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  1. I could walk into the England Sqaud, and then get thrown ot by security
  2. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Townsend-Director-Communications-Manchester-United/dp/B00214G18I
  3. Don't waste your time, or time will waste you
  4. I always but smart price/ tesco value/ sainsburys own/ etc Rice and Pasta, you would have to be mental to buy branded variations of these! And own brand toilet roll as well as I am literally going to wipe my arse with it and throw it away.
  5. Any wine what so ever, had an awful experience at Uni on the stuff, never drinking it again.
  6. To go off on a tangent somewhat, whats the score with bank charges? Can I argue against them?
  7. Get a grip! Theres one less scumbag on the streets now, don't go around breaking into peoples homes and you'll be fine!
  8. Does anybody know where/when tickets go on sale?
  9. £40 is alot of money to a student, it does make a big difference!
  10. Right, im having a second crack at making homeade Sushi, the first time went well enough, but I ended up cooking the fish I had bought as I basically scared myself into thinking I would get ill! This time, I would like to take the plunge, and go with full on raw fish, but I am wondering where the best place to get this would be?? The fish stall in Tesco? An oriental shop? (Do they sell fresh produce?) I'm all ears
  11. Fatboy Slim?
  12. Saints11

    Cool videos

    A great music video!
  13. Im delighted with this news!!!! http://www.nme.com/news/green-day/54341 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFqWu4q_JYk Does anybody care?
  14. Quite simply some money has been put into my account, from a source who I assume is the council for where I live, stating that is a "bank remittance"! I have absolutley no idea why I have been given this money at all! Please help!
  15. Ive flipped through a few peoples cv's while at work, and some of them are unintentionally hilarious, theres a few favourites, the first one being the person who didnt put their name anywhere on their CV! People who put photos of themselves, are always good for a laugh, or the best of the lot, written in the "previous employment" section was "Unemployed April 2003 - August 2009"! he didnt get hired in the end
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