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Everything posted by Bristol_Benji

  1. not sure if it's been posted, but here's a nice read from a Leeds supporter! http://www.thescratchingshed.com/2010/03/former-leeds-player-harding-secures-win-for-saints/?
  2. 123-127 x 13!!
  3. Ditto, first home game missed for ages!. Hopefully it'll end 2-1 and the rest of the match will be boring!
  4. *their tickets (minor exclusion there!)
  5. So, given Pompey havent paid for their in theory then, would i be right in thinking we can give them the 40% then take off the cost of the tickets we gave them? Seeing as it's a debt they owe i'm guessing it'll be fine to do this?
  6. I'm liking your stuff mate, good read!
  7. Very true. His workrate is excellent, and he always seems to score and get in good goalscoring positions. It was clear Pardew asked him and Antonio (initially) to stay on the heels of the last defender making it more likely than most for them to be caught offside. Furthermore, Antonio was also caught out, and was only less so cos' many times he didnt actually stay 'on the heels' meaning when the ball went through he never got it anyway. Neither would score highly on 'anticipation', but Papa does do what Pardew asks, just maybe, with his pace he can afford to give the defender a foot head start, rather than the millimetre he attempts! It's just frustrating when you see Papa clearly look across the line for about 10 secs, waiting for the through ball, and it's quite clear he is offside for all 10, including when the ball is played to him!
  8. if anyone wants an English commetary (not sure if others do have one as buffering was never ending on them) then go to http://www.freshmillion.com/livefooty/live-streams/# It's on livefooty7 . You'll need the sopcast player. Breaks up from time to time, but ok pic quality. COuld be the same stream as the myp2p sopcast link, but not sure! Hope this helps people!
  9. Poor. Unlike some on here though, I thought Lambert played well. He did some good flick-ons. Unfortunately though Paterson has the anticipation of a drunk driver, working his ipod, whilst texting. He also has worse finishing that a guy with premature ejaculation. He does make a lot of effort though, so i hope he improves. Our crossing was woeful. Mills' final ball was awful and James had an off game on crossing - he is much better in the middle of the park. Lallana was ok, but why Pardew put him upfront i'll never know. I think i've only ever saw him shoot a decent shot once in all the games ive ever seen him. He can't head the ball though, so it would have more sense to put Gobern up front given how much we were intent on crossing it (to be honest though, i cant remember if Gobern was on the bench). Saying that, even if BFG were up front our crosses would have still missed him. I also didnt like the amount the ball was in the air. I dont know if this is a Pardew thing but i dont remember us being like that that much last year. I hope this changes as it looks rubbish. On a positive note, Thomas at right-back looked good, and Kelvin, as always played well, making some good catches. He seems to have really improved in this area over the past 2 years.
  10. Lallana. You get the sense from the Hearts game that Pardew's gonna treat him the same as Bally treated Le Tiss with 'give it to Adam' being his stock command!
  11. If Pardew manages to keep Rasiak and John, and then keep them both happy (baring in mind they're unlikely to play together) he will have achieved an astonishing feat!
  12. From a psychological / trinny and susannah (!) perspective the use of horizontal divide by the shoulders will at least give the impression that our multitude of skinny youngsters (james, thomson, gillet, mills etc) are bulkier than they really are! In a league like League One, most teams are made up of brutes, so the kit may actually be good from a psychological perspective. It looks horrid though. Disclaimer: my gf knew about the trinny and susannah thing, not me!
  13. Fair point, like I say 'sketchy' could definately be argued, it was just a view of some Celtic friends i have. I do feel though that Rangers at the time of O'Neill were very different to Rangers now. A really good point about AC Milan though, although I think it just highlights even more so why he wouldnt come to us. Keegan / Strachan / Hoddle. Either would do. What i think is important is that we have a manager who'll be able to attract good players - something that is going to be very hard to do given the sides we'll be playing and the grounds we'll be playing at. We want individuals who want to come to Saints because of the manager and the chance to work under them. We dont want to have players who are just here for the money. The former will give motivation off and on the pitch, not just off it.
  14. Honestly..... i'm unsure whether he does have the tools. His success lies in one good season with us and four good seasons with Celtic. Arguably, one may even say his record at Celtic is sketchy. He narrowly acheived titles against a poor Rangers side who had significantly less money than Celtic. He did acheive those titles tho..... To be fair, i dont see him saying yes to us anyway. If he failed with us his reputation would be in tatters. If he succeeded, people would have expected him to. He'd be going from glorius 60,000 stadiums and Champions League to nothing near that. The only draw is his local house.....
