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Barney Trubble

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Everything posted by Barney Trubble

  1. Not really relevant but I just wondered why the tickets for the Wolves game are £27.40? Just make them £27 or £28 and stop all the ****ing about. http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/articles/article.php?page_id=11528
  2. She reminds me of the sort of thing I used to wake up next to after an all day session on the beer and then finish up in Chicago's; crikey I miss that place. ;-)
  3. Let's not forget that it went down to the last game too last season, so it's not like we are not going to be in a position that's new to us. We stayed up and see no reason why we can't do the same again. The teams around us are also poor so it's not like we are doomed yet, we have more control over our own destiny than some seem to be acknowledging, it's just that bit of application in front of goal that needs to be worked on. I'd like to see our historical record though at Nottingham Forest, I hope it's not one of those places that we never seem to win at. ;-)
  4. Soul Asylum - Runaway Train
  5. No doubt the company involved in the link above are entitled to some sort of grant or other government form of assistance[like a Legal Aid type function], which in itself means that more money is taken out of the system to ensure that people who are irresponsible don't get their fingers burned or face the consequences of their actions. That goes for the companies that give them the money which they know damn well that they can't pay back. Meanwhile, the sensible people get taxed more to partly fund it and to ensure that the irresponsible people never learn from their 'greed is good' or 'Me, myself and I' mentality as they know if they act irresponsibly then they have a safety net to fall into anyway.
  6. I don't think he can fight Precott again as he's now contracted to Frank Warren. I read somewhere that he's won both fights since he beat Khan; winning them both easily. I also read that Prescott only get's paid £900 per fight under Warren.....no wonder Terry Marsh tried to kill him:rolleyes: The Polish lad 'Tomasz Adamek' is supposed to be a future champion, not sure what weight he is but might be one for Khan in the future. It seems that that most people think that Khan would have beaten Berrera, even without the cut. For me, I want to see Khan fight someone in his age group who is also looking to become a champion, maybe Berrera just didn't want it like he would have done ten years ago.
  7. Well I don't have a virus but my scanner blocks any sites that have issues. This is what appeared from my virus software when I hovered over the link. Kaspersky Internet Security 2009 ACCESS DENIED The requested URL could not be retrieved While trying to retrieve the URL: http://www.bringvictory.com/ The following error was encountered: The requested object is INFECTED with the following viruses: Hoax.HTML.BadJoke.Agent.c Please contact your service provider if you consider it incorrect. Generated: Sun Mar 15 22:33:07 2009 Kaspersky Internet Security 2009 What is it then? I'm curious now.
  8. Mikey, that link seems to contain a virus, or the site itself.
  9. I agree with the above as I didn't learn anything new about Khan from last nights fight. The fight should have been stopped after the second round. It's ridiculous to try and fight with blood in your one eye, it's not just the practical problems with that but it must have distracted Barrera too. Khan has also shown that he has no respect, the comments he has made since the fight show that he's due another big fall from grace. Barrera is a ring legend and for Khan to talk down about him like he has just shows what an arrogant fool he is. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/boxing/7944532.stm Khan said: "It seemed like I didn't really get out of second gear. I used my brains and boxed him, it seemed so easy. I took him apart, made him look ordinary. "He was tired and frustrated, you could see it in his face. He didn't want to be in there after three or four rounds. I hurt him a couple of times and won every round. "If he had stayed in the fight another two or three rounds he would have got knocked out, brutally."
  10. Come on you barstuds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are staying up, we are staying up!!!!!!!!! **** the poll tax!
  11. I'm not sure whether i'd class Prince Charles as a valid source but according to old Charlie we only have 100 months left to save the world :smt017 We are all doomed
  12. That was queer to watch and I won't mention anything about closets. Also that radiator positioned so close to his fridge freezer can't be doing it much good.
  13. It certainly is a sick and unfair world isn't it, if there was a God then this accident would have been with Mugabe. As for WC comments about oil, I doubt it's got anything to do with oil, it runs a lot deeper than that and the UK and other European countries will be reluctant to step in as it could potentially do more harm; in the short term anyway due to the obvious history. I think it's about time that an African country got off their moral high horse and actually did something about the situation. What's happened to Mandela, can't he do something constructive? Surely he has some clout in the African region? What are South Africa doing about the situation? A lot of questions, as usual, I guess the answers are never simple though. I'm saddened for Tsvangirai, I bet he wonders just what he has to do to get some respite.
