Barney Trubble
624 -
Everything posted by Barney Trubble
Oh yes Dog. I want to take him under my wing and show him the path of righteousness. I want to convert him to the scriptures, I want to be the seventh angel and deliver him the plague. I want to ride towards him on a white horse with the power of the seventh trumpet, I want to deliver him to the beast.
I'm awaiting the lefty wet lettuces to comment about how hard his life was and that he never had a proper upbringing by his own parents. It's all the fault of him not being given strong, moral and ethical structure in his early years and all that sentimental nonsense. Of course, total ********, he should be left to fight his own corner in a prison full of kiddy fiddler haters. He's past help, his head is ****ed beyond belief and he is beyond rehabilitation from even the best mental heath teams. He's a sick bastard and it's time to reap what he has sown.
Bit of an overreaction though wasn't it? The kid didn't even seem to know there was a problem until hid Dad overreacted. I'm sure pinning him up the wall by his throat and slowly strangling him to death would have been a more appropriate and measured response. dear, dear, what is the world coming to.
What utter ****, 16 mins in. Saints now level but the Hammers getting hammered and the Baggies losing. I will resist the temptation to screw my slip up and throw it in the bin. You never know in football.
West Ham and Norwich for home wins and Saints, Ipswich, WBA away wins - £10 roll up
He's always been a big game player. He seems to up his game when the pressure is on. I'd take him, he's proven and although his timing isn't as good as it should be I think that given a regular run in a top side, he'd bag plenty of goals. There is no way on gods earth that the likes of Bent should be ahead of him. Then again, he's just got injured again, that's the risk you take with him.
Thanks for that Weston, what an amazing talent, it's a hard task to express so much in such a short time but she achieves that. Impressive, it certainly beats most of our untalented karaoke generation of reality stars.
Gordon will carry on bullying his staff like a big spoilt child, keep banging his feet on the floor until he gets his way. No doubt picking on the typist, as that's his level. The lady at the bullying centre will get sacked or resign later this week. That's all that will happen, hence why politics in the UK are all so laughable. Those that are close to Brown and who know he is a bully will blatantly lie and say it's all nonsense, I mean who is going to rock the boat and tell the real truth, they all **** in the same pot and if anyone senior does tell the truth then they have kissed their career with the Labour party goodbye. Nothing will change, apart from that lady getting moved on. This is why people don't report bullying, I can just see them all now, all huddled together, getting their stories straight and shredding any evidence that could lead to the truth, a few quiet words in the ears of those that might have witnessed anything, a gentle nudge to remind them that the job market isn't so good at the moment so best to say nothing...the nudge nudge, wink wink brigade at their greatest. Brown is a laughing stock, nobody takes him serious, even in his own party, those that do have a vested interest in brown nosing him, waiting to jump into his his shoes as soon as the silly oaf of a man finally makes one balls up too many. He has no class, no style, no leadership skills, nothing worthy of leading a country - you can have all the academic qualifications that you want but behaviours are just as an important traits too have too - attitudes are contagious and i'd certainly hate to catch any of those ones that Brown has.
We all know he's an odious and disgusting excuse for a human being, they can spin all they want and try to undermine the integrity of the charity. I don't doubt any of the allegations, it's about time he did the decent thing. A nasty bully boy without a doubt. I don't care less about the confidentiality issue, it's only right that he was exposed, mind you, Christine Pratt looks like a rabbit caught in the headlights, hence easy prey for the labour spin merchants, I think she's been naive but I don't doubt the allegations one bit. The world will keep on spinning and this country will still fail to have a decent mainstream party come the next election, regardless of who wins. I should vote labour but I'd rather just give my vote to a minority party out of pure spite. The sooner that fringe parties get a lot more votes, then the sooner the major parties will be forced into changing the way they treat us and how they conduct themselves. Ordinary people have no faith in the mainstream parties and I predict massive gains for ****-pot parties at the next election. It's a shame but we are all expected to act whiter-than-white when we are at work, there is policy after policy fall onto my desk, week in and week out, I have to manage myself and others within those guidelines, so I fully expect politicians, who are generally those that think up most of these nonsense policies to actually abide by them themselves.
