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Everything posted by Bristol_Benji

  1. Could this be Crouch (Leon)? He piled in loads of money near the end, although if I remember rightly it was never thought a loan.....
  2. 12:48.... complaint to BBC commenced
  3. looks really nice apart from the horrid stuck on logo that just looks like a rushed afterthought. Shame really.
  4. agree. He looked like a different league of player. Would've been very interesting to see how he would've gotten on against Bilbao
  5. No lambert against bilbao. Any ideas why?
  6. (as in this one!)
  7. Ditto. I love this.
  8. Yeah, I remember that - Sheff Utd game? Worked well! Be nice to see Cortese on the pitch as well!
  9. True, just saying i would've liked a lap of honour that's all. Have etchd in memories of le tiss and co parading round The Dell at the end of another great escape season. Still, a great day and some brilliant football!
  10. Have to say, i would've preferred this. Couldnt really see much on the balcony unless near the front. Just like the tradition of the lap of honour i guess!
  11. lol at the distinct lack of Chamberlain mentioned by anyone on that thread! Personally I'd definately have Lallana ahead of him, but would've thought he'd have made the subs benches on some of the choices!?
  12. either that, or get the northam to move so they can here just how **** they sound. Rant over.... (embarrassed smiley thing)
  13. the slow is ok, the fast is **** (and sounds it). Personally, I feel the normal, (Dell) way is easily the best and appeals to all generations. If there were more fans in the Northam it would probably be ok, but because it only covers a third / half of the northam, the **** version, coupled with the **** noise level, just makes the ground a little embarrassing. The best thing Cortese could do this summer is plan a way to move the away supporters safely to another part of the ground to entice the Northam disperse to a larger area and not the 'corner' they are in. I recognise that the only reason the away supporters are there is due to it's proximity to the road, but, using ££ there must be a way to move things round.
  14. Agree with this. At the Dell it was often sung by all. I sit in the Kingsland and we almost always sing on the second cycle when it goes round twice at normal or slow pace. Unfortunately, this is such a rare occurance nowadays. I'm genuinely starting to hate the Northam's version of it now - they are the ones that people look to to start the songs, but they often bugger it up, significantly contributing to the rather rubbish atmosphere in the ground (compared to The Dell). It's a shame.
  15. I'll answer my own question - no. Can't believe puncheon is 24!
  16. Holloway stated in his sky interview after the Liverpool game that he'd been quoted 2.5m for 'a 19 year old' earlier in the week. Could this be punch?
  17. So for Stats kudos.....Anyone got any idea when the last time we were 2-0 down away from home and won 3-2?
  18. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00vr6rf/The_Football_League_Show_2010_2011_Episode_13/ @ 46min 30 secs
  19. iplayer: http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00vmxwp/The_Football_League_Show_2010_2011_Episode_12/ @ 49min30secs
  20. Didn't Jeremy Wilson used to write for the Echo?
  21. Bristol_Benji


    This whole Bart thing is quite interesting. I'm one of a few researchers for Southampton for Championship Manager (yes i know, nobody plays it....blah blah), and in mid-june, just before Bart's statement that he was coming back to sign an extension, a portuguese researcher contacted me asking me to 'accept' the transfer of Bart to FC Braga. I couldnt see anything about it on here or the internet so i rejected it, but he responded and said the local papers there are saying its a done deal. Then everything went dead for a bit, and now it's cropped up again. Whatever's happening, it's been going on for a while.....
  22. I agree, the sentences do appear on the outset to be quite high but most will be out in six months, if not earlier. I would imagine most will also have an option of being in an 'open prison' after a few months (meaning they go back at night, but spend the days on the outside), therefore i think 12months is fine. If it was 6 months, they'd be out in 3, and i personally wonder if that'd be enough of detterant for others. The fact is, violence at football games used to be common. No one wants it to go back to those days so harsher penalities were accepted when they came in. St Marys has recently seen an increase in violence so this may stop that happening again. Perhaps.
  23. Definately too much white - have to change my monitor to another preset mode to dull the screen. Agree that the old colour scheme was much better.
  24. have to say the overall change, not just the banner (which i agree with the majority, is poor) has definately made the forum look a lot less pleasing on the eye!
  25. Yeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
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