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Barney Trubble

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Everything posted by Barney Trubble

  1. You only have to see the footage to conclude that it was unreasonable force, if the roles had been reversed then I am certain that the met would have thrown the book at Mr Tomlinson. PC Harwood was seen on numerous occasions trying to throw other protesters around as if they were rag dolls. If he can't handle a bit of provocation (assuming there was any) then he's in the wrong job. I really don't see why this was never the verdict from the met in the first place. It beggars belief.
  2. Maybe because he was already dead before yesrterday, the Yanks know this but if he was killed by natural causes then there is no real feeling of "WE GOT THE M'****A, WE LOVE USA" " OUR BOYS ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD, BE PROUD TO BE AMERICAN" and so on. It's sort of an anti-climax if he wasn't killed by the Americans, if that makes sense. Also, you have Obama, floundering badly with the elections not too far away and having to resort to playground style taunting of Mr Trump (although he deserves it and it was funny). I'm just playing devils advocate here, I keep an open mind when it comes to the antics of our American cousins and I am sure that they will provide the evidence very soon that confirms his death by their forces.
  3. Midnight Oil - Beds are burning
  4. Does your brain always log out when you log in? I find you a great source of amusement on here, like a lot of other posters do, it's a pity that you don't intend to amuse us, it's just an affliction that has probably followed you around since your unfortunate birth. I reckon at primary school you were the sort that volunteered to be the school milk monitor, then at secondary school you evolved into a prefect. I can imagine you working in Health & Safety now, an obvious natural progression, no doubt inspecting busy workplaces to remind managers that their signage isn't at the correct height. I bet you wear a shiny hi-vis, carry a clipboard and wear your company ID badge with immense pride across your chest, as narcissists like yourself need to ensure everyone knows that they are important.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aIhh9nFYv4
  6. This clip reminds me of some Saintsweb members? Which ones? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3SpyVcsxAI
  7. It's a small world, were her kids all the colours of the rainbow? I think I had her too after a mammoth all day session on the snakebite. She was a dirty ***** though which made it all worthwhile. As for the original post, well I'm all for live and let live but he's got a bit of cheek, taking for the holier than thou approach he likes to take in his work. The History programme he did was awesome though
  8. I lived there for a while and will live there again in the future. I love the place but you have to take it for what it is. The 'Land of smiles' is nothing but a marketing tool, the place is very corrupt but so it most of the world. I have seen many disturbing incidents when I was there[not child related] but money talks in Thailand, if you have enough, then they will whistle to your tune. A friend of my dads was killed there about five years ago, his Thai wife paid for it to happen as she wanted his insurance money, there was lots of evidence but the Thai Police basically covered it up as the Thai Mafia are very powerful.
  9. That's total 'balls' Saint Boggy...........
  10. XTC - Senses working overtime
  11. Post of the month. It's divisive by it's very nature. Napolean Bonaparte made the best quote regarding religion, so true.
  12. This is where it all goes a thousand shades of grey. A lot of people understand the differences. However, last year I was undertaking an ESOL class, there was a broad church of students with Poles, Pakistanis, Somalians, Indians etc all attending. I was then called into the managers to advise that I might have to move to another class as a complaint had been made from one Muslim student that I was a male and that she and her friends would not be attending again as they want a female teacher. This was because she could not remove the Burka in my presence. Now, you can see where people get really frustrated with it all as the lack of integration is self-imposed and yet the service is laid on, free of charge, to non-English language speakers. The complaint wasn't against my professionalism, the lady was very complimentary but she left the class because I was male. I managed to get her friends to stay on as I felt it was in my best interests to ensure high attendance figures but it was very disappointing.
  13. http://www.expressandstar.com/news/2011/04/08/fergie-launches-attack-on-police-chief-over-rooney-comment/ Sir Alex Ferguson today hit back at a senior West Midlands Police officer for saying Wayne Rooney would have been arrested had his “ridiculous aggression” on pitch been played out in Wolverhampton. The Manchester United boss launched an attack on Supt Mark Payne, who had accused Rooney of giving youngsters the idea loutish behaviour would be tolerated. Supt Payne, second in command at Wolverhampton police, wrote on his blog: “If Rooney had behaved like that in Wolverhampton on Saturday night, I would have expected my officers to lock him up. “People in positions of influence have an obligation to behave like human beings.” But Ferguson told media who had gathered for today’s pre-match press conference in Manchester: “Everyone has an opinion today. There is an issue in the modern world of a need to be noticed. “Have you ever seen Wolverhampton on a Saturday night? Do police ever arrest anyone for swearing on a Saturday night? Dearie me. That is a good one.” The 25-year-old United and England striker must serve a two-match ban for his four-letter outburst to TV cameras on Saturday. It prompted Supt Payne to write: “I have seen a thousand Rooneys, and I am sure most police officers will have. The same aggressive stance, the bulging eyes, the foul-mouthed rant, fists clenched, surrounded by his mates, all cheering him on.” He said Rooney had offered an apology but added: “What he won’t be able to do is alter the impression that he has left in the eyes of the watching youngsters. “It is OK to insult and abuse, it is OK to react with ridiculous aggression to perceived slights or provocation, it is excusable because it is the heat of the moment.” Wolverhampton Mayor Councillor Malcolm Gwinnett today defended the city’s police against Sir Alex’s attack saying it was “over the top.”
