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Barney Trubble

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Everything posted by Barney Trubble

  1. Maybe you could look at undertaking a TEFL course. Most countries will accept this for immersion technique teaching at a foreign school. A friend of mine has been inThailand for over a year, the moneys not great but the lifestyle is wonderful.
  2. Is being awkward worthy of death then now? If the Police can't be trusted to deal with a person being awkward then than does make me worry. Where was he pushing the boundaries? Is that all you can tolerate? Is that the best you have got? If you think what that man did deserved that beating then you are a mentally weak and feeble excuse for a man, just as those officers were, god help you in a pressure situation......dear, dear....and to think you were responsible for being in control of a gun It'd be like the wild west if you were in Iraq or Afghanistan then today........they'd crack you so easily if that's the best you could take without dishing out almighty force.......I can just imagine you approaching hostile forces and a tense situation unfolds, they start walking away, but are being a bit "awkward".......then Delldays pulls the trigger as he can't handle it mentally Move on son or we beat the **** out of you is the message or answer that modern days sends out to how best deal with somene being "awkward"? Is this North Korea or a civilised and non-oppressive country? It seems you would prefere to live in the former. Jeez, we are such a backward country if we really analyse ourselves and behaviour.
  3. Wellymedia.co.uk Have used these for some of my alternative sites, they were excellent.
  4. Spot on, Beards should be banned. I would like to see a bill passed were you had to be clean shaven, if not, and you are caught with a beard then you should be fined £60 for impersonating a tramp or Uncle Albert. All proceeds from the fines should go to 'Shelter'. This would show the rest of Europe that we aren't a pushover and we mean business. I would also insist that all bearded freaks should be made to shave their monstrosity off their chins naked in public, except for maybe just wearing socks and sandals. Then they should be placed on the sex offenders register for life.
  5. You can have any manager in the world......he'll still have the same players to pick from.....they are the problem. Yes, Capello got thing's wrong but so has every manager before him. The problem is the players, they are just not good enough or have the hunger. It's time to look outside the insular belief that if players are any good, they'd be playing for Man Utd, Liverpool, Chelseat etc.......the margins are not that great between a player who plays for them or the likes of Fulham, Wigan, Wolves etc. Steve Bull scored goals for fun, even scored them for England, he was not technically as talented as say, Defoe etc but the goal stays the same size and never moves and if you gave him a chance, he would hit the target. I think we over-analyse the supposed brilliance of the likes of Lampard and Gerrard just because they do it in a very average Premier League.
  6. As long as I get what i want, then she can **** who she wants. As long as it doesn't affect me getting my sack emptied then I wouldn't be too worried. If it's a live in partner or married, then the rules of engagement change of course.
  7. To be honest Stu, you are jut wasting your time with some of the jokers on here, you can't reason with people who are just intent on wanting to disagree with you. If this was another poster, say Minty, you'd find a lot of those who are splitting hairs with you on this issue would be in total agreement with a poster such as Minty. Just like life in general, there will always be those that agree in principal, but couldn't really give a toss, or won't make an effort to mobilise change, as it doesn't affect them directly....apathy will always rule until it hits them. I think you'll find a lot on here are NIMBY's, so unless an issue hits them smack on the nose, then they'll just sit back and not get involved until it does. FWIW, I think you have a real point and the more successful we become, then the more I feel we will be penalised in our pockets by Cortese....whether that's just the way it goes in business and with success comes a higher price, I'm probably not best qualified to answer.... but I'm sure that the more they test the fan base and see the lack of resistance to the helping hand being withdrawn, then the more likely they are to test the pocket of the fans further.....It feels like a case of 'pay up or go elsewehere'
  8. Has something gone on between Joe Cole and Capello? Quite how he keeps getting overlooked is troubling me, SWP and Lennon, well you know what you get with them, they are one dimensional, with J Cole you get a real talent, someone capable of doing something 'Brazilian'. I can't believe he hasn't even come on as a sub. Next game for me would be to start with J Cole and put Gerrard back into centre midfield. We have to drop Lampard as I would keep Barry in the first 11. Would Capello do the unthinkable and drop Rooney? He has been very poor and maybe a Crouch/Defoe partnership would get goals.....or play Gerrard behind Rooney? Either way, we need to change, it's too rigid, the players look like they have seen the ghost of SGE on the touchline, it's as if we have gone back to the dark days of his mismanagement. Mind you, we can keep blaming the managers all we want, ultimately it's the players who are failing, year in and year out.
  9. It's sad isn't it when you reflect upon it all. I'm sure there are lot's of Jocks that don't mind England but when they get together then the real bigotry reveals it's ugly self - there is a real ferocity in their hatred. A friend was in an hotel in Glasgow last night and text me that the locals were going wild in the hotel bar when the USA scored. I remember too when another mate fell in love with a girl from Aberdeen, he put the England flag up at the last world cup and was threatened with a good kicking unless he took it down. I wonder where this inferiority complex has it's roots....I really do find it sad and embarrassing as I used to always cheer them on.....strange.
  10. Can't fault his piece in todays Times, seems a down to earth guy, maybe he is self-conscious about the way he looks. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/columnists/article7146271.ece
  11. 1) Lampard to be top goalscorer 2) France won't qualify from group stages 3) There will be an African team reach at least the semi-final.
  12. How about that little blonde piece that used to hang around with Granty and Al De Man - was it Kurly? She was quite fit, I certainly would have given her one anyway.
  13. Actually it was Trent Reznor who is a multi-instrumentalist, he uses the name Nine Inch Nails. Pedantry is rife
  14. I have noticed this too, the BBC seems especially one sided in how it reports the middle-east issues. There seems to be a lot of cherry-picking of the best propaganda for the Palestinian cause and the exact opposite for the Israeli cause.