Lufthansa pilots are on strike too, it's the way the industry is being tightened up. I don't see what anyone's pay has got to do with anything - it's not about pay, it's about not being treated with utter contempt. Also because you are paid well doesn't give the your manager the right to turn a blind eye to sharp practice for staff that are toeing the company line but dust the rulebook off the shelf when it comes to disciplining those staff that are not Sheep and choose to go against the grain. Just because you are well paid does not give your bosses the right to treat you as if they own you. It's 2010 now, unless you want to go back to Victorian times where bosses used and abused workers and treated them like a piece of meat. There has to be a balance and just as there are some militant staff, then there will be BA managers who are just as bloody-minded, it seems that mediation is not an option as both parties have become totally polarised and have reached an impasse. That is just as much the fault of the BA managers who are behaving like they have been trained by the Chinese military. Change is inevitable, most reasonable people understand that, what is reasonable change though is where the problem seems to have hit a brick wall. However, I think it's not fair that those on older contracts, who have been with BA for years and years should be paid considerably more than those that are newer employees who are doing the same job[ in fact more] and getting paid less. When I was in the industry there were a lot of cliquey groups in the crew rooms and it was always those that had been there years who behaved in a very cliquey manner, looking down on the new staff and treating them with contempt too, lot's of indirect aggression, such as ignoring them unless it was a work related conversation and generally thinking they were better than those that came in fresh. It was like they were insecure of felt threatened, this was the case both with the Pilots and the cabin crew. They didn't seem to like outsiders. Both parties need to give a little but I think it'll be the courts that decide this battle and they will most definitely side with BA bosses.....rough justice maybe.
she said, Oh baby I feel so down...
John Cleese
Congratulations Kipman. Kipman is a real example of were dedication can lead to, if you apply yourself correctly then you will reap the fruits of your labour. Kipman spends hours looking at the form, weather conditions, weight, jockeys etc before making a decision as to what horse to back.....this proves that if you have dedication and the fire in your belly to realise your goals then anything is achievable, he's a reminder that setbacks are only temporary, class punters always rise to the top. Well done Kipman.....any bankers for tomorrow?
However, it did get Wolves legend Steve Bull on the 2nd attempt......weird.
I was watching Max Clifford on TV so used him. It didn't get him and answered Patrick Moore.
Mumford and Sons - White Blank Page
Speak to the doctor and get some tips on dealing with anxiety, they will have a dedicated team who deal with the mental health side of thing's. I used to have bad anxiety as a kid, hypering and all sorts, never slept because I was so ****ing anxious about things. I used to imagine scenarios in my head of things that would go wrong at work the next day, I had no evidence of them and these thoughts rarely became reality and yet I harboured them night after night, week after week, month after month. I had some tips on dealing with anxiety and it helped me so much, a lot of it was down to things that were happening, or had happened in my life and I didn't have the skills to know how to deal with them - the training helped me lots and now I sleep so much better and challange my inner demons so that I now control them, instead of them controlling me. Also, I couldn't emphasise enough of the three free therapies that will help re-align your mind and body and give you a better mental and physical health, which all will help with your sleep. Diet - Eat the right foods, food is huge, it took doctors months to find out what triggered my hyper bouts. I had to write everything I ate, drank and at what times. Eventually they found the source[inserts picture of HP] and I rarely eat this type of food now. Relaxation - Learn how to relax, harder than you may think, sleeping isn't a relaxation in itself. So you need to find a way of totally emptying your mind of anything that has been running through it over the day, problems, worries need to be removed so that you can fully relax for say an hour per day and get your mind and body to become as one, the more you do it, the easier it becomes, although it takes time as the mind can be habitual, learn how to control it and change the way you think. Exericise - My fave, no big effort needed either, just a 5k run every day will do you the world of good, I ran 10k the other day in just under 55 minutes, relatively speaking, it's nothing and yet for me it was an achievement to get just under that 55 minute barrier. It's important to set a realistic goal and aim to achieve it, once you have, set another goal and so on. The mind likes to have something to do, it doesn't like to be be bored, set yourself a goal in life, get a hobby, learn a new skill all these will help you sleep, it may sound a bit OTT but I assure you that within months you'll adjust and sleep will become more habitual and not something you are trying to contrive or force. Oh, someone else mentioned less time on the net, I totally agree, just actively pop on here/the net for a few hours an evening at max, set a timescale in your mind and keep to it, even if a thread is particularly one you are involved in, don't allow yourself to be swayed, keep to your time and catch up the next day. The internet has a lot to answer for with regards to sleep and peoples mental health. Instead of being on here, go for a short run or read a book, its a lot more constructive and therapeutic. I found the less time I spent on the net/looking at a monitor the more rewarding my sleep was, if I spend too much time on the net then I found my sleep suffered as a consequence - I have no idea why, just seems to be the case for me.
