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Barney Trubble

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Everything posted by Barney Trubble

  1. How tiresome and boring. The old Scottish inferiority complex rears it's ugly head again. Scotland can keep Murray, nobody really gives a toss about him. Britain has enough losers, therefore we don't need another one. Scotland are welcome to their self-deprecating loser.
  2. This was released last week too, regarding the march in Birmingham last year. It would appear that there are a lot of infiltrators that have joined the EDL, unless they now allow all colours and creeds. [Wanted by the Police]
  3. They are slowly going over to Nagra3 encryption across the country, they expect to be fully kitted out with the new encryption by the end of the year. Nagra3 has supposedly been cracked in Spain but I imagine it'll be a long time before it happens here. I think they are upgrading the North area first and then moving South. For those with a genuine box then as soon as you get your new card then the end is imminent for satellite receivers.
  4. He should have let them do what they wanted, take what they wanted and then called the Police when they had left his property. It's the job of the Police to solve crime through taking pictures and using paint brushes to brush over door handles and so on. What if the burglar had bi-polar, he might not have known what he was doing when he broke in........................... ...................of course, I am being stupid but i'm sure there will be some weak-minded, wet lettuce on here who agrees with the above[minus the paint brush nonsense]. The guy was a career criminal, he got what was coming and tough **** if he got a battering - he has no conscious about the mental and physical pain he imposed on his many victims so I won't be worrying about how he is. Of course, he was judged not fit to stand trial but he was still fit enough to commit more crime, despite his condition. Sometimes I can see where St.George is coming from.
  5. Point taken Ponty. However, she is his mother and in the event that he is unable to make that decision for himself then it's only right that the parent(s) should make that decision as to what's best for their children. I think that there is a special bond, almost innate that communicates between parent and sibling - he may not have been able to communicate in a direct sense but I think that as a parent, you know when your son/daughter is suffering and what they are thinking, even if they can't express it.[That will raise a few laughs I know]. A judge/jury just sit there and decide, without any emotion and feeling, they can't possibly empathise or understand that bond when something like this happens. They just make that decision and then go home and I bet it won't pass their mind again, it's as if that person becomes an object, as opposed to a human, just something to have a bit of conjecture with and debate over a glass of Port. Meanwhile, someone, somewhere is suffering an unimaginable pain and us super advanced human race pontificate[a little like me I know:)] as if that person is a bargaining tool for the lawmakers. Maybe we should just sit back and wait for the invisible man in the sky[God] to decide when it's time for those afflicted to leave this earth.....yeah right! Crikey, missing the match!
  6. Just sums this country up and it's self-righteous attitude. I believe she did it for the right reasons, it just beggars belief that people would rather the poor kid suffered for the remainder of his life, until he died from natural causes, or causes associated to his condition. I think they are sick to be honest. Who'd wan't to see someone suffering because their moral and ethical view is that euthanasia is wrong. I suppose those that are against euthanasia think that God knows what's best for someone like this and will decide when they are taken back. We treat Animals with more dignity than we do a fellow human being. Sick.
  7. Sorry to hijack this thread a little but I need some travel advice. Do I need to obtain a Visa to pass through Iman Khomeini airport, Tehran? I would be in transit for three hours en-route to Bangkok, likewise on the return journey. I have been advised that I don't need to but just trying to clarify. There is all sorts of conflicting information on the travel websites.
  8. Are you on fullers earth instead of this one? BTW, the Burka is more a tribal thing as I understand it. Then again, I am not a religious person, so excuse me if I am wrong with that. I think all religions should be treated as a hobby and should not have ever been allowed into the workplace. It just seems that every week there is tension and hostility in the news and it mostly has it's roots in religion. Religions just seem to be divisive and cause tension, I don't get it and never will.
  9. What if I am a naturist? Is that ok too? We are all born naked and I would like to go about my business totally nude. I'm not hurting anyone am I? I think it's oppressive too when people tell me I can't not wear what I want. There should not be laws or rules as they are oppressive. I think we should all be allowed to do what we want, when we want to do it, it's oppressive otherwise.
  10. Yes I would. He's a goalscorer and I'd like to know what his goals per minutes on pitch ratio is. Sure, he has a few flaws in his game but those can be ironed out with good coaching. Overall, I think we should take him, if the price is right.
