Barney Trubble
624 -
Everything posted by Barney Trubble
I know it ain't funny but I had to LOL. Lowe couldn't have tried to be more insensitive could he? He was just immune from feeling.
Isn't it about 50% degrees in Qatar during World Cup months. I can see that tournament being a classic.
Russia......that's got to be a ****ing joke......corruption rules, that will be a disaster there, if true. Mafia will make millions
I stopped wanting to draw on myself when I was about six.
Thai food is wonderful, even the street vendors make some wonderful food. The last time I was in Hua Hin there was one vendor which got surrounded each night by the locals. I have no idea what I ate but it was wonderful, a spicy chicken taste for about 100baht[c£1]. If you go a proper Thai place try the 'Royal Thai Curry Lobster' - expensive but bloody wonderful. The Steamed Bass[mentioned above] is lovely too.
When you sent a meter reading in, it should been returned as being invalid by the power company. I had the same issue but the opposite way, in that they stated that the meter readings I sent them, were not correct, due to that there was no significant increase from one month to the next. I knew this was the case as I hadn't been living at home, they didn't believe this and demanded entry to the house to check - of course, I had no issue with them doing this. This should have been picked up by the power company, they will just send someone round the house to re-check the readings. BTW the meter should be replaced every ten years, if they haven't done this, then it's the fault of the power company if the meter is now defective.
I agree. However, as my dear old mum said today "It'll be nice though, and he seems a nice boy that one" The sentimentalists will love it but it's co contrived that I want to puke. It won't matter if it's a national day off as there will be so many unemployed that it won't make a great deal of difference.
I have been trying to delete some spyware, using spybot, however, it keeps giving me the message that I need to have admin rights to do this. It's my laptop and I never even remember setting any admin rights, there is only me that uses the laptop. The OS is windows 7. I have looked in control panel and can see the admin icon but I can't work out a way of changing it so that the laptop assumes I am the admin. How do I change this please?
I have been trying to delete some spyware, using spybot, however, it keeps giving me the message that I need to have admin rights to do this. It's my laptop and I never even remember setting any admin rights, there is only me that uses the laptop. The OS is windows 7. I have looked in control panel and can see the admin icon but I can't work out a way of changing it so that the laptop assumes I am the admin. How do I change this please?
It;s probably been deemed offensive to some minority group, for example, if you made a 'Guy' out of straw, then that might offend scarecrows who are made of straw, so they dilute it's popularity year after year until nobody can be bothered. Then the H&S clipboard warriors will get involved and demand a full risk assessment of your bonfire, no doubt these days you have to pay for a private safety company to attend, in case there is an issue and they need to put the fire out as we are all too stupid to do it for ourselves. Then there's the smoke issue, if the bonfire is wet, there might be too much smoke when the wood is set alight, we don't want to be damaging the ozone now do we in the name of a bit of fun. Bastille day, now that is wonderful.
It;s probably been deemed offensive to some minority group, for example, if you made a 'Guy' out of straw, then that might offend scarecrows who are made of straw, so they dilute it's popularity year after year until nobody can be bothered. Then the H&S clipboard warriors will get involved and demand a full risk assessment of your bonfire, no doubt these days you have to pay for a private safety company to attend, in case there is an issue and they need to put the fire out as we are all too stupid to do it for ourselves. Then there's the smoke issue, if the bonfire is wet, there might be too much smoke when the wood is set alight, we don't want to be damaging the ozone now do we in the name of a bit of fun. Bastille day, now that is wonderful.
Name calling, it's part and parcel of life. I get called a name because I am small, somebody else because they are fat or thin, another person because they have goofy teeth, bald or have long hair. We have a country crumbling apart and all we have to worry about is a bit of banter between two politicians, so we now have a media witch-hunt to try and get someone sacked or make an humble apology for calling someone......GINGER!!!! I'm sorry, it's laughable and shows how far up our own asses we have become. Let's stop name calling as it's hurtful to peoples feelings......you know what, I really couldn't give a toss and neither should any of you, as adults you really need to take a look at yourself, have a look in the mirror and see if you a man looking back at you or a sensitive pathetic excuse for one. I think you should start a facebook group up to highlight the dangers of name-calling in modern day Britain, maybe try and get he huge subject placed on the national curriculum at primary age level, that way, kids can't have a bit of fun anymore and they will grow up to be as odious, lifeless and lacking in personality as some of you. GINGER FREAKS!!!! NA, NA, NA, NA, NA........oh now I've gone and done it this time haven't I? dear, dear......what have we become.