  15. Strachan's record in League One is non existant, and I'm uncertain about how good he'll be at motivating players to the rubbish evening away games at poor grounds. Keegan's L1 record is good (Fulham). He got them promoted with money, and played lovely football in the process. We have money so now i'd say definately Keegan. I also feel he may draw in more supporters and be more high profile a manager so be able to attract more players. (Saying that i was very sceptical about when Strachan first came to us!)
  16. Honestly, god knows! Just he's never told me anything about Saints before, so kinda seems strange that is was so certain. Saying that, he has just retired, so he's probably just broed as wants to wind me up! He's a ST holder though, and used to do some work for Saints, promoting them in Africa (he worked with Huw Jennings on this - organising a match between saints youth and gambia). Probably kept some links from that. Suppose I should've asked him!
  17. Just been told by my father that the backer is definately Lloyd Webber. He's apprentely certain of this, and is now taking great pleasure in telling me he's known for certain for some time!
  18. I really think the club have got this all wrong. They saw the buzz around the David Hughes testimonal and wanted to recreate it. Unfortunately, part of the reason the hughes testimonial worked was that it had been the first match of that kind for a while. Secondly, it was only £5. It appears many on here are happy with the £20 admission for this game, but, i think the average joe / average saints fan will find that expensive. I honestly think that if it had been priced at £10 (£5 concessions) then we would have had more than double the interest, and more people means more food sales. Finally, the advertising has been very poor surroundng the game. Which players specificially will be there? There has been no specific names mentioned other than MLT. In fact the latest article (http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/articles/article.php?page_id=11753) only goes to tell us who is NOT there (Andrew Surman), which in itself seemed a bizarre comment. Also, why tell us that there will not be much running around. Again, this puts a bit of a negative slant on the match. It's like saying - pay £20 and get to watch some men stand on a pitch, not much movement - a bit like what often happens before a game when ex-players are guests - except this time for 90 minutes!! Finally the way the above article goes on about us fans having to prove we're fantastic. We don't have to bl**dy prove that - we've proven that in the past. The reason nearly anyone will go to this game is because they think it will be fun, not because the need to prove to themselves they are a 'great fan'. It almost like saying 'don't go and you're not a good enough Saints fan' - anyone who knows anything about psychology knows that when faced with an attacking comment like that, the majority of people do not back down and do as you say, but will instead just try to justify their ambivilance about not going to challenge the suggestion that they are not a good enough saints fan. This challenging will essentially involve thinking of reasons why they shouldnt go to the game. If the reporting about the game focused on how great an occasion it will be, and gave us more insight into who is going then maybe it would appeal, and people would start thinking about reasons why they DO want to go to the game. This is basic psychology, and although i have little experience in advertising, i would probably say basic advertising too. Rant over!
  19. away matches that is....
  20. Only matches i went to this season and last were Baggies and Forest. Support not normally like that then? Crouch was standing right behind me!. Gotta say Mark Dennis certainly has a mouth on him!
  21. my favourites..... 'it's supporters like them that give me a little hope that football might still be alive' and 'It was truly refreshing to see a set of fans enjoying themselves. They deserve to come str8 back up.' I hope investors see this.
  22. I plonked this in another thread, but worth putting here as well: Just thought i'd copy and paste some of the comments from forest forums about the saints fans today. We were awesome, a good atmosphere, and in good humour! 'fantastic applause for Billy and the Boys and Southamptons supporters did their team proud' 'Also fair play to the Saints fans, even dancing when we scored our 1st, 2nd and 3rd.' 'The 3 goals and banter with Soton fans has proved too much for my throat. Credit to the S'oton fans they took it on the chin, was a bit dissapointed we didn't give them much support after the game but we did clap them for a bit in LB.' 'Southampton fans 10/10 or should that be -10/-10.' Crap result, crap season, but we can still have a good time and show what good fans we are
  23. just thought i'd copy and paste some of the comments from forest forums about the saints fans today. We were awesome, a good atmosphere, and in good humour! 'fantastic applause for Billy and the Boys and Southamptons supporters did their team proud' 'Also fair play to the Saints fans, even dancing when we scored our 1st, 2nd and 3rd.' 'The 3 goals and banter with Soton fans has proved too much for my throat. Credit to the S'oton fans they took it on the chin, was a bit dissapointed we didn't give them much support after the game but we did clap them for a bit in LB.' 'Southampton fans 10/10 or should that be -10/-10.' Crap result, crap season, but we can still have a good time and show what good fans we are
  24. that's £ 5 8 ! damn emoticons!
  25. Have two student tickets with travel if anyone wants them. Based in Winchester. Will sell for face value (£58). Email me on dangerspoon@hotmail.com
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