  11. Good News Old but answers some good questions
  12. Lhasa de Sela
  13. I'm sure that is possible. I read somewhere that Swindon council were planning on giving free broaband access to all of it's residents. Ok, they are not giving them a laptop but the infrastructure should be in place to block the sites that are of no educational use.
  14. Absolutely spot on. My heart bleeds for some of the kids I see. Some parent/s are a disgrace to humanity and the way they are raised is just heartbreaking. Some live in squalor and it does make you cynical and mistrusting. I have often thought to myself that certain kids live in a fertile environment for abuse, not necessarily physical - from parents/carers. I realise that I can't justify my thinking as it's wrong, but I do often wonder what goes on behind closed doors with some families, sometimes you just get that gut instinct from the way a kid behaves and they way his parents/carers act towards others. It's a warped logic I know but I guess that's why good teachers/teaching staff will spot the signs of any abuse and hopefully report it to the schools designated senior person and deal with it. I certainly wouldn't want to be a social worker, I know they get berated a lot but they are always under so much pressure to act, they fall into the damned if they do, damned if they don't category for me.
  15. I agree Hamilton. I have to say that the running of some schools is abysmal, others are brilliant. It's the same as working for a good boss or a bad boss, if you're lucky, you'll get a good one. Had to laugh at the suggestion of teachers/TA's or any other school associated person just turning up at the school just round the corner waving a copy of their enhanced CRB and then just teaching or working with kids. Probably one of the most ill-informed suggestion I have ever read on here. I won't go into the details why, it's just too plainy obvious but maybe you should read up on the safeguarding of children, in the Childrens act 2004 [Every child matters]. I won't sleep tonight thinking about that as my mind conjures up all the pitfalls of that nonsense idea. Just as an aside - If I leave one school and go to work at another I have to complete another CRB, even if it's only a few weeks old. A CRB is only as vaild as the day it was printed - it means jack **** in the greater scheme of thing's.
  16. OMD with The Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra
  17. I am in total agreement Whitley:D I guess the attitude of parents depends on their own level of intelligence and ambition. The more they have then the easier and more reasonable I find them. I was at a school last in North Birmingham and the attitudes of parents was shocking. It was as if they saw schools as a free baby sitting service rather than a place to educate their offspring:p The odd thing for me is that the families who have at least one parent working seemed more adaptable then those who had little else to do. One mother stated " I've had him all forking night, I need a break and then the schools shut and I have to have him all day too - he's a nightmare to look after":smt083. Oh really, well that's hardly the schools fault that you didn't install strong discipline and respect in him:rolleyes: Its not as if he has any special needs. I don't know, it seems the poorer they are then the more they feel it's the responsibility of the state to feed, water, educate and generally tend to the needs of their children. There is just no ambition to better themselves and this unfortunately manifests itself in their children and the cycle of state dependency continues to the next generation and so on. I hope the schools are open on Monday but I am hearing that some have already started to make the decision to close schools already....oh well!:rolleyes:
  18. Delldays, sometimes when I read some of your posts I get the impression that a big black cloud hovers above your head and follows you about everywhere you go. Don't get me wrong, I like a lot of your beliefs and some of the thing's you post, I am in agreement with, just think you should stop being so defensive and cynical at times. I'd be concerned having to in the trenches with you, with some of the things you write on here, I get the feeling that you might be bad for morale. I can just imagine a tense stand off with the enemy in a war, we are surrounded by the enemy and we just need to dig in and stand our ground as we await back up and then I hear you say something along the lines of "Oh well, we might as well just kill ourselves now as we'll be dead anyway soon" Feel free to have a dig back, i'll understand and I don't mean anything malicious to you - just wished you'd chill a litttle at times:D As for the signing - well it shows that we are looking to go up this season, rather than looking to just settle for mid-place and go for it next season. Also, Fonte seems to think that being here is the path of least resistance to the Premiership. If he's ambitious, then that's good with me and although he's on big wages, relatively speaking, he seems to want to be here for the right reason and if we do go up this season then his wages will be comparable with other Championship clubs anyway. He's not injury prone and we need someone who is going to be a leader in defence and finally make us a good, solid defensive unit. Once we have that, then I think we will rise further and have enough in attack to secure a play-off spot.
