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Everything posted by dignified_blunderer

  1. haha Very Good!
  2. Been meaning to come check that 3 kings place out - heard lots about it on here. Unfortunaltely am not going to be at the game or in London on Sat but in Brighton. Anyone know anywhere good to watch it down there? Thanks in advance for any help.
  3. Fantastic stuff - has brightened my Wednesday! Reminds me of the game that really got me loving Saints - another Liverpool win in the snow with a pink ball! - think that was 4-1 or 4-2. Cant wait for Saturday now!
  4. Cool - I'll set one up when I get home. Also anyone do the metro or offical fa ones? Is it 5.30 yet?
  5. Bumped into him once in Wood Green Morrissons - maybe two years ago - I think just before or after we released him and he was looking at joining some London clubs. He spotted me wearing my saints rugby shirt and bounded over saying he doesnt see many saints fans in Wood Green. He was really nice and seemed a lot more exited to see me than I was him!
  6. Maybe we should get the stadium blessed again to make sure?
  7. I did post this on the shearer thread also but seems relevant here also. Russian eurosport yesterday was claiming shearer would get 40 million to spend if he was appointed. http://www.eurosport.ru/football/flashnews_sto1999992.shtml Translated «Southampton» is ready to offer hapless helmsman «Newcastle» Alan Shearer trainer post and killing for a third division club Transfer budget of 40 million pounds. Interest «sacred» in one of the best forwards in the annals of British football and has a historical reason: it is in this city and this team of young Shearer 20-odd years ago for the first time established itself as a player. "Hapless Helmsman"
  8. http://www.eurosport.ru/football/flashnews_sto1999992.shtml
  9. Russian eurosport claiming saints offer shearer 40 million budget. Southampton» invites Shearer « Саутгемптон » готов предложить незадачливому рулевому «Ньюка*ла» Алану Ширеру тренер*кий бюджет и умопомрачительный для клуба третьего дивизиона тран*ферный бюджет в 40 миллионов фунтов. «Southampton» is ready to offer hapless helmsman «Newcastle» Alan Shearer trainer's budget and killing for a third division club Transfer budget of 40 million pounds. Интере* «*вятых» к одному из лучших форвардов в летопи*и британ*кого футбола имеет под *обой и и*ториче*кие о*нования: именно в этом городе и этой команде юный Ширер 20 * лишним лет тому назад впервые заявил о *ебе как игрок. Interest «sacred» in one of the best forwards in the annals of British football and has a historical reason: it is in this city and this team of young Shearer 20-odd years ago for the first time established itself as a player.
  10. Thanks very much! Imports easily and with no problems into google calender also!
  11. Goodbye thread. Its been fun.
  12. Mine too - i think pretty much all of us have not worked much lately!
  13. It would be so good it its finally announced on 100
  14. "And thus I clothe my naked villany With odd old ends stol'n out of holy writ, And seem a saint, when most I play the devil."
  15. Cool - will definitely try and download later! Never imagined him on countdown!
  16. Man I hate working! Is it a celebrity edition? Is he competing or in the dictionary corner?
  17. Closed my account and am trying to claim back the overdraft charges etc. I wonder is saints can claim them back too? Might help at the moment.
  18. Beat me to it I went off to make coffee halfway through posting!
  19. From the times today. Says MLT is still confident at least http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/football/article6572162.ece
  20. Not sure about anything any more! This has got to be sorted soon surely! I cant take much more!
  21. Yes Harold It's Happening Finally ?? Not sure about wum though
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