  14. How do you know he was a christian? I can't see where it mentions his religion. I'd be really annoyed if i committed an offence and was then labelled a christian, that would annoy me more than what i was charged with.
  15. What was it that made you support Millwall Chris?
  16. I tend to agree, I've always said that if he wasn't a professional footballer then he'd probably be a football hooligan and would have a manual blue collar job, such as a shift-worker at a poultry farm. He's been given a wonderful talent, pity he has no class to go with it. A horrid, spiteful and quite pitiful man.
  17. Thanks Stevo, that latest Beta has solved the issue for me too.
  18. Not at all, learn to read. Then again, I guess you are used to always being in the right, pointless wasting my time with someone who is holier than thou. I guess you/your daughter will do as you please anyway, because you are always in the right aren't you? I guess you can justify your sanctimonious, self-righteousness to yourself without realising that you aren't looking further than the end of your nose - it doesn't wash with me though....scratch beneath the surface and people will see you for what you really are.
  19. In my day I was given a big shovel and a big bag. I don't recall it being very hard to do so no need for a leaf blower.
  20. I guess then it's a case of welcome to the world of being a parent, do some parents not think of this before they have children? Maybe it's the job of the state to accommodate everyones personal situation? This is what gripes me, maybe the two words 'Parental responsibility' have slipped out of the vocabulary of some, maybe if a few more made an effort and led the way, then things might start to change. I accept that this is life and is the same for any hard-working parents, unfortunately, some parents do seem to get penalised for having a good moral and ethical outlook on life and the system can be stacked up against you if you have a family and work. Do the school have a breakfast club/evening club or early riser scheme? If so, subscribe to it then the kids get school earlier and it won't have any impact upon going to work. Failing that, surely the company they work for could offer some flexibility? Mind you, I'm not surprised if they don't, as they are hard-working people, therefore they get indirectly penalised. As for your last sentence - of course I do. My working hours are subject to the needs of the service, I rarely work under 45 hours a week, although I do get an odd days flexi day here and there [two in 8 weeks]. When I start/finish work I have to then place the normal everyday chores on top of that. My weekends are busy, so are my mornings/evenings. I also do voluntary work undertaking ESOL classes for a project funded by the NHS in the evening.
  21. Adele - Someone like you It may not be my normal choice for listening but I recognize a truly wonderful voice and talent. She knows how to put feeling into her singing which is lost on some.
  22. Cannock, Willenhall and then J10 or J9? I tend to either use the A454, [avoiding the Black Country route if possible] to J10, or go via Darlaston through the side roads and get on at J9, passing Ikea and B&Q, very rare that I get caught up in too much traffic that way but a bit pointless if the traffic is getting lighter now anyway.
  23. Can't say i've noticed too much going southbound on that stretch but it does appear lighter on the run home. Could it be the road changes would have made things easier too? The hard shoulder being used is helpful, I rarely travel North past J10 though so I don't know if the same rule for the hard shoulder applies after that.
  24. Can't they get up earlier and walk with them? I work a 50 hour week and I still can manage it and I have to be in the office, just like anyone else. I get tired excuses like this all the time, others are: a) My kids go to different schools and then I have to go to work b) I'm very important and the rules that apply to everyone else don't fit into my agenda c) If I don't take them in the car, they might get wet d) I can't expect them to walk with a friend, who goes to the same school with her/his kids as there are sex offenders everywhere these days, they could get abused unless I drop them off right outside the school gates. e) My kids have issues with their mobility but they don't qualify for SEN transport. I never understand why it's an issue for most parents to have to drop the kids off in the same street, or outside the school gates. Baj seems pragmatic about this and at least tries to find a happy medium. I see so many parents who pass streets with plenty of parking within the immediate area of the school but don't park up and walk those two minutes. I was in a school in Mere Green, Birmingham a few months ago, it's quite an exclusive area and the abuse I got from the 4x4 drivers was quite astounding, the verbal abuse was a lot worse than if I was at a school on a poor council estate. It's very strange how the posh get very upset they get when you go against th grain with them, I guess if you scratch beneath the surface, they are just as bad, if not worse.
  25. Just pay a lump sum off and that'll take some pressure off you. It's better than saving it at the moment, well in most cases. I tend to overpay when I can. I get made redundant soon so am glad I can take up to a two year freeze, if I choose. I wish I didn't have the mortgage too, i'd be off now, do a bit of teaching abroad and just go from country to country for a few years.
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