Barney Trubble
624 -
Everything posted by Barney Trubble
Just watched the ad for the World Cup and thought it was Baj singing an old Elvis track at first.
http://www.expressandstar.com/news/2010/04/28/rockets-fired-in-clash-court-told/ If the Saints lads are looking at prison sentences of up to five years for fence-rattling and pulling angry faces, I do feel sorry for these goons in the article above, they may not get to see their kids again if the sentences are consistent as they'll be banged up for life. Rough justice eh!
I take your point John and I am sure they have said similar things, no doubt about it. I'd say Brown was more careless than unlucky and it's certainly not the first time he's been that. This is where his short fuse let's him down, for one reason or another, she rattled him and he let that frustration out via his aides. He may have had a point, I wouldn't dispute that, however if you choose to go to areas where people may not be able to express themselves as eloquently, such as poor, traditional working class council estates[not saying this was the case in Rochdale] then this is what you may expect to get. If you can't deal with it, then avoid it. A better leader would have risen above it all but he doesn't seem to handle being challenged very well, it's a definite weakness, I think if you pushed him hard enough he'd lose it, I think he's mentally fragile at the moment.
Spot on. He's actually become an embarrassment to the Labour party. He's starting to get slapstick and watching him perform reminds me of the sort of show I'd expect from Groucho Marx Sure, we all don't like people, no harm in that I guess but it's the act of a Buffoon to think out loud and make derogatory remarks with such an important few weeks ahead, even more so as she was one of Browns own party supporters. Dear, dear, you couldn't make it up could you. Brown is indirectly becoming a massive marketing tool for the Lib Dems, give it another few days of him blithely stumbling from one mistake to another and he'll single-handedly gain more votes for the Lib Dems. All he has to do is keep revealing his real self and with each day, as sure as night follows day, more votes will be taken from the Labour party. Was it Bo Selecta that used to keep that bloke locked up in a cupboard? I'd be inclined to do that with Brown until after the election:p
'Dead Man's Shoes' - Simply, even after all these years, a wonderful film!
I like Baj but I did think of him when I saw Ribery, I think it's that beardy thing.
Tentatively linked to the Gerrard situation but found this amusing, just love the picture of Ribery and the quote below it. Can't say i'm surprised at anything that happens with footballers these days, it just seems that common sense and footballers don't go together. http://www.goalymoly.com/football-news/franck-ribery-admits-sleeping-underage-prostitute44433
Spot on Crabby. That losing mentality and general malaise with the staff and players takes months to overcome. He's slowly turning a 'can't do' attitude into a 'can do' attitude. The staff were downtrodden after years of abuse at the hands of the anti-christ and his regime. If we didn't have that faltering start then we would have ****ed this league but I don't blame Pardew for that as I look back, although I did at the time to my shame.
Players we've detested over the past 5 years
Barney Trubble replied to Big_Bald_Si's topic in The Saints
Lee Todd -
How apathetic are your workmates to the election?
Barney Trubble replied to View From The Top's topic in The Lounge
Well at least some women are taking an interest: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/west_midlands/8622441.stm I think with a lot of women, they tend to be more personal and discreet. Most of the girls in my office rarely discuss things openly across the office, yet the men are quite vocal and open. I do know that the ladies are all voting but seem reticent about voicing their opinions openly. Overall, I would say that everyone in my office will be taking to the polls and political debate is openly discussed. -
Yes, funny as ****. What a complete tool he is, is must be a Man Utd fan with the way he carries on about them. Ferguson should have brought Berbatov on to hold the ball up when he took Rooney off, a simple swap and I think they would have still been in the tournament.
I agree, they look a good side, it's more the way they look organised. I remember the game at their place at the start of the season and they played us off the park. They had a couple of cracking wingers that tore us to shreds.
I second that too. It's hard graft chasing people up for money, your phone bill goes through the roof, plus your petrol and you always get a few skinflints who want to give you a bit of money, here and there, instead of in one go. I'd think it was perfectly reasonable for Stu make a few quid out of it for the hassle that comes with it. You are getting a cheaper but still good quality coach and a structured day that'll allow you to watch the match with likeminded folk and have a few beers before and after the game. Nothing wrong with making a few quid for yourself, it's hardly exploiting fans as some of the drama queens on here seem to think.