If he had of stayed at Saints for another season or two then he would have been much better prepared and have a better understanding of how to manipulate defenders who just brush him aside. He was never world class when he was at Saints, just a huge talent with lots of potential. I firmly believe that he would be a better player now than if he had stayed and moved later. He has shown glimpses of his huge talent but it's not being nurtured correctly at Arsenal, I have no idea why as you'd assume that they would have the coaching staff there to make him a better player than he is at the moment. I think his career has plateaued at Arsenal, I concede his injuries have not helped but I still think that he seems like he has run into a cul-de-sac and can't find a way out, he just seems lost and in need to a kick-start to his career again. I no longer expect anything of him, I fully expect him to lose the ball, fall over, tie himself in knots or just get brushed aside and yet I remember the buzz that the fans got, both at Arsenal and at Saints whenever he had the ball, all that excitement and buzz has now dissipated and the fans seem to to think that he's unlikely to do anything brilliant with it anymore too. Maybe it's a short term blip[not one of those short term blips ;-)], a real blip that will last a short time and then he'll find himself again, if he doesn't by the end of this season then he needs to move to somewhere that will play him week in and week out.
It helped me Kipman but you have to actually deal with the issue/problem or it loses the desired effect. Just take it one problem at a time, mind you, I think you'll need a bumper size of a4 paper;) Also, writing your problems on a betting slip doesn't count Kipman:D
In France they say 'a clear conscience is a good pillow'....maybe you and your inner Delldays need to recalibrate. I used to have problems too, tried oils on my pillow, reading, taking the TV out of the bedroom, relaxation tapes, exercise before bed, such as a light run, sit ups etc, just to get the body sleepy....have tried Yoga but the best thing that helped me was to write down thing's that may be troubling me and promise myself to deal with them the following day.....sounds ghey but it worked for me. Some tips on here, its a good site all over. Zzzzzzzzzzzzz
Interesting that Dog. She did go on to tell me she like black ****s as they were generally bigger. Anyway, I had what I wanted so sod her
LOL - Well I was talking ********, it had got to that stage after a lot of beer and filthy sex.....i should have got her a taxi then. thanks
I have a question too? Sorry Dog for the hijack. Anyway, was out with this slapper last night and she calls her mate and says... ..." I'm Danny Glovered"......whats this mean? Drugs?
Because the original post was meant in jest. No wonder it went over your head. Nothing contradicting about it all if you can read between the lines. I am very proud of our sporting heroes, just happens Murray isn't one of them but he is a good player; just not good enough yet. I imagine you to be a bit of a curtain twitcher, seems like you are bored and getting your little knickers in a twist about nothing,trying to make something out of nothing again. I bet you are on all sorts of pointless committees,making yourself known in your community as some sort of warrior of social cause and injustice. I can just imagine you putting your name forward on the local tenants committee and so on, boring the hell out of people with your twisted logic and reason, seeing yourself as the voice of reason and the self-appointed devils advocate, the one who thinks she has an opinion or line of thought that nobody else would have thought of - because in your own mind, you are special. I bet you have never been wrong in your pitiful little life have you, even when it's so blindingly obvious, you just go on and on, like a scratched record, blithely unaware of your own tedious ramblings, a total parody, you see yourself as some sort of guru of ethics and morality, a lady with an openmind and yet you are so insular but you just can't see that....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................blah, blah, blah:D:smt070
Sometimes you are so sanctimonious it defies belief. I am proud of being British and proud of our sporting achievements. It was a joke, bit of banter. Do you have a sense of humour or are you so self-righteous that it just passes you by. Murry is talented, of course he ****ing well is lol, do you really think I need an entry from Wiki to make me recognise that:smt070 He ****es on Henman, he's way superior.....I really don't care a monkeys if he's Welsh, Scottish, Irish or English.....it does gripe me though that the Welsh, Irish, Scots seem to make a big issue of it and yet the English really don't care. Get over yourself:D