind - i'e you'll start thinking " Sod it, I can't be arsed". I understand your situation, as I had a similar problem with a dole-sponger who requested to use my electric drill once on the understanding that he'd return it to me after a few days, of course, I then had to chase the issue. It's the principle isn't it Dune? Principle is a really small noun that has such huge significance and it would appear that the man in question has little understanding of it. It's important to keep the peace with your neighbour so don't burn bridges there, Sergei has made a good suggestion but i'd personally speak to him about your thoughts in a non-threatening way when/if you see him later and gauge his attitude from here. If he decides to take the non-compliance attitude, then you may have to up the ante.
We have been so lucky that there are so many poor teams around is this season, hence why we are were we are in the table. It still could be tight though, all it needs is an injury to a key player and we will fold like a pack of cards. It still could be tight and we are lucky that there are so many teams as equally poor as us this season or we might have gone down.
Maybe, it did start about a week ago when I checked and installed the latest update. Have you managed to find a solution? I've done the re-installing of Shockwave/Adobe etc but it's had no effect.
I keep getting the following error message flash up. It's usually after about ten minutes and is affecting YouTube, Yahoo Mail, Ebay etc. I get a picture of a piece of black jigsaw with a funny face 'The following plug-in has crashed: Shockwave Flash' Does anyone know a fix to the above error message I keep getting. I'm using Chrome and Vista. I've tried a few things but it keeps returning.
I'm selling almost all of the things I have collected over the years, old shirts, programmes, videos, photos,DVD,s, books etc. I even found out some old photos from shoot magazine the other day, it also included a Q&A session with Phil Boyer - his fave TV show was Benny Hill and MOTD and his favourite film was 'A Star is born' lol Any ideas of the best way of going about doing this so that they go to a good home? I guess eBay is the best bet but i'm just asking if anyone else has any suggestions? If I go down this road is it best to sell things, such as match programmes, videos etc individually or as a job lot? I have no idea where to start as there is so much, or the value.
Tragic news indeed, he was in the top tier of defenders we've had at the club, sheer class; a rock indeed. I used to love the way he came urging out of defence with the ball, then drop the shoulder with those big strides he took. Didn't he get player of the year once? RIP Dean.
Then Jerico - Big Area
Is that it? So, you have some ***** making '1958' references with his fingers.....and? At this rate there will be mass arrests at football matches in the near future. I wonder if they will video Man Utd fans, when they play Liverpool and arrest those who sing about the deaths of Liverpool fans at the cup semi, as some sections of Utd fanbase like to I guess it's safe not to sing "....and the RAF from England shot one down.... " Will this warrant a six month stretch soon? Come on, let's use a bit of common sense here, the blokes probably just a bit of a knobjockey off some council estate, there are millions of his mentality all over the country, we'll be arresting anyone at this rate, lets get a grip before we become more oppressive or more of a Police state than Iran, Libya, China etc
Who do you think is the hardest on this forum?
Barney Trubble replied to Turkish's topic in The Muppet Show
I always have an erection when I go onto the main board. I'm not that big though, just over three inches. -
IS it time to change to colours of the England kit?
Barney Trubble replied to Turkish's topic in The Muppet Show
I agree with this. I think that we should all look at the possibility of players playing some part of the game in a wheelchair. There are lots of people in the UK on incapacity benefit and I think it's only fair, and in the spirit of the thread, to look to ensure those that do claim incapacity benefit are made to feel that they are included too. Considering the amount of people who claim incapacity benefit in England, I think they are definitely under represented and the FA need to take measures to ensure those that do are felt loved too. -
This has been on the cards for a few years now. The power exchange, on a purely business point of view will swing heavily towards the Chinese in the next few years. My colleague teaches 'Business English' to Chinese students and companies who employ a lot of Chinese staff, he seems to think that the larger British companies would be wise to teach basic business terms in mandarin or at least cultural awareness/differences/taboos etc if they are to move with the times as the Chinese will be very big players in the not too distant future. At the moment, teaching phrasal verbs, collocations and idioms are a basic and necessary requirement for Chinese Business Englishstudents, I think that this will have to be reciprocal very soon.
Anybody could have told him this years ago, you can place different cultures, religions, colours together but this doesn't mean it's inclusive. I remember having a head teacher report me for my suggestion that all immigrants should be made to learn English after a few years in this country, the reasons being that it would give greater opportunity for a common denominator for all those that come to the country to integrate and communicate. I was tired of kids at school, aged five, six etc, who were born in this country, still not being able to speak basic English at that age and that it would be in the long term interests of those kids to be around families who speak English at home as they really need to try and immerse themselves, not just at school but at home too. There was no malice in my opinion, just trying to be pragmatic about the situation. Of course, the head was a wet lettuce and reported my comments as inappropriate. I still maintain that opinion, I really do think that just placing so many different people, from so many different backgrounds, together without any real long-term plan to make it all inclusive a nonsense move. When I am in Birmingham it's clear in a lot of areas that it's just a parallel universe for some communities, they pass each other in the street, shops, schools etc and yet they might as well live poles apart as in a lot of cases there is no communication and that means they simply only mix with their own and the cycle of misunderstanding and miscommunication carries on from one generation to the next. It won't solve the problem per se but it can surely only be a positive.