  14. Totally agree Warsash, great band and totally underrated. There will be bands stating Depeche Mode as their influence for years to come, especially in the next few years. The new single is great, back to the more barbed sound that I like with Depeche Mode. I doubt they'll ever beat 'Music for the Masses' but if 'Wrong' is an indiator for SOTU then i'm going to be very impressed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bsXOcK9_Cw
  15. I can't take this, i'm too excited and i'm going for a ****.
  16. I totally agree and yet I find, like a large majority, that I can be just as guilty of taking thing's for granted at times. It's as if the word' Gratitude' has been removed from the dictionary over the last ten years. I understand that this generation are lambasted for it but I guess they have never known any different. Technology has a hell of a lot to answer for and is the primary reason that life moves at such a fast pace these days and why we appear to have conditions relating to stress and depression so widespread in society. They hale always been there but sometimes it get's so hard to keep up with. The computers crashed at work the other day and managers simply couldn't cope, it was like manually undertaking work was only for inferior lifeforms, I was amazed at how much it was taken for granted and the lack of a suitable contingency if such an occasion took place. Managers were running around like total loons in a state of panic as they couldn't do any work because those nasty people in IT had a dodgy server and everything on the shared drive was unavailable for a few hours.
  17. I agree but i'm not sure they have any real clout per se. I may be wrong but I don't think that if the UK were found guilty of something, then they don't have to give compensation or have to pay. I don't think they have any grounds to force payment at all. I think the Russians have been fined thousands but never bother paying any compensation.
  18. http://home.wanadoo.nl/maarten.geluk/songs/southampton.html
  19. Discussing Wolves so I thought i'd drop this in. I wonder if Jones is making a veiled reference to some of the obsessive numpties that post on here when he mentions this ;-) I wonder if he had anybody in particular in mind? “The criticism only comes from a minority of people but sadly they seem to make the most noise. “The idiots on the message boards seem to rule the roost as I well know from my past history – ask any manager and they will tell you they are the bain of our lives these days. “They don’t have a clue what’s going on inside the club, what happens day in, day out, but they are all sat up there in their mum and dad’s attic, still at home, 40 years old, and telling you what you should be doing" http://www.expressandstar.com/2009/02/20/my-time-at-wolves-the-real-story/
  20. I watched a programme on Sky news a few weeks ago. One of those documentary type programmes with a sky reporter/news team I was shocked to see what poor equipment that our troops were given. I'm sure they had three vehicles break down, one permanently and the engineers didn't have the correct tools to fix common mechanical problems. The gunners guns constantly got jammed as they were not suitable for the terrain and when the Taliban fought openly with them they had men shot because of this.......I thought to myself "**** that for a living". I was amazed at how vulnerable that our troops were due to not having correct tools/equipment. The programme was called 'The Pathfinders', think that was the name of their regiment and it was on SKY, if you get chance to see it, watch it. On the basis of that alone, I support the scheme.
  21. He sounds very ordinary and a seems bit of a ****. Therefore, he will fit in very well. I suggest we offer him a three year contract and play him as a striker.
  22. I tend to agree, even though you blithely patronise people on here. As for religion - a load of nonsene. Religion should be classed as a hobby and should not be allowed in schools or the workplace, it's teachings do more damage and are more divisive than if they were never to be taught. Then again, if having a faith or believing in God gives you something to live for in life then i'm happy for you. Personally, I shall spend the rest of my days enjoying my hedonistic lifestyle, ****ing ladies, drinking beer, travelling all over the world and generally having a good time until I die.
  23. Well the Snandinavians are generally a bit more clued up than us thick Brits[speak for myself I know]. I was at a school the other day and was staggered to learn that schools no longer teach the green cross code to young pupils; it's not on the curriculum. I got talking to Swedish teacher and he said that basic first aid is taught to all pupils at their schools, I think it was at primary school age but could be wrong. It's that sort of foresight that put's us Brits to shame, no doubt our teachers would rather squabble about the importance of teaching religion in schools instead of something practical that could be of use to us as adults.;)
  24. I agree, I don't think Hankey is mentally strong enough to handle Taylor and historically Hankey has been triggered by the crowd. He seems quite ****y and likes to give it all the posturing back to the crowd but I think it get's too him and he's a better player when he manages to ignore the crowd. Taylor has a huge and vocal following and I think they'd get to him before Taylor had got into the swing of thing's. Anyway, Taylor is in a different world to most darters at the moment, his form has almosr re-peaked, if there is such a thing. Every now and again Taylor has a bad game, Hankeys only hope of beating him at a major tourament is is he catches him on one of those very few days.
  25. Not one Southampton player included :smt102
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