Well whats the point of being in a union then? Seems pointless. If you are only interested in fighting for causes that suit you then you are better off going alone. Seems a daft attitude to not support your colleagues just because you don't believe in what they are fighting for. Maybe I am about helping people, as opposed to you being about what suits you and **** the rest. A sort of 'i'm alright jack' attitude:D I'd hate to be with you in times of trouble when I have done something wrong, made a mistake or screwed up and people are out to get me - there I would be, relying on you to back me and give me a bit of help and you'd just leave me stranded because you felt that I deserved it :smt102:D
Surely a small amount to help your colleagues isn't too much to ask? Not much of a Union man with attitudes like yours, you seem very much one of Thatchers children too, it's about helping each other out in times of need. A Union is only as strong as it's members, if you don't want to help people out, or are only interested in supporting causes that you agree with then you might as well pull out. Not being an ass here, just the way I see being part of a Union. I am not in one myself but that's my perception of it all. Maybe I have got it all wrong.
I think we should do a poll of some recent Saints great days or moments. I'll add the semi final at Pride Park to that, I'll never for get that moment when Rasiak hit that last minute goal - what a ****ing moment!!!!!! Almost as good as David Platts goal against Belgium in the World Cup. As for the answer to the question - well the FA Cup still makes my hairs stand up on my neck, singing abide with me with all my fellow Saints will live with me forever, despite the result, it was still a great day.
Frankly, I don't care what Sky footage they have, maybe that was the perception as opposed to the reality. Something else might have been happening on the pitch/in the terraces at the same time they panned in on Cortese and some fans booing. I didn't feel any bad vibes from anyone towards Cortese. The silly Mexican waves may have gotten a boo, maybe they panned in on some fans booing that and then switched over to the cam looking at Cortese.
The camera showed lots of shots of him during the game and not once did I hear him get a boo from anyone, in fact he was cheered loudly and clapped. Utter ********, maybe Sky focused on 'one' fan out of 44,000 who did boo and tried to make a generalisation. The feeling for him was warm and i'd lock this thread as the only purpose it serves is to drain peoples energy. It's been a wonderful day and it's just not needed.
It's the same at most bases, that's a very accurate jibe. Heathrow tend to see themselves as the 'elite', they remind me of that Virgin ad, where all the world stops as the trolley dolleys walk through the airport - except they are mutton dressed as lamb in most cases. They really did look down their nose at other staff, I have no idea why as most of the, 'snobs without the class' as we used to call them, were all nicking the beer/small bottles of gin etc that were supposed to be given free to passengers, it's these sort that are the striking ones, on better contracts, usually number ones and usually lazy fat oafs. Right, off for a night on the Marstons Smooth, then up at 7 for Wembley!!!!:smt038
http://www.101greatgoals.com/videodisplay/5145122/ Goals are here for those that haven't seen them.
http://uk.cars.yahoo.com/18032010/36/lorry-pushes-car-a1-0.html I'm not sure whether this is funny or not. The driver was unhurt but what was the lorry driver doing....surely he would have known? Any Lorry drivers wish to give an insight.
It seems there are a lot of Thatchers children posting on this thread. Bacially, me, me, me....oh, I have booked a flight and now I can't go and all that blah, blah, blah.....the reasons for the strike are irrelevant but as you may miss out on something, you want to bang bang your fists off your chests. Probably the same people who complained when it was talked of putting immigration/asylum centres in the countryside, lot's of posturing then but as soon as it was decided to stick some more in the suburbs then it no longer became your problem, so you no longer gave a toss about the issue. If you are that desperate to see a family member, come to a match, or whatever, just book another flight with another airline - it's simple, then don't use BA again. If it costs you more, then so be it, such is life. Its all me,myself and I with some of you, I can just see that picture on your office desk of the Iron lady in her prime, most of you complaining will be in your late thirties minimum, as I say, Thatchers children.
If we can learn to grind out results away from home, then there is hope. That is the key to it all for me. For me, it's a 'Nobutmaybe'
We have gone backwards since Lowe left. Fact. Just off to punch his lights out now.
It seems that text message is getting forwarded all over the place. I have received it off four people already this week. I have deleted it. The name is the same as above and he lives in a town that is the first name of a famous rock band? I doubt it has been spread by a prison warden, surely they wouldn't be high enough up the chain of command to be given that sort of confidential information.