Top Gear presenters in legal firing line over anti-Mexican comments
Barney Trubble replied to trousers's topic in The Lounge
Let's just sack everybody and be done with it! Will it be offensive to someone when you walk outside your own front door in the not too distant future, maybe whilst whistling a merry tune? Can we smile at one another now or say hello? Or is that too much for some, after all, you could have smiled at them in an offensive way, it could have sinister undertones. -
http://www.expressandstar.com/news/2011/02/03/councillors-refuse-to-stand-for-war-hero/ I just don't know what to make of it all these days, if some councillors, some with a divisive hidden agenda get their way,I fear we are destined to live in polarised communities, effectively a parallel universe with so many different cultures and races living alongside each other but with no respect or understanding of the other.
Because why would an heterosexual man want to **** someone in an anus? Of course a woman can suck me off, that's the general idea and then I give her a good shafting - are you not familiar with this practice. I take it you like sniffing poo pipe and the feel of poo nuggets on your penis?
Why would any women enjoy being screwed in their ass? I just don't get it to be honest as there is no way that any human can get any satisfaction from it. An anus is like a one-way street - it's for ****ting out of. I do also wonder why men enjoy giving it...is it a case of some sort of power thing or closet homosexuality? I've never had the inclination to want to insert my three inches [i did get 3.5" once when I was younger] of erect manhood into a ladies anus - why would anyone? Surely a nice wet velvet pouch is more than enough?
How does the land lie with regards to renting a property out furnished /partly furnished or empty? I may need to move away for a year or two but don't really want to sell everything I have built up over the years and would prefer to rent furnished/unfurnished. I suppose I could sell TV's/DVD players etc but have a fitted kitchen, cookers, washing machine etc and it would be a nightmare to have to mess about with taking them out.
I hope they go home now the vote has been passed. They could get a job in McDonalds or something. They can start at the bottom and work their way up to become a manager of their own shop within a few years. They'll have no debt to pay and what a future!!! Within a few years they could be managing an whole area and have over 28 days annual leave and free Big Mac meals for their family. Choice - 21k debt, pic of you in a cap and gown with a pointless certificate [ok, it proves that you can learn, albeit in most cases though, nothing worthwhile] or running a McDonalds, no debt and free meals? My mate started sweeping the floor in 99p stores, two years later he was promoted to working on the tills and his manager says if he carries on developing at such a rate then there is every chance that he could get promoted to the early morning/late night roster. This in itself shows that this isn't the end for students, there are always opportunities to develop your skills, you've just got to work at it.
I take it you have not been reading about the Wiki leaks of late? That tells you all about governments and their view on using the media to tell us what they think we want to here and to control us, Wiki is showing them for the liars that they are and governments don't like it - only there are allowed to lie, deceive and tell us they know best or it's in our interests. Reagan summed it up when he said something along the lines of "Government is the problem, not the solution" Read 'Media Control' by Naom Chomsky to gain further insight. I'm sure you won't but I would advise it.
The Police love it Delldays, probably some of them in the station now ensuring there is no evidence of them beating up protesters, whilst ensuring the media film as much as they can of Police officers getting hit. They are just as bad when push comes to shove, if you are going to surge at protesters on an horse then expect to run the risk of falling off. They will kettle them now and give the protesters a good beating. Its a difficult job but I bet a lot of these are the same thugs in uniform that volunteer to Police the big football matches, a good excuse to justify giving someone a good beating with a truncheon, as the adrenalin buzzes around the body. Then just point out they were the aggressors. I'll never forget the footage of that man they killed for the heinous act of being awkward and walking slowly with your hands in your pockets. I bet that officer is working today, front line and swinging his truncheon like a good one.
NorwaySaint, you are really coming across as a bit of an arrogant sod, i'm sure you can understand the message that MOG is trying to present to you. If there are no real rules then how do we educate the future generations on grammar? If a child's work is marked as wrong by a teacher then how is the teacher supposed to explain to him/her that it's wrong if there is no underlying reason or grammar rule anymore? Does the teacher just say 'It's wrong' because it is and that's that? How does a teacher explain prepositions, zero conditionals or third conditionals or the thirteen tense structures (that I am aware of), such as past simple, future present etc if it doesn't really matter? In fact, we might as well just give up on rules, or the underlying principle behind teaching a child a new language structure as it might change, so they might as well write what they like, as long as it's understandable. I don't think we should dumb down grammar, I'm no expert, as someone will surely point out, but that doesn't mean we should stop teaching the basic rules because it might change anyway in the future.