  19. Schools are damned if they do and damned if they don't - both by the media/general public and parents[if it suits the parents that is]. Last year, there was a blanket closure at schools in my neck of the woods. This was due to the weather forecast predicting severe weather, therefore, the head of schools tried to use a bit of foresight and made his decision. Of course, the weather forecasters got it all wrong again and the weather turned out to be so and so. He got severely criticised and the schools did too. Bear in mind that a few years earlier, the whole of Birmingham was brought to a standstill due to mistakes the council made when gritting the roads. It was that bad that you had kids not getting home until the late evening or having to stop at friends houses, they had been stuck on the roads since about 3pm, this was for all aged children - i'm sure that none of us would want our five year old getting back at that silly hour. So, this year the head of education made the decision that heads must make the decision themselves, which is fair enough I guess. What people seem to fail to understand is that a decision has to be made early so that families can make alternative arrangements. Bear in mind that the weather may be ok in the morning but expected to deteriorate throughout the day - so they don't want a situation where kids can't get home again safely. There are all sorts of issues that schools have to think of and they are based on the safeguarding of your kid and not them deciding to have a bit of a jolly. When that situation took place in Birmingham a few years ago, there were kids stopping at the homes of their friends family/carers etc - not really ideal for the safeguarding ok kids is it; even more so for those with Special Educational Needs, of which there are in the region of 4,000 in Birmingham alone. As I say, if schools said that they were open and the weather got so bad late in the day, then parents/media etc would want to know why there kids were stuck in school or stuck in inclement weather and couldn't get home as per normal. It just seems that they are damned if they do and damned if they don't. It's not alway's about schools closing because teachers can't get to school, it's about the pupils - they are the ones we care about surely? Lot's of schools that are closed still expect teachers[adults] to come into school themselves, heads will use the day for staff training etc.
  20. http://www.energysavingtrust.org.uk/Resources/Features/Features-archive/The-smart-gadget-guide-to-the-January-sales It's actually a handy guide.
  21. ESB - You do have a dark side then? I agree totally though. There is no excuse for leaving any sort of **** on a pavement, park etc.
  22. Were the machines that calculated those figures correctly calibrated and did they possess an A4 size certificate to prove it? A3 or smaller are not officially recognised. Was the 'Galaxy speed measurement operative' a fully trained employee when the device was measuring the other galaxies ;when the start button was pressed, if so; did he go giddy? Also,was a full risk assessment carried out by a competent employee before the measuring device was used? Ideally, who would have been wearing a white coat, sandles with white terrys socks, big half-glass spectacles and sporting a chest length beard. If the answer is 'No' to any of the above then the figures are not worth printing. I simply refuse to accept these figures as fact, if this is the case. I am sorry, but it's just not on, you can't just go about submitting figures, such as you have, as fact based, on TSW. TSW is the definitive guide to climate change on the whole of the internet and has lots of Professors and NASA qualified scientists who know best. I hope you are proud of yourself. Hang your head in shame. Meanwhile, I shall be taking the plastic part out of the front of the now empty box of Quality Street and ensuring all material is placed into the correct recycling containers, so that I can watch my plasma tv with a clear conscience.
  23. Thanks Soppy. Maybe I was just unfortunate to have witnessed the hilarity of Fleet v Adams. I read or was told that Fleet had literally not long arrived at the studio, due to being held up somewhere and had not had chance to throw a few looseners. Actually, I might watch it again to cheer myself up. It's been a long time since I played darts but scores of 3, 5, 21, 26 and 41 were just about my level too
  24. Overall, any darter who is any good will move over to the PDC. Only those that know they won't cut the mustard with the best PDC darters will stay with the BBC tripe. They'll work on the basis that it's better to be amongst those who are equally poor and thus have a greater chance of winning anything. It'd be a moment of great hilarity to see the vast majority of these PDC pub players against the PDC upper echelons. At one point Adams and Fleet were taking over twenty darts to get to a two-figure score..... I doubt they'd ever get an offer to cross over to the PDC, that's assuming it's not already an optional thing. Do you have to go professional to be in the PDC? Once again, i'm assuming that the BDO players are part time and only get time to practice for a few hours a week.
  25. I'm trying to watch[without laughing] at the BBC tournament. It's embarrasing, I just watched an Aussie called 'Fleet' take over twenty darts and he still hadn't got his score down to double figures. It's like watching pub players and I doubt many of these would get past a qualifier for the PDC.
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