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Everything posted by Cowesboy

  1. Cowesboy

    33 Years

    Arsenal were last promoted when the football league was resumed after the first world war 1919/20. The previous season, 1914/15, they had finished 5th in the 2nd division behind Derby, Preston, Barnsley and Wolves yet were still promoted in front of Barnsley and Wolves, who had finished higher. I assume some sort of dirty dealing went on behind the scenes. They've always been a cheating bunch of barstewards.
  2. I refuse to pay, this site isn't particular good.
  3. It's gone down hill rapidly since it started charging to be a full member.
  4. Great to see these scumbags getting what they deserve.
  5. Seeing as we are a third division club what is he worrying about.
  6. Does anybody know if all postal applications were processed? I put in a written application last week and haven't heard anything yet.
  7. Get the seat nuber and tell the club
  8. After being told in a email by the club that tickets went on sale at midnight it appears that they are not on sale at all. I've just been trying for the past 10 minutes but there is no option on the OS to buy one. I wish they would make their ****ing minds up!!!
  9. FFS Stop scaremongering, it clearly states on the club site that online sales will be available for the third phase of ticket sales.
  10. Please Can someone tell me what time online sales will start when ticket sales go online on 10th March? Will it 00.00 hrs or when the ticket office opens?
  11. Saints also played in the 1974/75 Texaco cup final.
  12. I'm traveling up on the 07:30 from London Euston on Saturday morning. Booked in to the travelodge for the Saturday night.
  13. Wer'e a big club. Huddersfield 1 - 3 Saints
  14. Saints 0 - 2 Millwall
  15. Our support is ****e. Our supporters proved that they didn't like watching Championship football when the team were doing badly, so I can't see them embrasing third division football with open arms. At the moment we're in a honeymoon period and there's a certain feelgood factor around, you just wait until ten games have passed and we're still in the botton four, you just watch gates diminish to around the twelve thousand mark.
  16. You can't compare gates in 1990 with gates now, it was a totally different era, football was dying at that time. For at least three games, we'll be bottom of the third division with minus ten points. Pompey and Newcastle are light years in front of us.
  17. I thought I was ugly!!
  18. Cowesboy

    St Marys

    We're bottom of the third division on -10 points at the moment. Lets Concentrate on getting out of this league and the one above us before we even start thinking about building a massive Kop.
  19. I'm a better fan because I like Matt Le Tissier more than you.
  20. Ask the staff at St Marys who haven't been paid if it stinks ??
  21. Mahwinney "scared of losing" . You are having a laugh. If we take on Mahwinney there is only going to be one winner. Ask Ken Bates.
  22. I hope the club stop acting like a 2nd hand car salesman and just accept the punishment. To say SLH and SFC are two seperate entities is an insult to everybodies intelligence. Lets get on with the long hard job of the rebuilding the club, and try and restore a bit of dignity to the name of Southampton Football Club.
  23. SLH are the club though, 100% 0f their business was Southampton Football Club. Lets just stop behaving like second hand car dealers and accept our punishment and get on with it.
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