  15. Crikey, those seem like dark and distant days, I actually shuddered when I read that part, it brought back memories of all the bickering and bull**** from him and the generally bad period in the clubs modern history. Gratitude is the key word at the moment.
  16. Looking at the footage, I must be in the minority as it looks to me as if the so called aide people were the aggressors, I appreciate that what the Israelis did may have seemed provocative but they must have had sound reason? Was there anything on board that shouldn't have been? I am not interested in the politics of it all so excuse me if I just see it at face value. When the commandos boarded the ship, the aide crew should have just surrendered. It looks to me as if they were prepared for aggression and I am not surprised that the Israelis opened fire when their countrymen were being battered to death with iron bars. They did not open fire until their countrymen were trying to be bludgeoned to death by a bloodthirsty so called aide crew. They are a bad as each other from what I've seen on the footage but the aide crew were far from innocent in all of this. Some of those pictures were quite disturbing and I would think that most humans would have reacted in a similar fashion if they had seen their friends/countrymen being beaten to death...it was do or die.....sink or swim, dog eat dog, fight or flight....however you want to put it, the Israelis were backed into a corner and shooting became a necessary evil. I'm sure if the aide crew had of been able to take the guns off the Israelis then they would have used them, they were not peaceful at all, as the footage suggests, they were quite prepared to use force. The whole situation stinks and there is more to this than meets the eye. Mind you, I was once told that the Israeli forces were one of the best in the world, on that footage, I tend to disagree, what a total balls up, it looked so amateur and lacking in preparation. Let's hope the truth is outed in all of this as something just isn't right about it all.
  17. Glad you had a good time mate, I have read this thread all the way through as I was concerned at how thing's were over there given the current political situation. Does anyone on here have any advice on Hua Hin? I am off there mid-July and was looking for any hints/tips etc? I am not too concerned about the political situation[so far] as I have a taxi booked direct from Bangkok Airport to Hua Hin - is it true that my insurance is invalid if I choose to travel against the advice of the UK foreign office?
  18. You need to write to the company you bought the item from[not the manufacturer] and state your case as to why the item was not fit for purpose under the sale of goods act. I did this for a TV from Currys that was 16 months old and the colour gun went. I took it back to the shop and they refused to take it back as the guarantee had expired but when I wrote to the head office and complained under the sale of goods act they issued me with a partial refunded, it cascaded down to how long after the manufacturers warranty had expired before the item was beyond repair. I think I got around 70% back, issued in vouchers that could be spent in Currys/PC world. I had the choice to ask for more but I accepted that.
  19. This is where they should be, not in some rose gardened Primary. BTW, got no issues with TA's at special schools, they need respite, those are worthy of the extra staff and resources. I can't see Cameron cutting resources here to be honest.
  20. Is your ass twitching Thorpie? Might have to do some work at school soon eh without your teaching assistant.....do you think you can control a class of kids on your own? I bet you'll be off to the Unions in a hissy fit No more teaching assistants wasted at schools I hope, use the resources saved on that nonsense for real matters at schools, certainly more money to secondary schools in problem areas would be better. I have no issues with more money being allocated here, inner city secondary schools in some areas of Birmingham/across the country are shocking. Then again, maybe the Tories will give some power back to teachers, instead of the pupils. Let's hope we see the end of Pupil groups interviewing fully trained professional teachers about job vacancies at schools - like I witnessed at a school in Coventry recently, let's hope all that nonsense will be stopped. I have private insurance, one of the luxuries I allow myself for getting up in the morning to go to working all hours so that I can try and give myself a better standard of living for me and my family and look after their health. Policemen - where are they now, I ain't seen one in my area for months, it'll be no different there. I work in the public sector too, I ain't worried at all, some of the waste I see in the public sector is appalling, I think a lot of the budgets and quangos should be cut/stopped. I have transferable skills that I am confident would be put to use for a private company, if needs be. I am not fearful of the future, I am not scared to take a risk as I don't take my job for granted, I have a positive attitude to change in the public sector and am behind most of the changes/cost cutting that is currently, and has been for the last two years, taking place already in most local government authorities......that's under Labour Thorpie. Deal with it or get another job.
  21. I feel like a weight has been taken from my shoulders after thirteen years. Let the good times roll, let's get those with ambition and decency the opportunity to show what they can do to make this country great again. It'll be a hard task though with the mess Labour have left behind. It all reminds me of the mess and filth left behind after a rogue group of travellers have occupied a lovely and green piece of land. Then suddenly, one bright morning, they have suddenly gone and somebody else is left to deal with the ****, filth and mess and make that land that was once beautiful, beautiful again. That land is Britain, now time for the professionals to take over and sort the mess left behind and make it a beautiful place again. Time for a cigar I think as I feel hope again for the first time in years.
  22. He'll be happier today after Groucho Browns latest tantrum. Another Gordon rant
  23. Totally agree Smirking, I have been of this view for years. I wished the government would just get on with it and stop ****ing about with nonsense quangos, which are costing us a fortune.
  24. I read on Saintslist that he has requested that no programmes are on sale today as there was something in there offensive. I assume as there is nothing to play for, he's just spending some time with his family.
  25. On the subject of Champions League, well done to Steve McClaren who has led FC Twente to the Dutch title. I assume they go straight into the Champions Leage and Ajax, who were second, may have to qualify, I just love the first line in paragraph four lol Former England manager McClaren, without an umbrella on the touchline despite the rain at the start of the match at Rat Verlegh Stadion, saw his team get off to a flying start. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/7669271/Steve-McClaren-celebrates-Dutch-title-success-with-FC-Twente.html Fair play to him, although I'll never forgive him for his ineptness as England manager. I was an over 20capper with England+ and saved to go that tournament.....jeez
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