Read 'Life at the bottom - the worldview that makes the underclass' by Theodore Dalrymple. One of the best books I have ever read about the reasons why the underlcass exist.
It used to called slam-dancing at one time, I guess this the modern day name for it. I got a battering at a New Model Army gig once, had a tooth chipped and hit the deck after a good shot hit me full on. I soon recovered to introduce my forehead to the bridge of his nose, blood everywhere, he recovered though after ten minutes to pummel the **** out of me. A good night was had by all.
I had the same problem at Munich airport en-route to Portugal for Euro2004. They said they had phoned their colleagues in the UK though, maybe they tried to double-bluff me, either way, they made themselves look ****s as I don't have a criminal record anyway.
A lot would depend on his age, it's unlikely they will retire him on ill-health grounds if he's still relatively young due to pension etc. Occupational Health usually sit on the fence and expect the employer to make reasonable arrangements to accommodate him back into work but with certain restrictions as to what he can do, or can't. HR can do what they like to be honest, despite all the bull**** about being impartial, duty of care, employment law etc, they can manipulate the situation anyway they want. I've sat on quite a few final case hearings and the things that go on, that shouldn't is quite scary. A lot will depend on his previous history with the employer as to how they approach the issue. Definitely get some independent advice and hope that he has caring people in HR.
St. Landrew was class, we may not have seen eye to eye on many issues, including him being a crazy biker, but I do know that if I screwed up, he'd still offer some words of advice or look to provide a solution. I think he's one of the good guys in life and I'll miss him and his amazing knack of being able to mediate or accept people at face value, despite their faults. For him to leave like this is worrying as he's a level-headed gent who doesn't hold a grudge. I wonder who pushed him too far. Take care St Landrew.
We are becoming a nation of thick, lazy thinking idiots. There are so many layers to the underlcasses now that it's beyond repair, It will only get worse, unless you have enough money to live in an affluent area or abroad, even in the affluent areas though the class structure is going downhill, so even the rich are adopting the traits of the lazy underclass. There is another level of underclass,snotty-nosed, lazy, too half-soaked to learn common sense who will have their asses wiped for them by the state until they can't think for themselves or think that the state is responsible for feeding them, these brats are in primary schools all across the UK, they will be worse then their parents and their parents before them. The civil war is about twenty-years away. Be prepared, it will happen.....get out now before it brings you down with it.
I'm amazed a 'B' List boxer is considered worthy of the attention. If he earns money from advertising for playing the family man role model, then fair play to the NOTW. I've always thought of him as a fat, bloated Pig who just wasn't quite up to it against the proper boxers. Still, that's another issue.
I was on the way to Brighton for the cup game. Remember it very clearly for obvious reasons.
How about you let me live my life how I choose? I won't give you any self-righteous nonsense and i'll respect the way you choose to live yours? Is that a fair deal. I really don't care about religion, I see every day the impact it has upon people who just want to live a normal life, raise their kids the best they can and just try and be happy for the time we have here. I have no intention of allowing the bigots that hide behind their book of fictional scriptures to make me fearful of their vengeance just because I don't care about Allah's messenger[Mohammed] or any of the other religions and refuse to listen to their vicious intimidation techniques. Basically, what will be will be, I ain't going to be worrying about it to be honest.
Not stupid at all. I don't give a toss about religion. Sorry, if that's offensive now. I have a simple idealogy, it's called mutual respect for my fellow person or thing, so you respect me and I respect you. I don't need a religion or a religious book to guide me. If I did, then Buddism is the only religion worth bothering with. "All religions have been made by man" - Napolean......pretty self-explanatory why.
The blokes off his head and yet thw whole world has given him the audience his posturing has wanted. FWIW, I don't see the problem burning any holy book, who gives a toss about religion if you have a life to live.
The Everly Brothers - Let it be me Simply a wonderful track in it's own right but the Everly Brothers still sound awesome. It's music that will never lose it's quality as it's real talent.
Basically teaching foreign children/adults in their native country. The idea being that they learn better from an English speaker. Many Asian countries are desperate for teachers who speak English[Native].....you don't have to have a degree for a lot of countries, a TEFL qualification would be fine although ensure that you undertake a course with as much classroom based work as possible.....you need to really do a minimum of twenty hours. I backed up my TEFL by doing voluntary work at schools in England for foreign students[ESOL] to get my classroom experience up to add to my CV. I can't go abroad until next year but will look at Thailand myself, you would be technically classed as a non qualified teacher but so was my friend and he has not been out of work at all yet, in fact, he's making a mint out of one-to-one teaching after his school hours. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TEFL